Author Topic: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata  (Read 31082 times)

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Offline Bruce

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #80 on: September 27, 2013, 01:20:31 AM »
I haven't noticed any errata so far, but all I have is the PDF, a printed copy is on the way! I will post anything I find that hasn't been listed here. I prefer a printed book for easier access and quicker look ups for rules clarifications and errata checking. IMHO a physical book is simply so much easier to use. Please note that a printable errata PDF would be extremely helpful to me in addition to any updated PDF downloads.

I have been with ICE since the mid 80's and have thoroughly enjoyed all of their products, even the RM Companions. I altered/changed rules where I saw fit and completely discarded rules where I saw fit, I mean honestly who used the "similar skills" bonus rules in whatever companion that was in? Good Lord that would have been to much more book keeping. There has been errata and I think I have seen more typos with HARP than any previous ICE game. It can be very frustrating.
But honestly, ICE has been through hell over the last two and a half decades. Especially with how many changes to their small staff and financing issues. Yet they lasted longer than TSR before having to go through a bankruptcy and might not have had to if it wasn't for Tolkien Enterprises (RIP MERP). And they still go head to head with the largest RPG game companies out there, that have much much larger editing staffs and mad resources. Yet ICE still produces some very complete and complex gaming products. Not to mention their excellent community support and the fact that they take our opinions very serious. So ICE I raise my glass (or bottle) to you (it's funny because I drink ICEhouse). You will always have my support, maybe not always financially, but you have it. Hopefully sometime in the future I can actually produce something you can use......
I am doing my part by trying to advertise and run HARP demos, though the gaming store owner has yet to post my ads. Word of mouth seems to be slowly working and the people I have demo'd with so far made characters for a regular HARP campaign this very night!
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Offline Bruce

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #81 on: September 30, 2013, 12:17:12 PM »
I found a little bit of errata.
Please note this is a repeat of the same issue report in the Martial Law errata. I though to include it here as it applies to both books.

First off I found this errata by researching the Battle Runes skill in Martial Law, it does not have any stats listed for use of the skill.

In the HARP core book under the runes skill it lists an option to inscribe a rune with spells. It states the character can inscribe 1 spell per 5 ranks of rune skill, which is exactly how the battle runes skill in martial law describes it. The problem now is that the runes skill (in the core book) description does not go into the needed detail for balance issues, like the battle runes (Martial Law) skill does.

Is it safe to assume that the battle runes skill description in Martial Law is simply an extension or better explanation of the runes skill in the core book? That is what I plan on using at least until I get an official word from ICE.
It seems to me this description should have been in the core book and not in Martial Law.

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Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #82 on: October 01, 2013, 02:03:45 PM »
In the index, Crush & Crushing are both under K and spelled with K's. Everywhere else it's with a C.

Offline Alwyn

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #83 on: October 17, 2013, 10:51:54 AM »
I haven't noticed any errata so far, but all I have is the PDF, a printed copy is on the way! I will post anything I find that hasn't been listed here. I prefer a printed book for easier access and quicker look ups for rules clarifications and errata checking. IMHO a physical book is simply so much easier to use. Please note that a printable errata PDF would be extremely helpful to me in addition to any updated PDF downloads.

I have been with ICE since the mid 80's and have thoroughly enjoyed all of their products, even the RM Companions. I altered/changed rules where I saw fit and completely discarded rules where I saw fit, I mean honestly who used the "similar skills" bonus rules in whatever companion that was in? Good Lord that would have been to much more book keeping. There has been errata and I think I have seen more typos with HARP than any previous ICE game. It can be very frustrating.
But honestly, ICE has been through hell over the last two and a half decades. Especially with how many changes to their small staff and financing issues. Yet they lasted longer than TSR before having to go through a bankruptcy and might not have had to if it wasn't for Tolkien Enterprises (RIP MERP). And they still go head to head with the largest RPG game companies out there, that have much much larger editing staffs and mad resources. Yet ICE still produces some very complete and complex gaming products. Not to mention their excellent community support and the fact that they take our opinions very serious. So ICE I raise my glass (or bottle) to you (it's funny because I drink ICEhouse). You will always have my support, maybe not always financially, but you have it. Hopefully sometime in the future I can actually produce something you can use......
I am doing my part by trying to advertise and run HARP demos, though the gaming store owner has yet to post my ads. Word of mouth seems to be slowly working and the people I have demo'd with so far made characters for a regular HARP campaign this very night!

