Author Topic: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections  (Read 2428 times)

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Offline DrRocket

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Voriig Kye:

   Thom Jones directed me to contact you via the forums, to this specific location.

    I purchased ERA and the companions for character, arms and spell law.

    I am running windows 98 and was able to load ERA to my system and run successfully run it. But when I tried to associate Arms, Character, and Spell law, it asked for a file name, I assume is the *.ERA file you can find after delving into the various folders. When I click to associate/load I get a web error telling me to make sure I have the correct web address which is what my web browser is actually pointed at for ERA.

     I tried simply copy/pasting the era character/spell/arms inside the era/era folders with the other content, but its not working very well and the arms and spell law era files are titled the same so the over-write each other. So back to square 1...

     Can you give me a bit more detailed advice hat to do?

ps:  I checked the firewall to make sure era is cleared, and it is.

Thanks for any help...


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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2014, 12:22:08 PM »
If you already downloaded the latest version of ERA from RPGNow, you should be presented with a dialog that offers helping with the installation.
If not, you can access it by clicking the "About" button on the lower right of the module selection screen.
When it asks for a purchased file, you must choose the .zip file that you get to download when purchasing.

From your post I am inclined to think that you decompressed the contents of the .zip files and try selecting the .era files inside, which is not the intention.

Let me know if that helps, if not you could try sending me a PM with the list of directories and files in your current installation, along with a screenshot or a detail of the exact text you are getting.

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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #2 on: November 09, 2014, 06:15:49 PM »
It did, and worked quite smoothly too...

Ok, now I tried the software, trial run...

Generating stats went smooth, no problems
Allocating stats, check, went smooth
Background Options... Not so smooth

I believe according to the race you chose for the character, a number of background options would be made available to you, when I reached this section the value or number of points available for you to select backgrounds was not available, just showed zero. Bug or GM is supposed to have the book handy and enter the information?

I have more issues, but lets go in order, and take it easy to achieve a more harmonious result...

Thank you


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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2014, 07:52:27 PM »
It's supposed to begin at 0, and you can edit it.
The fact is, I have never used the number of background options stated in the books more than as a general guideline.
So I thought it best to leave it open for the player to ask the GM at that moment and enter it manually.
Now that you brought it up, I realize that the books DO give a number, and we're selling the "official" rules, so I might add that information in a future release for completeness's sake.

Next question?

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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2014, 09:35:16 AM »
Still in the Background section

    Some background choices made here may have impact on statistics, languages, skills, etc.

     If I select for instance "Stat Increase" and confirm it, I do not get a pop-up box letting me define which stats I am increasing, am I supposed to make the adjustments later on? Other samples are multi cultural/linguistics, magic items, etc.

Thank you


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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2014, 10:05:37 PM »
The backgrounds step offers the name, cost and description of all options available in RMC, but currently they do not have any additional effect on the character. They will just be listed in the character description once it is created.
Some of the effects do not imply a change anything in game mechanics, while others can be achieved by manually editing a skill and changing its special bonus, changing a stat value, etc.
Let me know if you need assistance in applying any of them.

It would be quite a task on itself to add a specific effect to each background option. Some of them could be included, but doing so would take away that time from the development of other features.
If you feel that this should be a priority, please vote here

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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2014, 07:52:07 AM »
Once more thank you for your responses.

I Can't really justify making the background's effects made a top priority, since it can be tracked externally and any skill influence they may updated during leveling.

Now next section...

Weapon Cost, moving the various class weapon costs works just fine, but have several questions with this section:

1) Next to the line were you associate a weapon classification to a crit table, there is a box called modification, what is this used for?

2) The Rolemaster manuals does have weapon styles, but I could not find a pull down to select the weapon combat styles.

3) When I associated each weapon class to a crit chart, there was no confirmation they system took the setting.

4) Observation in weapon crit tables, it appears to be incomplete, for instance its missing the "Longsword" critical chart

I other minor observation: When watching the tutorial video, I noticed that the video had considerably more races and professions than what I have installed. Are there more ERA modules that would provide these?

Also more differences, the tutorial show ERA with 5 sections, mine does not have No Manage Inventory section, also in the ERA I have the weapon display are different, and I have no adolescent screen, perhaps I downloaded the wrong ERA?



Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2014, 04:31:27 PM »
Once more thank you for your responses.
And I thank you for the questions. Without people asking about things that are not clear, I would never know which features are obvious to use and which require improvements.

