HARP SF PDF character sheet

Started by Bruce, August 22, 2014, 11:28:28 AM

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I have uploaded a HARP SF fillable PDF character sheet to the ICE vault. This PDF has entries where you fill in the blanks via your PC (or even a tablet or phone, though a phone may be to small). You can also print a blank sheet out if you want to enter all the numbers in by hand. For those that use this character sheet please provide feedback via this thread as I am working on a semi-auto-calculating sheet that reduces the amount of math one has to do. This sheet has all the skills already input into the 2nd page, but if anyone prefers a blank back page like the one in the HARP SF book let me know and I will make one up and post it as a new file with the other two pages included. As of right now the sheet is not in the vault just yet but should be sometime soon.

I can only do basic formulas as anything advanced requires knowledge of java. And I am not java inclined. If anyone who knows java and wants to help with some of the formulas please contact me either by PM or this thread.

As a side note I will be developing a HARP Fantasy sheet with the same functions (both non-calculating and semi-auto-calculating) as there is already the HARP Fantasy character sheet in the vault from the actual books.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


I'm not sure how long it's going to take ICE to post the character sheet but if anyone wants it now PM me with an email address and I'll send it to you.

When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


The HARP SF PDF sheet is in the vault!
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!


I keep seeing references for the vault for the HARP SF character sheet.  Where is the vault located as I cannot find it.  If a link could be posted that would be great!




i can t find it ... could you put a link here ?


The Vault is in the sidebar on the left near the top. Look for the words "Vault-Downloads" under the Main heading. If Main is collapsed, you'll need to click the + next to it to show the options there.
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Quote from: jdale on July 02, 2024, 10:26:00 PM
The Vault is in the sidebar on the left near the top. Look for the words "Vault-Downloads" under the Main heading. If Main is collapsed, you'll need to click the + next to it to show the options there.
I just checked and the sheet I did is not in there. I am going to re-upload it to see if it will make it into the vault.
When you game, game like you mean it! Game Hard!



i can't find it ...
i searched everywhere