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Rolemaster / Re: How much to charge for spell casting from an NPC?
« Last post by nash on Today at 03:35:03 PM »
I usually roughly ball park level of spell * level of caster in either GP or SP.

Otherwise it's side quest time.  Which is a lot more fun.
Rolemaster / Re: How much to charge for spell casting from an NPC?
« Last post by Spectre771 on Today at 03:29:15 PM »
I don't think I understand the question.  You want to know how much a PC would pay an NPC to cast a spell?  I can say I've never run into this.
Rolemaster / How much to charge for spell casting from an NPC?
« Last post by alloowishus on Today at 02:38:15 PM »
Would I just use the cost for embedding a rune paper?
RMC/RM2 / Looking for player to join RMC campaign
« Last post by alloowishus on Today at 02:37:04 PM »

Either Mondays 8:30 to 11 pm EST starting now or
Wednesdays 8pm to 11 pm EST starting in late December

For Mondays would prefer if you take over for a paladin, wednesdays could be any fighter type. You would start at 5th level.

We  use Discord and Fantasy Grounds.
ERA has been updated!
  • New features
    • The Gaming Table module now offers a more compact view of the selected hero companions when the party is large (more than 5 PCs in total).
    • Added loading notification to round start, next/previous action declaration, new adventure, restore/continue adventure.
  • Improvements/corrections
    • Greatly improved loading times for Adventuring and Gaming Table modules when characters have large image files for avatars.
    • Adventure and character loading times improved by preventing multiple reads of the race and profession files.
    • The Gaming Table module will no longer show hero NPCs in the companion sidebar.
    • Choosing a saved roll will again count as entering the roll manually for event triggering.
    • Messages to players will no longer be kept when a new adventure is started or loaded.
    • Discarding changes in the party inventory will no longer remove the items brought from the individual inventories.
    • RMU: loading an adventure with no heroes is now working as expected.
  • Package updates
Rolemaster Software / Re: RMU for Roll20
« Last post by nash on December 03, 2024, 02:40:34 PM »
This weeks update is now live:

- Initiative modified by maneuver penalty
- Update rolltemplate for initiative to show penalty if present.
- Add tests and validations for creatures.
- All creature weapons now have a size (usually 0)
- Display a message when an injury takes a character to negative hits.
- Fix a stupid misplaced class for RRs
RMC/RM2 / Re: New RM Classic/RM2 Actual Play Campaign - "Twilight of the Old Order"
« Last post by C.Tozer on December 03, 2024, 01:55:15 PM »
Why do you play TTRPGs? Everyone will have their own reasons but a key one for me is enjoying lots of laughter at stupid in-jokes with people I like - at 02:55:00 is a great example of roleplaying done right!

Check out us giggling our backsides off in our Rolemaster Actual Play episode: (E130) Ain’t no place for a Hero “Apocalypse Soon: downriver to darkness"

May the dice roll in your favor!

#rolemaster #twilightoftheoldorder #rolemasteractualplay #KiwiRPG
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by Micael on December 03, 2024, 09:19:09 AM »
This should be read and understood by those having a mental breakdown over the artwork front to back of the new RMU books, specifically those complaining that "it doesn't convey Rolemaster". What is Rolemaster?
The Rolemaster fantasy roleplaying game system is primarily a rules system rather than a game tied to a specific setting or world. It is designed to be highly adaptable and modular, allowing game masters to integrate it into any fantasy world of their choosing, including homebrew settings or established worlds from other game systems. Imagine that. However, Rolemaster has been associated with several settings over the years, most notably  Shadow World and MERP, no bomb there.
Both could be the same—the German RFRPG Rolemaster books are full-color hardbound editions with pictures designed all over the books, and I proudly display them on my bookshelf. I even bought them simply because they looked and felt so good. It’s remarkable that a German company, years ago in 2016 (even before the pandemic), managed to achieve something that the original creators of Rolemaster, ICE, could not. Similar with RM2 - I own "leather-look" bound german Rolemaster books...

As for the setting argument, I’m concerned that ICE might take a similar approach with new Shadow World books, applying the same imo "flawed" logic. I purchased (was attracted by) the Shadow World box set 30 years ago primarily because of its exceptional cover design. Terry improved the colour art and graphic design step by step in every book. If we want to attract more players in the future, I strongly believe that art must be an integral part of the design process. Nobody today is expecting black-and-white graphics, except for old-school fans, who are dwindling (sadly) anyway. Otherwise, we risk losing more players and struggling to attract new ones.

We’re living in a time when visuals—pictures, videos, and presentations—are more important than ever, and with enough effort and dedication, anyone can achieve remarkable results in this area.

That said, you’re right—all the points have been made, and now it’s up to the decision-makers to shape the future.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by Christoffer Holm on December 03, 2024, 07:07:42 AM »
The only reason we are voicing our concerns regarding this is to support the development of the game and IP. The game means too much for me to ignore problems.

I am very active in the local TTRPG community in my town and unfortunately players are turned away from the game by the visual aspect, no matter how much I try to convinced them to give it a chance.

I want RMU to prosper.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by pastaav on December 03, 2024, 06:05:14 AM »
Is the current discussion really adding anything new that has not been said plenty of times in this thread?

I suggest starting a new thread if you want to talk about any of the topics more in detail. Trying to continue this thread is bound to give worse results.
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