Q: Next to the line were you associate a weapon classification to a crit table, there is a box called modification, what is this used for?
A: This is for those weapons that use a certain table at a fixed modifier. Whatever number you put in the modification field, will be assigned as an item bonus to the combat skill of the character. Of course this can be manually edited later.
Warning: there is not "crit table" during this step. The field next to the category is for the Attack Table to use with the skill.
Since you are using RMC, the critical is determined only after an attack is made.

Q: Rolemaster manuals have weapon styles, but I could not find a pull down to select the weapon combat styles.
A: Weapon styles, as defined in the Combat Companion, are not available in the current public version of ERA due to the fact that it is no longer supported by ICE. You may have seen it in some of the tutorial videos, since I do have a version for my RMFRP group that uses them.
If you are referring to some other version of Weapon Styles (from Martial Arts Companion, or some other RM2 book) let me know how you handle it in your group by posting in the ERA advanced customization thread and I will help you tweak the application as far as I can to accommodate for it.
If you would rather have native support for Combat Companion weapon styles, we would have to ask ICE about how to handle it, since it would require offering a large portion of a book that they no longer offer.

Q: When I associated each weapon class to a crit chart, there was no confirmation they system took the setting.
A: You need to click on the Plus icon next to the skill name in order to confirm it. Maybe this moment in the tutorial video helps.

Q: In weapon crit tables, it appears to be incomplete, for instance its missing the "Longsword" critical chart
A: The longsword is not included in the RMC weapon tables. It is listed as using the Broadsword attack table, with some modifiers depending on the target's armor. The current version of ERA does not include a way to make this adjustments automatically, so it would be up to the GM to make them on every attack. You could create a file based on the Broadsword table. Please post in the advance customization thread if you would like a detail on how to do that.

Q: When watching the tutorial video, I noticed that the video had considerably more races and professions than what I have installed. Are there more ERA modules that would provide these?
A: The tutorial videos are mostly based on the version I use for my RMFRP group. It includes almost all RMFRP professions and Shadow World races. If there is enough interest, those configuration files could be offered for sale, but first I would need to create the ones that are still missing. For example, if no one has played an Outrider in my campaigns, then I most likely do not have that file prepared yet.

Q: The tutorial shows ERA with 5 sections, mine does not have No Manage Inventory section, also in the ERA I have the weapon display are different, and I have no adolescent screen, perhaps I downloaded the wrong ERA?
A: The only version of ERA available at RPGNow so far is for RMC. There is another thread with a first beta for RMFRP, which you are welcome to try. The other steps seen in the tutorials rely heavily on house rules that I use, so they are not yet available in the public version. Eventually I plan to release a version where the configuration files allow advanced users to choose whichever steps they like, even mixing RMC/RMFRP/RMU, but that lies in the future.
Warning: The inventory is not a part of the character creation. Is it accessible via the adventuring module. You need to click on the cog icon to the right of the adventure name ("Wading the Webs" by default) and then click on the Inventory button. I think it is not featured in any of the tutorial videos so far, but I could prepare one if it helps. Give it a try and let me know if it is straightforward enough to use.

Offline DrRocket

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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2014, 06:55:50 AM »

    I went to the thread for weapons you included above, and my display does not look like the tutorial, is does not have the bottom two boxes, where you can enter the options and maneuvers with their associated cost, this is the reason that I have the feeling that somehow I downloaded the wrong ERA.

    Also to clarify, when ERA is first displayed in my screen, it has only 4 options to choose from, with the last being the character creation section, the Tutorial shows at the ERA "home page" to have 5 options of which the "Manage Inventories" is not present in my version of ERA.

V/R DrRocket

PS: Thank you for your patience and courtesy, I must be driving you nuts!

Offline Voriig Kye

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Re: Need help with ERA's installation of Arms, Character, and Magic sections
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2014, 12:31:07 PM »
During character creation, in the weapon skill step, you will have fewer fields than in the tutorial video. That is to be expected since you are using the official ERA for RMC, whereas in the video I was using my house ruled version. But the basic functionality of the window is the same: you must choose a weapon category, weapon table, a name for the skill, and then click on the plus button. That should add the weapon skill to the list on the right.

The inventory module might have been accessed via a separate button at the time I recorded the tutorial video. In the version you downloaded it is located inside the adventuring module. You need to click on the cog icon to the right of the adventure name ("Wading the Webs" by default) and then click on the Inventory button.
I am thankful for your curiosity, it is taking you nearer to accessing some modules that have been available for a while but have never been discussed in depth.