German Campaign RMSS Online\ERA\Fantasygrounds Shadowworld anywhere

Started by Micael, September 30, 2022, 10:00:29 AM

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Hi, I am Seeking a German Campaign that uses ERA with RMSS in Shadowworld. If there is no group, I am planning to Start as GM. playing times would be every few weeks on tuesday, Wednesday or thursday From 18.30 Till 22Uhr Berlin Standard time. Please answer or sent me a pm. Micael


Hello, if you dont find players.... you can join in my campaign on middleearth with fantasygrounds. Discord contact: Widukind#6384


Quote from: Widukind on June 09, 2023, 01:37:45 AM
Hello, if you dont find players.... you can join in my campaign on middleearth with fantasygrounds. Discord contact: Widukind#6384
Thanks, but I had already find enough german players for my shadowworld campaign. But I would glady join as a player any german shadowworld campaign, that uses the full  FRPG/RMSS rules. Micael