Runcori: Darkness and Sleep

Started by Zhaleskra, October 06, 2017, 01:11:22 PM

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One of my players who is playing a Runcori has been asking a few physical questions about the species. These of course are if darkness could kill his character, and whether Runcori sleep. As Runcori are "probably" plants, I'm going to say that Runcori "probably" don't sleep. As for the darkness, I'd say that an extended period in total darkness or extremely low light conditions could slowly kill a Runcori, being photovores and all. Looking forward to seeing others' ideas.


Plants as we know them cannot be defined to sleep, but an intelligent plant would probably have a similar type of dormancy. It has recently been shown that jellyfish sleep, and they do not have brains. It is possible that alien life might not require a sleep state to keep their nervous system (equivalent) running smoothly, but I see no reason why that would be less likely for one that photosynthesized (technically, no alien can be a plant or animal, kingdoms that categorize the products of terrestrial evolution; non-technical usage will, of course, refer to alien plant-analogs as "plants" and alien animal-analogs as "animals") than for one that does not. Earthly plants follow rhythms of activity (and hence inactivity).
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Well, there's always Delvians, who are definitely plants.


Well as a GM I would probably go with Runcori don't "sleep" but they do require a metabolic induced torpor while in their rooted state (1 hour per day in normal soil - which may "taste" better to them, or 10 minutes of hydroponics that don't "taste" so good).  They also probably require at least 4 hours of strong light or 8 hours of weak light per day.  I would say most Runcari combine their rooted state with a bright light source if they can arrange it for convenience sake - encouraging them to remain rooted or near strong light for several hours.

I probably wouldn't bother with the whole 2 phases of photosynthesis thing (one where light is taken in with carbon to form carbohydrates and O2, the second where carbohydrates are consumed with O2 releasing CO2 in the absence of light) as a convenience and simplification.  Runcori are only plant like or "probably" plants so probably don't use the same form of photosynthesis as earth plants.

So for game sake a Runcori character would not need 8 hours of sleep a day, but probably "want" around 4 hours of down time to enjoy a good grow light and some rich tasty damp soil.  They can get by with just 10 minutes of a carefully prepared bucket as long as there is enough light around - but that is like living off of protein shakes and energy drinks while catching catnaps all day.  Not really the preferred way to do things but workable for a few days or even weeks at a time.

I'm sure others would have different ideas on this - but this is just how I would be tempted to run it.

