
Started by Skaran, July 04, 2011, 01:20:47 AM

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I have just started work on a new setting, Arana.
Not much on the site yet. Those of you who were interested in my older Karnorthe setting will note that the entire continent of Ethryn has appeared on the new world. It fit remarkably well into a gap in the physical map generated by Fractal Terrains. So good in fact that I think I could work out actual tectonic boundaries!
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow


I havn't posted for awhile but I have not been completely idle. I have put together a basic outline for one of the nations from my campaign which some of you may like to have a look at. It is not completely stand alone, some of the information being on other parts of the websites.

The nation is Acsynae. You can find a pdf for the outline at
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow


The Secret of the Fire Trees

This is not a fleshed out adventure, just taken from my notes but some may find it adaptable to their own uses.

The far western portion of the Republic of Thanmyr consists of the Wythera Islands, Great Wythera and Little Wythera island.

The principle exports from the two islands are the Red and Golden Fire trees. Both trees are in great demand; every potion of them can be used. The timber is a durable hardwood which when polished up makes highly prized furniture. The real demand however comes from spell casters. Every portion of the tree can be used to make fire and heat based magical items. The sap for potions, the wood for staves, wands, etc.

Unfortunately demand has outstripped supply and the islands are becoming denuded of both varieties of Fire Tree. There are no new saplings being produced. The fruit of the trees, also in great demand, appears to be infertile. Why is this so?

An alchemist visiting the island has discovered that the Fire trees are not grown, they are created. If the islanders still know this they have kept it to themselves.

The alchemist has discovered how to create Fire trees. First he needs the fruit of the trees, either variety will do but the Golden is the more potent.

The secret is;
The fruit is fed to a person after a ritual dedicated to the lord of Fire is performed on both the fruit and the person.
The person is then strapped to a wooded stake or frame, any wood will do, which is then ignited.
The fire is then tended for three days. At the end of this period a new Fire tree sapling emerges from the ashes.
To produce the more potent Golden Fire tree the sacrifice must be willing, coercion is acceptable.

PCs could get entangled in this in any number of ways;
1.   A PC or PCs are to be the sacrifice. Multiple saplings could be made.
2.   They could have been hired to retrieve the fruit for the alchemist.
3.   They could have been hired to retrieve a victim before the sacrifice. Etc.
Then if any of the islanders do know how these trees are created where do they stand, especially as these trees are also the islanders main income source.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow


Havn't posted for awhile. Finally sorted out what is going on with the Karnorthe/Arana setting. Karnorthe is the name of the world, literally in the old Arkendran tongue land of Karno. Arana is the name of one of the major continents.

I will eventually consolidate to the two web locations and put up the new stuff I have been doing on and off for the last couple of years.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow


I read through your Acsynae document. I think the fan created worlds do not get too much attention because most of us like to create our own worlds. Myself included. That said, it is nicely laid out, covers much of the sort of material one would want, and is clear. As a setting, it is fairly generic medieval Europe in style, which could be considered good or bad, depending on what one is looking for.

I would expand on the role of magic (common vs rare? powerful vs minor? controlled vs free? favored vs rare types?). Also, although the rulers of the various domains are named, saying a little about their relationships might suggest plotlines. Who is related to whom, who holds a grudge, who is ambitious but hemmed in? Who gets along with other nations and who does not? Are the Orders well-accepted vs distrusted, powerful vs weak, rich vs poor? Do they meddle in politics or keep out of secular matters?
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Refer to the thread named Karnorthe for current details.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow