Eberron conversion for both HARP & RM2???

Started by Wōdwulf Seaxaning, April 23, 2017, 04:29:54 AM

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I've added some weapon arts, and some unarmed martial arts are currently in development.  Check here for more information.


Got my copy of the Rolemaster Companion II.  And I included the professions from Rolemaster Companion II.  Still working on turning the wonderful Tactical Feats into Martial Arts.


I'm doing up the Priests for the various religions of Eberron. I got as far as the Path of Light today.  The conversions I'm doing first is for RMFRP/RMSS.  Rolemaster Classic players can extrapolate the specialty clerics from the work I've done. :)


Quote from: EltonJ on June 26, 2022, 06:07:07 PM
I'm doing up the Priests for the various religions of Eberron. I got as far as the Path of Light today.  The conversions I'm doing first is for RMFRP/RMSS.  Rolemaster Classic players can extrapolate the specialty clerics from the work I've done. :)
Priests document complete. :)


Here's the minor shapechange ability for Changelings:

Minor Change Shape (Su): Changelings have the super natural ability to alter their appearance as though using a disguise self spell that affects their bodies but not their possessions. This ability is not an illusory effect, but a minor physical alteration of a changeling's facial features, skin color and texture, and size, within the limits described for the spell. A changeling can use this ability at will, and the alteration lasts until she changes shape again. A changeling reverts to her natural form when killed. A true seeing spell reveals her natural form. When using this ability to create a disguise, a changeling receives a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks. Using this ability is a full-round action.

I'd like to convert this to Rolemaster's terms.


The D&D disguise self spell is limited to +/-1 foot height difference, and remaining humanoid. That makes it reasonably close to the Change To Kind spell (e.g. on the Shifting mentalism list) or maybe Facade (Disguise Mastery). Disguise Self also affects your gear; Change To Kind is ambiguous (RMU makes it explicit that it does not). I'm not sure why True Seeing would see through it if it's an actual change and not an illusion, but I don't think we have that spell anyway. It's not going to fool a Detect or Type spell though. Also note none of these spells are going to grant AT, stat bonuses, etc, they are purely cosmetic.

I'm not sure how you balance races in RM2. Maybe there is not a system. In RMU you would assign a DP cost (probably 20 DP in this case). In RMSS/RMFRP, you'd assign a talent point cost and then use the rules in GM Law. RMFRP Character Law has a very limited Shapechanger talent (takes 1d10 minutes, only one form) for 25 points, so maybe 40-50?

I think there's something to be said for making it a racial spell list instead, so the characters start with a limited ability but can spend DP to get better at it. Thinking about the things we do as humans, there are very few that we are equal at and have no ability to improve. But that doesn't model the original as well.
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Quote from: jdale on July 09, 2022, 06:08:54 PM
The D&D disguise self spell is limited to +/-1 foot height difference, and remaining humanoid. That makes it reasonably close to the Change To Kind spell (e.g. on the Shifting mentalism list) or maybe Facade (Disguise Mastery). Disguise Self also affects your gear; Change To Kind is ambiguous (RMU makes it explicit that it does not). I'm not sure why True Seeing would see through it if it's an actual change and not an illusion, but I don't think we have that spell anyway. It's not going to fool a Detect or Type spell though. Also note none of these spells are going to grant AT, stat bonuses, etc, they are purely cosmetic.

I'm not sure how you balance races in RM2. Maybe there is not a system. In RMU you would assign a DP cost (probably 20 DP in this case). In RMSS/RMFRP, you'd assign a talent point cost and then use the rules in GM Law. RMFRP Character Law has a very limited Shapechanger talent (takes 1d10 minutes, only one form) for 25 points, so maybe 40-50?

I think there's something to be said for making it a racial spell list instead, so the characters start with a limited ability but can spend DP to get better at it. Thinking about the things we do as humans, there are very few that we are equal at and have no ability to improve. But that doesn't model the original as well.

Well, it's a minor shape change ability.  The closest was Change To Kind on the Shifting list and the Living Change list.  But that didn't allow a perfect shape change.  A changeling can perfectly mimic someone else.  So, I'll do a one to one conversion.  Someone suggested giving them access to the doppelganger list in RoCoVII.  But that is currently out of my price range.

What page is that talent on in Character Law?  I have GM Law, but I haven't bought the .pdf yet.


I just got the Construct Companion for RMSS/FRP.  Interesting that it has an artificer lifestyle package.


System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Started adding a page for Training Packages today.  Check them out, some link to unfinished training packages.  Planning on adding TPs from Essence Companion, Channeling Companion, and the Mentalism Companion.  Even the Arcane Companion TPs will get a mention.

And thanks jdale, for giving me the Character Law page number.

Edit: Got it.

Shapechanger — You have the ability to change the shape of your body. It takes d10 minutes to transform. You may change shape to one specific form (subject to the GM's approval). [Greater, 25]

This might also work not only for Changelings, but for Shifters too.


Soulknife training package complete.  Sort of.

Like the TPs in the Construct Companion there are no skill costs. :)


Shifter race nearly complete.  Things need to do on the shifter race:

  • Add Elvish Darkvision.
  • Add racial bonus to certain skills (all athletic).
  • Add conversion notes to each shifter trait (all ten of them).

Just chugging along.  Eberron is way left field, and the conversion is taking some time.  But it will get done.  :D


Added Dragonmarks page, and Mark of Making page. Planning on using Alchemist base lists for the mark of making.


Included the Mark of Sentinel page.  Conversion still going as planned.


Added specialty priests for each of the major religions in Eberron.  Still have to add druids though.  One person suggested that each druid sect is represented by a training package.