Author Topic: Attempts to avoid melee attacks  (Read 3689 times)

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Offline Arioch

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Attempts to avoid melee attacks
« on: February 06, 2008, 06:08:38 AM »
On the italian RM forums we had a discussion trying to resolve at best a game situation and I've ended up a bit confused about conflicting actions.
The situation is this: a PC is facing a bear, on the first round the PC declare that he will quickdraw his sword on the snap phase and then flee in the normal phase (don't ask me why he's going to draw his weapon first and then escape...). The bear move towards the PC in the snap phase and then attack him in the normal phase. PC has the initiative.
The question is: can the bear attempt to attack the PC before he runs away or, since he lost initiative, he must first run after him and then attack?
Under the "conflicting action" paragraph of the core book I found a chapter (attempts to avoid melee attacks) which says:

A common conflict occours when one character attempts to avoid melee with another and both characters have chosen the same type of actions (i.e. snap, normal, deliberate) .iIf a foe is adjacent to a character and attempts to manuever away before melee occours, the character who has chosen melee as his action may decide to attack that character before he manuevers away. Both characters make conflict rolls [...]

Since the bear is adjacent to the PC and they are acting in the same phase, I think that a conflicting action rolls should be used to handle the situation. Others replied that, since the PC won the initiative he act first and the bear must move before making an attack.
The manual is confusing because it has constrasting examples to handle similar situations (on page 54 an example use the conflicting actions manuever, while in page 217, under the "press & melee" paragraph, a similar situation is resolved in another way...).

When the "attempts to avoid melee attacks" rule should be used? Only when both characters scored the same initiative? Or it's right to use is in this situation?  ???
I suppose a magician might, he admitted, but a gentleman never could.

Offline Rivstyx

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Re: Attempts to avoid melee attacks
« Reply #1 on: February 06, 2008, 01:00:07 PM »
If the two start the normal round next to each other I would allow the bear an attack of opportunity against the PC.  Otherwise, the movement rule you mentioned would prevail.
That is how my group resolves those situations and it works pretty well.

Offline RandalThor

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Re: Attempts to avoid melee attacks
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 02:16:12 AM »
I would say let the bear get a swipe at the character - maybe next time he will run first.
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Offline Arioch

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Re: Attempts to avoid melee attacks
« Reply #3 on: February 08, 2008, 02:22:55 AM »
I would say let the bear get a swipe at the character - maybe next time he will run first.

Lol  :D
Still a bit confused, but I think that a conflict roll is he way to go.
I suppose a magician might, he admitted, but a gentleman never could.