Official ICE Forums

Systems & Settings => Shadow World => Topic started by: RandalThor on August 08, 2010, 05:56:47 AM

Title: Aaalrighty!
Post by: RandalThor on August 08, 2010, 05:56:47 AM
So, last night, I popped into my LGS to run my weekly Shadowrun 4 game and what do I hear? I hear words like: Loremaster, Dyar, Duranaki, Myri, Tanara, etc.. I get real excited and happy because I realize the GM at the next table (really they were standing around a lot) was running a game set in Sahdow World!

I think I found the other RM/SW gamer in Knoxville. (I am sure there aren't more than 2, I looked.) But, hopefully it means that there will be RM gaming in the near future. Just goes to show, that going to your LGS to run a game can have some very excellent and unexpected consequences. And, to think, I used to not like gaming at stores...... sheeesh!

Cross your fingers!
Title: Re: Aaalrighty!
Post by: Wōdwulf Seaxaning on August 25, 2010, 01:54:29 PM
Sweet..hopes it's true , as RM & SW need more exposuer.