Giving 32 Rolemaster books

Started by Lord Satri, October 10, 2021, 03:13:05 PM

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Lord Satri

Hi all,

I loved Rolemaster a lot, really. But now I'm old and my kids unfortunately don't have an interest. I have 32 Rolemaster books to give. A few are pretty used, but most are like new (and many were actually never used).

What's in there? Examples:
* Companions: Arms, Spell User's, Alchemy, Elemental, Rolemaster Companion I + II + III + IV + V + VI + VII
* Laws: War Law, Sea Law, Spell Law, Character Law, Arms Law & Claw Law, Arms Law
* Treasures of Middle-Earth, Creatures of Middle-Earth, Creatures & Treasures I + II + III
* Plenty of modules (14), including several Fortresses of Middle-Earth, Bree, Rivendell, Mirkwood, Minas Tirith (that one's big and nice), Far Harad, etc.
* Bonus: the original MERP rulebook and loads of maps

I have taken pictures of all the covers. That's 35 lbs of books. I'm not asking for money, but I ask the 'buyer' to pay the shipping fees (ships from Montreal, Canada). I won't sell/give individual books, only the lot all together.

If interested, contact me. Cheers! -- Alex


Be happy to pay shipping for these.  I will PM you.


As would I and probably everyone else here!

It is an incredibly generous gesture to offer to give away your collection but I would like to be certain you are aware that some of the products you list sell for a pretty penny online.

Anyway, if you are determined to give them away and things don't work out with pants for any reason, I'm interested (I am sure pantsorama will give your collection a good home).

P.s. it is possible to play rolemaster online. It's not exactly ideal but better than nothing.


Agree.  That is immensely generous of you!  It's a shame you couldn't spread the enjoyment and adventure to your kids. I was fortunate that they do enjoy playing.  I would get the set for them, but I see I am the 3rd in line for your offer.
If discretion is the better valor and
cowardice the better part of judgment,
let's all be heroes and run away!

Barner Cobblewood


I will also will point out that these are worth some money.

I'm a fellow Montrealer, and interested in the Creatures and Treasures 2. Also the original MERP rulebook. Let me know if it works.

Thanks, BC

Lord Satri

Thanks everyone for the kind words.

I honestly didn't expect that much enthusiasm for my old Rolemaster books. I was wrong, there was 38 Rolemaster books in there, not 32! Most of them 'like new'. I gave them to the first one that expressed interest (somehow I didn't get the other forum replies by email and I'm just reading them now). The books have shipped already.

While I spent hundreds of dollars as a teenager buying all those Rolemaster books (I was not rich and I'm still not?), I'm glad I gave them to someone who will use them. I had great time with friends playing Rolemaster. They made me dream, imagine, play, socialize, laugh. Yes yes, Rolemaster is complex, but that was ok to us (no surprise I ended up being an engineer).

Thanks ICE for Rolemaster. I'm happy there are still people enjoying it today. Have fun! -- Alex


Haha, that's exactly what one of my players once said: that Rolemaster is a 'roleplaying game for engineers'.

Glad you had fun, and thanks for passing on the love!
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle


I got the items, and this is a wonderful collection.  Thank you so very much.  I will use this well, and in your name.


Quote from: pantsorama on October 23, 2021, 11:29:33 AM
I got the items, and this is a wonderful collection.  Thank you so very much.  I will use this well, and in your name.

Awesome! Hope you have some great games.


Quote from: Lord Satri on October 12, 2021, 07:17:51 PM
Thanks everyone for the kind words.

I honestly didn't expect that much enthusiasm for my old Rolemaster books. I was wrong, there was 38 Rolemaster books in there, not 32! Most of them 'like new'. I gave them to the first one that expressed interest (somehow I didn't get the other forum replies by email and I'm just reading them now). The books have shipped already.

While I spent hundreds of dollars as a teenager buying all those Rolemaster books (I was not rich and I'm still not?), I'm glad I gave them to someone who will use them. I had great time with friends playing Rolemaster. They made me dream, imagine, play, socialize, laugh. Yes yes, Rolemaster is complex, but that was ok to us (no surprise I ended up being an engineer).

Thanks ICE for Rolemaster. I'm happy there are still people enjoying it today. Have fun! -- Alex

What a great guy (I'm assuming?). :)
**Interested in some Rolemaster Actual Play Sessions to watch - check out ***


Quote from: Hurin on October 13, 2021, 08:43:07 AM
Haha, that's exactly what one of my players once said: that Rolemaster is a 'roleplaying game for engineers'.

I had amazingly high praise a few weeks ago.
My ex brother in law got me into RM with RM1. We spent literally decades with RM1 and RM2.

He recently told me that when he first came to me with RM1, he was excited, but a lot of the concepts took some "processing time" for him to get comfortable with. He also said that I took to it like a duck to water, that things he had to process I grasped instinctively, that I saw a lot of the holes and flaws right away, and that by the time RM2 came out I had halfway written it on my own, starting from RM1 and houseruling.

He told me, "When I got RM, I almost immediately knew it was written for people like me.... by people like you."

High praise indeed.
You put your left foot in, you put your left foot out... Traditional Somatic Components
Oo Ee Oo Aa Aa, Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang... Traditional Verbal Components
Eye of Newt and Toe of Frog, Wool of Bat and Tongue of Dog... Traditional Potion Formula