Arrylon's Pantheon

Started by Tolen, September 02, 2010, 09:34:40 AM

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Warning:  There are a lot of them!  When it is all done here, I need to use the rules from the Channeling Companion to create specific priestly professions for these worshipers.

In general, though, most of these gods are elven in appearance, because they are the ones that created the world.  It was only after the Elven Betrayal, that they tried again and created the other races.  In addition, Arrylon also has a tradition of heroes rising to deity status.  Anyway, a lot of the early history is here in these descriptions.

Feadra, the Creator
     Feadre created Arrylon in order to provide herself and the other gods with companions.  she peopled the land with Elves (known then as Eldain, the First born).  They later rejected her, feeling that through the magic she had given them, they were more capable of caring for themselves than she was.  She sundered Nithallion from the rest of the Northeast, creating Audun and Amara.  There she placed the humans, making them lesss magically-inclined.
     Nonetheless, she still nurtured the magical arts, and allowed those few who had the discipline to learn how to use it to become powerful.  She tends to discourage magical pursuits, however, because as its creator, she knows all too well how powerful it can be and what happens if it gets out of hand. 
     She would often appear regularly among her chosen people (the humans), dispensing advice, and nurturing the trees, plants, and animals so that there would always be plenty to eat.  However, as her people increased in number, she found it more and more difficult to spread her attentions everywhere.  Thus she was unable to prevent her son Nixus from creating an army of evil creatures in the South.
     When she learned of the impending attacks, she sent visions to her people, attempting to warn them.  The Elves ignored her warnings, and were nearly destroyed.  To this day they do not have the population they once had, and are a race in decline.  For most of the Great War, she travelled the lands, healing and helping where she could.  Since Nixus creations were not her own, she had limited power to destroy them.  Finally, she sought out Nixus, with the aim of taking care of the problem once and for all.
     She found her sons Nixus and Mithrallon fighting in Audun.  She stepped between the warring brothers as they both struck at each other.  She died with the blades of both her sons in her heart.  At the moment of her death, fighting everywhere stopped.  Mithrallon rushed to heal her wounds.  When she turned to Nixus, he fled the field.  This broke Feadre's heart, and she began to weep.  Her tears fell for forty days, and covered all of the lands of Arrylon.  Only the highest peaks were left untouched.  those peaks would eventually become the new capitols of the world.  Her flood healed the land, and repaired the damage the war had caused.  When the waters withdrew, the land was green again, except for the Audun Wastes, where she died.  That land still does not produce life easily, and all who live on it struggle daily.
     Those who worship her believe that she is the ultimate healer, and that one day she will return to bathe the world in her healing light.  Her priests are required to resist war in all forms and try to help those in need.  Several times throughout the year they attend sacred ceremonies to call to her and let her know her faithful are ready for her return.
     Her church is known as the Church of Divine Tears.

Mithrallon, God of Light
     Mithrallon is the oldest of Feadre's sons, given dominion over the day.  He is known as Lawbringer, for justice, it is said, comes in the morning.  He is one of the two directly responsible for the death of his mother.  While it was accidental, he blames himself and strives to bring himself and his brother to justice for the crime.  His is a quest of atonement, for only by bringing himself and his brother to justice will she ever be reborn.
     Mithrallon created the giants when he learned that Nixus was building an invasion force.  He also created Dragons.  these creatures, he believed, would be strong enough to defend the land.  Thus he was late in discovering the corruption of men that led to the giants downfall.  He went to the final stronghold of the giants to aid in its defense, and that is why it held out for so much longer than the others.
     Since the Great War, Mithrallon hs become the patron saint of the Lawbringers, a group of paladins, fighters and priests dedicated to enforcing the letter of the law.  his priests value law and order more than anything else, and they often act as arbitrators.  They are not above helping people, abut are more likely to hunt down the source of the problem than fix the symptoms.  Most Inquisitors were priests of Mithrallon.

Nixus, God of Darkness
     Nixus created many races, perhaps more than the other gods.  All of them were created for evil, such as orcs, Murovai, and trolls.  His armies would mainly be orcs and goblins with murovai captains.  He also created the gnomes who would build some of the mightiest war machines ever to conquer the forces of the light.
     He rules the night, and is often referred to as the destroyer, for everywhere he goes, he brings pain and destruction with him.  It was he who corrupted men into dwarves and set them to fighting the giants from within their citadels.  Remnants of his great army are in hiding everywhere, and they await his return, when he will bring darkness down on the world.  Priests of Nixus are very often cruel people, who bring their own brand of violence.  However, they rarely show themselves actively, keeping to the shadows until time to strike.

