Forum > HARP SF
HARP SF future projects
There has been discussion on and off as to what might be next for HARP SF.
At some point, there will be the SysOp's Guide (this is a reserved book in that I get to write it).
However, there are many other possible opportunities:
In rule books, possibilities:
* a vehicles supplement
* space battle rules
* planetary mass combat rules
* a technology guide.
In sourcebooks:
* a book on aliens races and alien creatures
* sector books for portions of the Tintamar setting
Or as has been recently suggested, Tintamar sourcebooks that support styles of play, adding appropriate rules material, setting material - relevant worlds etc, etc:
* military
* covert/espionage/"underworld"
* exploration
* mercantile
* science/tech
* psionic
Let us know your preferences and in due course, I will issue formal calls for proposals.
Best wishes,
Oh man, I don't even know where to begin on a wish list like this.
I guess the highest value ideas for me would be:
A technology guide
A creature catalog (sentient races are well covered for my needs largely but face eating aliens for the PCs to shoot up would be really useful - so far I am modifying the critters from HARP Fantasy for this)
A Vehicle supplement
Next down my list would be:
Sector books for Tintamar
An exploration setting guide
A merchantile setting guide
A military setting guide
and a covert operations setting guide
I suspect others would rate an expanded psionics book much higher than myself. But so far the psionics just haven't played into my games too much.
Not on this list at all but one that could be very useful is a Modern or Near Modern setting conversion book. The rules are all there for a Modern game, but the skills, talents, and equipment are all aimed much more futuristic. For example I am getting the itch to run a game set in Charles Stross' Merchent Princes world. I would really like to do so with a Harp Sci-Fi rules set in a modern setting.
Just thinking about these ideas has gotten me all fired up to buy them!
On my list of wishes:
* Exploration splat book
* "Underworld"/Fringe splat book
* Vehicle supplement
* Tech guide
* Sector books - tintamar
* Mercantile splat book
It would be awesome with any of these really :)
I would say a Vehicle Guide as vehicles are used quite a bit in most Space Games and player and GM's like to tinker with them. After that a TECH book to flesh out the rest of the equipment the players might need and to give me an example the Universes tech culture. But at the same time a splat guide book for the U would go well with the Tech book and a Military (Navy) splat book would go well with the Vehicle book.
i know you guys from Ice have made pulp and other setting how about something unique for HARP - how about a super's book ? the powers can be layed out like psion and magic as field- with something like Magnetic control or Radiation control starting low and working up to more powerful levels , just like magic or psion .
on your sector books there could be isolated worlds because of their strange setting like goth. and Super where colonist move ther now have super abilities or even setting world like Dragon riders and World where colonist all belonged to a medieval re enactment groups and want to recreate or make a low tech paranormal world?
or a world that has a strange spice that causes or allows mutation to its users to gain the minds of computers and psychic powers and some of them could be natural space astrogators ?
get it , the serial numbers can be filed off - but I hope you get it> even a pulp world where there stuck in the 1930 level of tech but there psion or magic - < World can be called Kutulu world- ((((((Maniacal LAUGH INSERTED)))))) >
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