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Adventure Path Series in Rolemaster.


Erik Sharma:
I have been looking in to buy the Adventure Path series and 11 adventure campaign Shacked city and use them as basis for a long campaign.
 I was wondering if anyone else have any insight into these modules and tips before I buy them.
 As I understand they are OGL and pretty generic fantasy so it should be no problem exchanging basic stats for similar creatures in RM, or am I wrong?
 That is why I ask you for feedback.

All the Adventure Paths are written for DnD so if you are familiar with DnD/D20 and RM rules then no there shouldnt be a problem as such. Not sure all the monsters have equivalent cousins in RM Creature/Monster book but if you are the GM, I dont see the big problems with converting the Adventure Path to RM.

The Shackled City (and the other Adventure Paths) are DnD Fantasy. Sometimes its slightly mad, and other times its fun ;D

Erik Sharma:
 I am very familiar with D&D earlier editions up to the latest (not 4th). Have used generic D&D adventures before without no problems. And haven't had any problems contverting monsters yet, often there are something similar in C&M or C&T that you can use with some modifications. Or sometimes I just replace or omit silly encounters that I feel is unnessecary or to hard to convert.
 I do think I will try them out, have heard only good things about those adventures and when they are around 4th lvl I feel it's time to give them a nice series to play through.

I ran my D&D group through the Shackled City series converted to HARP and had no major issues. If you're experienced at converted D&D to RM you should have no problems. If you haven't done many conversions then the only caution I would add is that low level D&D characters are generally more powerful than low level RM characters, so you may need to take that into account when converting some of the encounters.


Erik Sharma:
That is why I have waited until they are around lvl 3-4 in Rolemaster. I did a conversion of The Sunken Citadel just to see how it turned out (D&D Levels 1-3) and came to the conlusion that it was appropiate for a total of RM levels over 11 (4 players around level 4 or in my case 5 players around level 3). And it worked out ok.


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