Another thing plaguing me was how to handle the armor types vs different eras of weaponry. So full plate is AT10, but so is powered armor... vastly different levels of protection, though. How do you reflect that in the game? Give a big DB bonus to the powered armor? but then weapons specifically designed to defeat that armor, say like a plasma rifle, would need a compensatory boost to OB... can get very complicated very quickly and we don't want to go back to that. What I'm liking about RMU is the logical and streamlined way the system has been created.
Something I thought of was to classify weapons and armor in 3 categories which can overlap - Archaic (your standard RMU weapons and armor), Ballistic (solids propelled at high velocity), and Energy (lasers, plasma, blasters, etc.). Typically, weapons will only be of 1 category, but armors can have up to all three. If an armor doesn't protect against a type of attack then it is treated as AT1. For example, take a Kevlar vest, we'll call it AT6 and give it the Archaic and Ballistic categories. So against Archaic and Ballistic weapons it is AT6 but against Energy weapons it's AT1. Similarly, an ablative vest is AT6 Energy so it provides AT6 vs all Energy attacks but is AT1 versus Archaic and Ballistic. Lastly your knightly Plate is AT10 Archaic providing great protection vs Archaic weapons but AT1 vs Ballistic & Energy.