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Systems & Settings => Spacemaster => Topic started by: rustorod on November 13, 2011, 12:47:50 AM

Title: Adventure hooks
Post by: rustorod on November 13, 2011, 12:47:50 AM
I was thinking of coming up with some SPAM adventures, but am lacking some good hooks.  Does anyone have some good hooks that I may borrow ;D

Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: JimiSue on November 13, 2011, 05:00:02 AM
I've just written and run a series of adventures using 2nd edition rules which went down very well at the club I play at. Surprisingly well actually, they usually prefer more cutting edge rules-light indie games - and after all is said, Role/Spacemaster cannot be described as rules-light.

However, the key there was spending a few hours - OK, OK, more than a few - devising a spreadsheet on Excel to manage the work of character sheet maintenance. What we ended up with automates skill bonus calculation (taking into account the unskilled -25 rule), similar skills, level bonuses, and stat bonus, populates skill costs for each class, and covers all classes and weapons and skills found in original rules, SpaMCo I & II. Some of the formulae still give me nightmares even now.

Anyway - I devised my own planet for the campaign setting - while officially in the depths of House Devon space, it was missed off a lot of documentation and many pieces of Imperial legislation don't apply there (this owes itself originally to an error in the initial survey what missed the only inhabitable planet). As a result the society is a bit broken, and it is a true corporate state, with the main power on the streets held by a set of crime bosses who do most of the work that police would do but with added corruption. There are police, but they are so massively underfunded the best they can hope for is to maintain a public face and if pushed into action adopt a "shoot first, ask questions later" policy.

The players have some into the employ of one of these crime lords as she needed tasks doing that were dangerous and outside the remit of her regular security force. The missions so far have been:

i) an initiative test where a rendezvous was arranged but no one was there to meet them. A note was left which they had to find, with a cryptic clue to the real meeting place which they had to find, decode and travel to within a time limit. I had them attacked by a gang of the desperate poor on the way to introduce them all to combat and why it's important to avoid taking criticals.
ii) another test mission, overnight guarding of an arms shipment, again with an attack by a gang of poor unwashed. The key here was staying awake, and not being curious about the shipment
iii) running a package through some high security checks to a contact in a different township (one of my PCs was a black market smuggler)
iv) finding and retriving a package from an enemy faction's safehouse (a local business with an extensive set of back-rooms) - this also required them to plant an electronic bug in their comms gear (had a tech in the group as well) - all without killing people so it looked more like a theft.
v) finding and retriving a shipment of ordium 2 alloy that had gone missing in the wilderness. After locating the downed transport, they had to deal with the wannabe thieves and then find a way to get the shipment back to the intended destination. As they managed to patch up the malfunctioning mk20 military blaster that they used to down the transport, I had them attacked by a couple of gunships as well. All good fun :)
vi) taking some weapons with a very secure genetic test back to the Legion embassy, the Legion being a set of super-mercenaries which I have shamelessly lifted the idea from a children's book I read as a child, written by Douglas Hill) but with a main missiomn there of getting them to agree to do business with their boss (the Legion's ethical code generally getting in the way of being associated with criminals)
vii) a scene-setting mission in which their boss requires their presence as additional muscle and goes to a nightclub on her territory to confront the heir to her main competition (*who also owned the safe house). She got carried away though and instead of issuing a warning ended up killing him. This is where we are up to in play.
viii) precipitated by the events in the last mission, clearing out and destroying the save house they went to earlier, with a secondary objective to rescue the boss's informant
ix) will be a mission on behalf of the boss's father from whom she inherited the operation. The PCs will need to break into a private paramilitary compound and steal a cutting edge tank. There will be a double-cross though which puts the PCs in great danger. Seems daddy doesn't like how his daughter is running things
x) the above degenerates into a full scale turf war. At this stage I am unsure on the next step - either they will be sent away to their boss's private tropical retreat to discover trouble there, or they will be put in charge of sorting out the rival family whose heir she killed and whose safe house was obliterated, to avoid the boss having to manage a battle on two fronts (her father's forces being the more significant)

Anyway, hope at least one of the missions above gives you an idea - hard to suggest anything specific without more info :)
Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: markc on November 13, 2011, 11:11:18 AM
 First Welcome to the ICE Forums.