I would like to raise my glass, mug, cup, etc. to ICE as well.  I have been playing their games off and on since the early 80s and I have always liked their products, especially RM, MERP, and HARP, much more that the various d20 systems out there.  Their staff has always been very responsive to our needs.  What TE did prior to the release of the movie never set well with me either.

Alwyn Erendil
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"NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT - At least not in Yu Gi Oh"

Don't worry, be HARPy!

Offline dagorhir

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #84 on: October 21, 2013, 09:27:53 AM »
Could there be something wrong with the grid and text for the Kobold? I've been trying to figure it out but I just can't get the same results.

All the skills except Appraisal and Melee Weapon have the same skill bonus and rank. Appraisal needs to have only 2 ranks to get the same result. The Melee Weapon appears to be missing the Assassin Training bonus.

Also, Ambush and Stalking and Hiding either have too many ranks or are missing the Assassin Training bonus.

I get an initiative of +15 and a DB of 55.

I also don't have enough of 100 DPs to get all the ranks as listed in the core book.

I chose Shallow Warren culture (best fit) and Fighter profession.

Stats are as follows:
St: 60
Co: 70
Ag: 70
Qu: 50
SD: 70
Re: 70
In: 75
Pr: 50

I'm so close I can feel it.

Offline Glenn_Gould

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #85 on: November 05, 2013, 09:28:03 AM »
Current PDF-Version, p. 41 still seems to have wrong numbers in the Disarm Foe example, the number to beat should be 130, not 105 (see:

Offline RadiantSophia

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #86 on: December 25, 2013, 06:59:39 PM »
The Appraisal skill has Percentage as resolution method (p. 37), but the table on p. 36 lists All-or-Nothing.

Offline dagorhir

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #87 on: February 01, 2014, 12:09:16 PM »
Found a new (I think) one in the creatures:

Scorpion, Giant Page 162

The text says: " attacks using either its pincers (Large Puncture) or its stinger (Medium Puncture)."

The grid has both attacks as Large.

Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #88 on: February 01, 2014, 12:22:37 PM »
My creation notes show both as Large. Text was written after so Nicholas may have modified it.

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Offline korg20000bc

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #89 on: June 18, 2014, 08:47:43 AM »
I've been a Rolemaster and MERP player since the eighties.  Wow, I remember the excitement of buying the original MERP boxed set- the one with the red cover and the adventurers in a treasure-filled cavern.  This one:

Anyway, I have identified a few problems with the latest HARP.  Great product, of course.  And thanks for it.

On p51 the note says that:
XXNote: Pole Arms are unique in that they may be used
equally well either one-handed or two-handed. If used
one-handed, they do a maximum of a Medium critical. If
used two-handed, they do a maximum of a Large critical.
The spear is included in the "polearms" list of individual weapons but also under 2-handed "Staves".  It seems to indicate that any polearm besides the spear can be used 2 handed using the polearm skill but the spear requires the "Staves" catagory to use two-handed.  This also creates an issue with the Martial Law expanded polearm list which includes weapons that are only possible to use two-handed.  But going back to the note quoted above can be used one or two handed.  One-handed halbard or poleaxe would be an impressive, if not impossible feat!

Table 8.4 p.68-69 shows that both polearms and spears do Large criticals but probably should be broken down into medium and large 1 or 2 handed as the claymore, katana etc.  This is assuming that polearms can be used one handed.

Maybe it'd be better if basically all the polearms listed in Martial Law should be in the staff weapons category (Staves) and spear removed from "Staves" allowing it to be used 1 or 2 handed as other polearms.

p91. Initiative Modifiers should mention staves along with polearms if spear is in staves.  If a spear is used 2 handed do the "polearm" initiative modifiers apply  or 2 handed?

Table 8.5 p.69 shows  "Studded Leather" as a full armour set.  It should probably be "Rigid Leather" to be consistant with other armour lists- table 8.7 p70, for example.

I'm not sure if you want typos brought to your attention or not..?

I came across these issues when creating a spear-fighter character.


Offline korg20000bc

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #90 on: June 18, 2014, 11:47:45 PM »
Also wondering if the p32 Table 5.5 Adolescent Skill Ranks weapon skill*** comment should say "select one missile or thrown weapon group" rather than just missile.  Many cultures even in our own world didn't use bows but did use sticks/spears/darts/rocks.  I reckon more kids become skilled at throwing stones during the adolescence than learn archery.  At least it should be an option.

Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #91 on: June 24, 2014, 12:00:43 PM »
Also wondering if the p32 Table 5.5 Adolescent Skill Ranks weapon skill*** comment should say "select one missile or thrown weapon group" rather than just missile. 

