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Rolemaster / The problems with the "flesh golem"
« Last post by rdanhenry on April 24, 2024, 10:22:14 PM »
I am reposting this, since it is otherwise buried in my comments on the PDF release of Treasure Law. It addresses an issue that has bothered me for a very long time, though perhaps I am the only one who cares. In the hope that perhaps I am not, I am calling this to general attention. Perhaps if there is some additional support for my position, the necessary changes can yet be made:

As a D&Dism, the flesh golem as fantasy Frankenstein's monster does not meet the long-standing Rolemaster definition of a golem “Unlike constructs, golems are composed of a single piece of a particular substance” (C&T, p. 34), as "flesh" is not a substance, but a mix of muscle, bone, tendon, and other tissues, and a body has many distinct parts rather than constituting a "single piece", if this language is to be meaningful. Removing this definition from Treasure Law does not fix this issue, nor will doing so in Creature Law. For some line must be drawn to separate construct and golem, and if one sets aside this anomaly, it is clear that constructs are fully articulated forms, for which magic is required only to power the movement, whereas the solid stuff of golems is mobile only by a miraculous flexibility provided along with motive power.

 If it were up to me, I'd move the "flesh golem" to the Cultivated Creatures and probably rename it "artificial man" for clarity, but between constructs and golems, it would make far more sense as a “flesh construct”, as it is like the inorganic constructs in being equipped with joints and machinery for mobility and requires only motivating power from magic to employ them.

The construction of stitched-together corpses is a pure Hollywoodism in itself. In the novel, V. Frankenstein does spend time exhuming and studying the dead, but that was how artists and doctors learned anatomy at the time. Vat growth as seen in creature cultivation is just as plausible when going to the novel. When looking at it thematically, making "the Creature" a golem is contrary to the stands of both novel and movies, as Frankenstein's creation is seen as unholy, a tampering, a trespass. It is the very opposite of the sacred act of creating a Golem via Channeling.

Frankly, the stitched-together version offers the possibility of some future expansion to cover such creations more fully, with various variations, and its own spell list and creature type ("Assemblages"?). To force in this special case now is not only awkward (and IMO unnecessary), but cuts off a promising comprehensive alternative.

What Crafting skill would one even use for the “flesh golem”? Culinary? That is the only one that includes dealing with flesh.
RMC/RM2 / Re: New RM Classic/RM2 Actual Play Campaign - "Twilight of the Old Order"
« Last post by C.Tozer on April 24, 2024, 09:48:21 PM »
What is one of the most novel ways a party has got out of a tricky street fight in one of your TTRPGs?

Check out our new Rolemaster Actual Play episode: Rolemaster Actual Play: Twilight (E135) & Hero (E112) “The Bell of Death Rings"

May the dice roll in your favor!

#rolemaster #twilightoftheoldorder #rolemasteractualplay
Gamers Seeking Gamers / Re: New RMSS/FRP Game set in Greyhawk
« Last post by EltonJ on April 24, 2024, 08:43:25 PM »
You might try posting in Discord too.

I did, in both forums, Hurin. :)
Cyradon / Re: Cryadon setting book
« Last post by EltonJ on April 24, 2024, 08:25:00 PM »
I'd like to get Cryadon some time.  8)
Gamers Seeking Gamers / Re: New RMSS/FRP Game set in Greyhawk
« Last post by Hurin on April 24, 2024, 07:30:05 PM »
You might try posting in Discord too.
RMSS/FRP / Re: Barbarians in RMSS/RMFRP
« Last post by EltonJ on April 24, 2024, 05:14:02 PM »
If you check any Conan-RPG like TSR's or Mongoose's Conan for D&D3 you will notice that Conan usually has levels as fighter, thief and (when we are talking about King Conan) noble. "Barbarian" is rather a mindset or a description of a certain culture and/or tech level.
Even the actual D&D Barbarian from 3.0 upwards and the Pathfinder Barbarian is rather a berserker. Considering this I couldn't see any use for the RM barbarian profession.

That is certainly true.  A barbarian (which used to mean foreigner in Greek), has come to mean warrior.
Gamers Seeking Gamers / Re: New RMSS/FRP Game set in Greyhawk
« Last post by EltonJ on April 24, 2024, 04:46:20 PM »
Got one person interested, looking for three others to take up slots.
RMSS/FRP / Re: Barbarians in RMSS/RMFRP
« Last post by Wynther on April 24, 2024, 12:50:14 PM »
If you check any Conan-RPG like TSR's or Mongoose's Conan for D&D3 you will notice that Conan usually has levels as fighter, thief and (when we are talking about King Conan) noble. "Barbarian" is rather a mindset or a description of a certain culture and/or tech level.
Even the actual D&D Barbarian from 3.0 upwards and the Pathfinder Barbarian is rather a berserker. Considering this I couldn't see any use for the RM barbarian profession.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by nash on April 24, 2024, 11:01:30 AM »
Well, if the budget was truly sparse, I find myself wondering, was there a Kickstarter at some point to get some funds up front for the art?

Best way to help would be to spread the word about rolemaster and get more people to buy it.   The more sales each book has, the more money can be budgeted for the next one.

Throwing 8-10% of funds (and time) away on a kickstarter doesn't seem a great way to improve anything.
HARP / Re: HARP second edition
« Last post by netbat on April 24, 2024, 10:22:13 AM »
The current version GCP-HARP-1000 is probably what you meant by second edition over the 2003 original and revised 2004 ICE-3000 versions. It is mostly rebalanced costs for professions, races, spells, and talents along with clarifications, flat 50DP/level, mandatory sub skills, creature and spell creation harmonized with the bestiary and college of magic rules as well as a few other bits and bobs.
Not sure what you found flat or what would interest you.
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