Solaris, God of the Dawn
     Solaris is a minor deity, charged with ensuring that the sun rises every morning in its appointed course.  He is a god of renewl, and his priests are optimistic.  They will also bend and break rules if needed to bring the most good to the most people.

That's all for now, more will come later.
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September 02, 2010, 10:18:43 AM #1 Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 10:27:18 AM by Tolen
Thorus, God of Storms
     Thorus is the son of Mithrallon and a mortal woman, Lady Rosalind Wesley.  Nixus corrupted the child in her womb, creating Lockni, Thorus' twin sister.  Thorus is almost always seen with Terion, the storm dragon, and they are faithful companions.  While he works for the good of the people of Arrylon, he has a bad temper and has been known to strike at those who disagree with him.  His priests, however, tend to be a bit more even minded.

Terion, The Storm Dragon
     Terion is the constant companion of Thorus, and is the one who runs the 'Halls of Terion' in the underworld.  the halls are a place where vanquished warriors go after death to train for the day when they are again called to the defense of Arrylon against the forces of Nixus and darkness.  Terion is arrogant, and nearly as hot-headed as his rider.  He does not consider himself a god.  the other dragons agree with this point of view, but afford him the respect due his position.

Autumna, Goddess of Harvest
     Autumna, one of the gentler gods is known as the protector.  She is the patron of farmers across Audun and Amara.  Most people hold an annual festival in her honor with the hopes that she will bless the harvest and make it profitable.  She has few priests.  Those who lead others in her worship are also farmers and as such have little time for much else.

Sylvia, Goddess of the Forest
     Sylvia is the patron saint of rangers, and anyone who protects the forest from the depredations of man.  Her only concerns lie with the forest and its protection, along with the creatures that live within it.  Her priest are somewhat odd, and to many they come across as a almost insane in their devotion to the trees.  The only law they care for is tha law of nature.  Take what you need, and replace what you take.

Lockni, the Trickster
     Lockni is Thorus' twin, but is as calm and reserved as her brother is fiery and violent.  She enjoys laughter, and her jokes are often cruel and terrible.  She retains a soft place in her heart for gnomes, though they despised her father (she knows that her real father is Nixus).  Her priests sponsor an annual 'Festival of Fools', often used as a place to conduct illicit business under the noses of more lawful groups.  Anyone who worships Lockni will be an accomplished trickster, even if they don't actively seek to harm anyone with their pranks.

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Morgan Hammerforge, the Smith
     Morgan was hired by the gods to create their weapons.  In return for his service, he was made a god.  He is the saint of all dwarves, and the dwarves believe that Morgan was the one who brought blacksmithing to the world.  All of his priests are excellent craftsmen, and hard workers.  They all seem to have an uncanny ability to spot a good weapon among a pile of bad ones.  They do not actively seek violence, abut are more than ready to step up for the common defense when needed.

Gwynn, the Gatherer
     Very little is known about the Gatherer.  Only one legend abounds about him:  If you hear a ghostly hunting horn, or the baying of his hounds, you will surely die soon.  He shows no malice, he simply collects the souls of the dead and ensures they reach their final appointments.

Turemm Latchbuilder, the Tinker
     Turemm is a hero of the gnomish people.  He is an inventor and a tinker, and brought the gift of invention to his people.  It was his engine that defeated the bulk of Tiberion's forces, and it now resides in the fables Hall of Invention, which is the closest thing to a temple the gnomes have.  There are few priests of Turemm, and those few that exist are inveterate inventors themselves.  they travel the world trying out new ideas and helping others improve their own inventions.

Malik Stonecutter, the Hero
     Malik was the dwarf who repelled Tiberion's army at Greycut Rock, and he was the one who dealt the death blow to Tiberion himself.  the legends say that during that duel, Mithrallon sent a ray of light down from the heavens.  The ray reflected from Tiberion's own armor, blinding him, allowing Malik the moment he needed to strike.  Malik is gruff, foul tempered, and easy to anger.  His priests tend to be similar.

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Bevan, the Protector
     Bevan only cares about protecting his people from the ravages of war, evil and chaos.  However, he understands that one must fight against the darkness, lest it prevail.  The church of Bevan has given rise to many paladins and crusaders.  Almost everyone knows that anyone may go to a church of Bevan to seek refuge and healing when in need.

