Forum > Spacemaster

New Spacemaster Setting?

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Would anyone like to see a new Spacemaster setting? I've been reading some of the books for Spacemaster: Privateers, and I'm wondering if I could do something different.  I have GURPS Space (4th Edition, and 3rd Edition).  And I have GURPS Biotech (4th Edition).  Oh, I have GURPS Time Travel too. hehe.  :D

I won't be using Time Travel, but I could use GURPS Space and GURPS Biotech to make something up.

Personally I think the SM1/2 Imperium setting was superior to the SM:P setting. The only thing I liked about SM:P was Letters of Marque and Reprisal. That one game concept is worth keeping, but the rest of it can be thrown away IMO.

I also liked the Space Bears.


--- Quote from: Hurin on November 07, 2023, 10:50:33 PM ---I also liked the Space Bears.

--- End quote ---
You likely have played Space Opera (or Other Suns, but SO is more likely) too much :D

I like the SM1/2 setting; especially with all the intrigue that the various houses provide. I do like several things in SM:P, mainly the more defined tech level charts and how they impact what you can build.


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