Forum > Gamers Seeking Gamers

Anyone play any edition in Utah (Ogden area), or online?

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It has two, but the only people I've met play 5th ed. D&D.

Still might be worth it to play DnD till people get bored of the simplicity, and want something crunchier.

I despise 5th ed.  Four groups I've tried, and... no...


--- Quote from: Fenris2k on January 11, 2020, 06:26:34 PM ---I despise 5th ed.  Four groups I've tried, and... no...

--- End quote ---
Amen brother.  People can play what they want, and any RPG is better than none. But after running and playing 5th, I suspect I'll  never do it again. d20 generally leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and 5th is the worst of the bunch.

I still stay in touch with my original gaming group by playing 1e/SR/5e! Etc. until one of us gets nostalgic for a good RM session or two.

Join a group, suck it up for a babyish system that holds your hand and where “everyone gets a medal(healing)” until you can corrupt...errr, siphon...errr, subvert them into wanting some rules crunch!

Local is better than Online, but Online is awesome if nothing else is around, babee!

Good luck!


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