I just assumed that "missile" includes thrown, and honestly thought that most RPG gamers did these days. Sort of like how bows are included in "Firearms" in World of Darkness.

Offline korg20000bc

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #92 on: June 24, 2014, 05:20:21 PM »
Also wondering if the p32 Table 5.5 Adolescent Skill Ranks weapon skill*** comment should say "select one missile or thrown weapon group" rather than just missile. 

I just assumed that "missile" includes thrown, and honestly thought that most RPG gamers did these days. Sort of like how bows are included in "Firearms" in World of Darkness.

I think you're right that, in this instance at least, missile and thrown should be equated.  But, with "Missile" and "Thrown" being two distinct categories in the rules, one is not abiding by the rules if a character put these ranks in "Thrown."  At present, the rules are that during adolescence a character can only put these ranks in bows, crossbows or slings according to the un-numbered table on page 51.

Given the purpose of this thread I thought it should be mentioned.

Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #93 on: July 01, 2014, 12:44:15 PM »
That is indeed the way it is mentioned and the way the groups are separated. I was merely mentioning a modern gamer convenience.

Offline Thom @ ICE

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #94 on: July 04, 2014, 07:30:36 AM »
Wording should probably be revised to say "Range weapon"...
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Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #95 on: November 28, 2014, 09:22:58 AM »
I can't believe me it took me this long to notice this, so:

I was comparing the previous version and current version of HARP, both physically and on screen as PDFs. For the Fighter profession, in the previous version, I noticed that it says "weapon skill" both times for the level based bonus, whereas with the current version it says "Combat skill" first then "weapon skill" for the bonus cap. Based on some other threads where multiclass caps for the same ability were discussed, this is the same ability as the Warrior Mage's combat bonus, just fewer levels between. In both versions of HARP it stays "Combat skill" for the Warrior Mage.

Offline Bruce

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #96 on: February 15, 2015, 12:25:38 PM »
I've been a Rolemaster and MERP player since the eighties.  Wow, I remember the excitement of buying the original MERP boxed set- the one with the red cover and the adventurers in a treasure-filled cavern.  This one:

Anyway, I have identified a few problems with the latest HARP.  Great product, of course.  And thanks for it.

On p51 the note says that:
XXNote: Pole Arms are unique in that they may be used
equally well either one-handed or two-handed. If used
one-handed, they do a maximum of a Medium critical. If
used two-handed, they do a maximum of a Large critical.
The spear is included in the "polearms" list of individual weapons but also under 2-handed "Staves".  It seems to indicate that any polearm besides the spear can be used 2 handed using the polearm skill but the spear requires the "Staves" catagory to use two-handed.  This also creates an issue with the Martial Law expanded polearm list which includes weapons that are only possible to use two-handed.  But going back to the note quoted above can be used one or two handed.  One-handed halbard or poleaxe would be an impressive, if not impossible feat!

Table 8.4 p.68-69 shows that both polearms and spears do Large criticals but probably should be broken down into medium and large 1 or 2 handed as the claymore, katana etc.  This is assuming that polearms can be used one handed.

Maybe it'd be better if basically all the polearms listed in Martial Law should be in the staff weapons category (Staves) and spear removed from "Staves" allowing it to be used 1 or 2 handed as other polearms.

p91. Initiative Modifiers should mention staves along with polearms if spear is in staves.  If a spear is used 2 handed do the "polearm" initiative modifiers apply  or 2 handed?

Table 8.5 p.69 shows  "Studded Leather" as a full armour set.  It should probably be "Rigid Leather" to be consistant with other armour lists- table 8.7 p70, for example.

I'm not sure if you want typos brought to your attention or not..?

I came across these issues when creating a spear-fighter character.


I'm bumping the above message because I think it is important, but nothing has been said about it. I haven't actually looked up these rules to clarify their inclusion in the "updated" rules but the thing behind using a weapon that has both one and two handed capabilities comes to mind.  One that isn't mentioned is the quarterstaff. When trained the quarterstaff is not specifically trained one or two handed, it is both. But hitting a target one handed will do less damage than when using two hands to strike with.

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Offline Kullervo

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #97 on: February 20, 2015, 06:11:19 AM »
Is it possible to find a complete list of errata in the Core Book, Martial Law and College of Magics? (pdfs)

Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #98 on: March 07, 2015, 09:39:17 AM »
As far as I know, the only one that exists are these topics. Don't think there are lists right now.

Offline Zhaleskra

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Re: Harp Fantasy Core Book printed version errata
« Reply #99 on: September 10, 2015, 11:23:48 AM »
I just realized, HARP Fantasy considers the foil a legitimate combat weapon.