 Second if you would like to submit your adventure to the whole world then send it to the download section and and ICE employee will read it and see if it does not contain too much IP to be released for Free. Adventures IMHO are always looked for by ICE fans to help them out in their games.

Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: rustorod on November 13, 2011, 11:51:09 AM
Thanks for the ideas.  I was probably going to come up with a sandbox idea of an area where the adventures will work out of.  Our players usually are not on the same page with each other.  So I was looking at a crew of rag tag entrepreneurs, similar to the crew of Fire Fly. Its less a campaign or of a string of small adventures.  We only get  together once every other month and juggle between 1st Edition AD&D and Rolemaster, with some Warhammer table top;) 

Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: rustorod on November 13, 2011, 11:53:32 AM
Also, I have both SM II and Privateers.  Not sure what system I'm going to use at the moment.  I've also picked up some of the old modules for SMII off Ebay n the past.

Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: markc on November 13, 2011, 12:00:47 PM
  IMHO the old SM2 adventures can be used even if you play SM:P. In fact I ran SM:P using StarStrike and Armored Assault using some Traveller Adventures that I liked at the time.
  But the fact is that the SM2 adventures of low level NPC's are fine you can start to get a problem at 10th level and beyond as some of the level bonuses kick in.

Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: rustorod on November 13, 2011, 12:16:43 PM
Thats one difficulty I've had with RM and SM was just creating NPC's.  Going to dig out the old SMII stuff tonight and see which system to run.  I like the background setting of SM2 more.

Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: JimiSue on November 13, 2011, 02:29:28 PM
Thanks MarkC. My club usually play rotations of one or two months before changing GM, games, and players in groups, and my stint is due to end at the end of November - once we get there and I've had a chance to at least playtest one more of those scenarios I might just submit them as I won't be able to run them again for the club now and run out of any other playtester groups outside of it too!

Regarding NPCs - I've been a gamer since I was 9 years old (32 years ago now - and I played Role/Spacemaster quite extensively along with 1st ed AD&D until leaving school), and it wasn't until last year when I was reading through a GM supplement for a different game (something about discovering a way...) when it mentioned the issue of NPCs. Simply put, your players aren't going to know if your numbers are accurate, because in most instances, they won't know the numbers. Just keep them in the bounds of realism, and then you can start manufacturing stat blocks. Need a level 7 anarchist, but the closest you have is a level 5 armsman? No problem - from the point of view of combat you can probably use the armsman stats and add in a few more assassin-type skills like targeting and sniping. Your players will never know the difference.

For an armsman I tend to allow about 10 hits and 10-15 OB per level, and apply similar to techs and tech skills, academic skills to scientists, and so on. You soon learn in play if your numbers are accurate or not - the more you run, the easier it comes. Soon you'll be able to come up with a whole military base full of nasty people in 5 minutes, without breaking a sweat!
Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: markc on November 13, 2011, 04:14:49 PM
Thats one difficulty I've had with RM and SM was just creating NPC's.  Going to dig out the old SMII stuff tonight and see which system to run.  I like the background setting of SM2 more.


 IIRC there is a chart in SM2 that gives some skill bonuses at various levels for professions. Just use that as a base and adjust it up or down as needed.
 For important NPC's you might want to make them up or just wing it also depending on what is supposed to happen in the adventure.
Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: NicholasHMCaldwell on November 13, 2011, 04:27:20 PM
Also, I have both SM II and Privateers.  Not sure what system I'm going to use at the moment.  I've also picked up some of the old modules for SMII off Ebay n the past.


By the end of this week every single Spacemaster adventure module will be available in pdf via OneBookShelf.

Best wishes,
Title: Re: Adventure hooks
Post by: rustorod on November 14, 2011, 01:33:59 AM
Mark and Nicholas,
thanks for the tips for NPC's, will give that a try.  Nice to see the SM2 adventures available in pdf.
