I have been running a Rolemaster (Classic) campaign for the last 5-8 years with the same characters which are now L7 to 10. I am always looking for a few more players. We play once a month scheduled via email on Saturday between Noon to 8pm. We are located 1 hour north of NYC. If you are interested you can respond to this thread or email me at dabrain22@gmail.com
Current Players
L10 Dúnedain Paladin, Noble, Minor Royalty, Owner of very small keep (10 soldiers, with their own Alchemist and Fletcher)
L10 Wood Elf Ranger Formerly of Thranduil's Army, Friend to birds (can summon a thrush), He has gained the look of the eagles(inspires allies around him to resist fear)
L10 Noldor Elf Warlock From Lórien, has patron in Lorien, has the Aura of the Noldor (helps friendly spell casters), he also has enhanced magical range.
L8 Beorning Druid, Hater of Orcs above all, can charge into melee with a rallying cry causing all Orcs to make a RR or be stunned. Wears Warg hides and a necklace made of teeth of slain Orc Chieftain (granting him OB, RR and abilities against Orcs, Wargs and trolls).
L8 Northman Thief. A scoundrel. Duel wielder of a Falchion and hand axes. Originally from Strayhold. His falchion is known as the emerald stinger. Which is magical with reduced fumbles and enhances his ambush abilities. He also carries the Yulmita (Q. "Sparkling Cup") an artifact. a small goblet which can purify water. He also wears a magic great helm which pieces all darkness and gives enhanced perception.