Havelon, god of the Sea
     Havelon is a cruel, capricious god, prone to taking offense to anyone crossing his seas.  If he is feeling particularly nasty, he can summon up storms and whirlpools to smash ships and destroy them forever.  Many ships when leaving port will drop a few coins into the water as a tribute to the sea god, in hope that he will allow them to travel safely.

Alaric, god of Courage and Strength
     Alaric is another god known for protecting the weak and innocent.  He is, however, a warrior first and foremost, and will fight alongside any army whose cause he deems just.  Some claim to have seen Alaric among the ranks of their army, fighting as fiercely as any mortal.  His priest believe in courage, and recruit from those who show unwavering bravery.  Alaric is a non-conformist, preferring to fight battles in his own way.  He often rallies troops and leads them in an attack completely unplanned by those in charge of the army.

Rosalind Wesley, the Lady
     Rosalind Wesley was simply a lady in waiting who won the heart of Mithrallon.  They had a brief love affair, and she bore him children.  However, Nixus corrupted the womb, creating twins.  The birth killed her.  Mithrallon took her with him to Cairn Aedel, home of the gods, and she has been living ever since, free from her mortal body, dispensing love and kindness.

Ereana, the Oracle
     The Oracle remains aloof from the politics of the rest of the gods.  She watches everything, and learns and studies.  She is the goddess of knowledge, and her priests are quiet folk who simply record everything they can.  She has two ravens, larger than most, and it is said that if you see either of them something of importance will soon befall you.

Tarsen, god of Thieves and Rogues
     Tarsen is a greedy god.  Her priests demand much tribute from her followers.  As the patron of thieves, she has been the driving force behind many thieves guilds, and the destruction of those who wrong her.  She is a very reclusive goddess who hangs back in the shadows and does not announce herself unless truly necessary.  Their is no official priesthood and no church.  However, when several thieves meet, the place is often referred to as a 'Church of Tarsen.'  In the thieve's cant, this means a place where there will be no eavesdropping.
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Shadowen, the Assassin
     Shadowen is the son of Taresn, and follows in her footsteps.  He is rarely seen, and not officially worshiped, though there are those who dedicate their bloody work to his name.

Valkryss, goddess of War
     Valkryss is another tempestuous goddess, but she is not aligned with Nixus.  She is a companion of the gods of good.  She is very hot tempered, and lives only for the fight.  She constantly urges anyone who will listen, even the other gods, to attack rather than negotiate.  War is the only thing for her.  It is the means to every end.  Good or evil, lawful or chaotic, all are just combatants ready to enter the fray.

Amerin, god of Love
     Amerin is perhaps the most often incorrectly described god of them all.  He is most well known as being a loving, caring god.  A god who worries when people are harmed, and tries to seek peaceful resolution to any problem.  The reality often falls terribly short of that mark.  Amerin in reality is a selfish, self-loving narcissist.  He often laughs and jokes about his 'other' persona, and the way mortals are foolish enough to believe it.

Indric, god of Trade
     Indric is known as the traveller.  The halflings pay special homage to him, as he watches over them in their daily travels.  Anyone who wishes for a safe journey might mutter  a brief prayer to him or sing travelling songs for him to hear.  He is also in charge of Trade, and watches over all people, trying to guarantee them all a fair deal.  Often, though, he has to break the law in order to do so.  Priests of Indric often serve as moneychangers, since anyone can be assured of getting the best possible rates and are not going to be cheated.

The Alamyree:
Alyree, Music
Palynee, Poetry
Imylee, Art
Urylee, Liberal arts, scholarship
Jarylee, Dance
     These fay-like beings aren't gods per se.  They exert a certain influence over their chosen endeavors, often giving inspiration when there is none, or capriciously taking it away when it would be most inconvenient.  They aren't worshiped as gods, but most people believe in their existence.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
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Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.


Whew!  Even I had forgotten how many there were!
I'm in Southern Illinois.
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Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.

Elton Robb

Neat.  But there is a problem with huge pantheons.  We tend to orchestrate soap operas with them.  After all, look at the pantheon of the Forgotten Realms.
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Believe me, I understand the temptation.  I'm still getting material typed up before I worry too much about starting the conversion/overhaul.  Some of them may just be dropped altogether.  This was originally a 3E DnD campaign, so the preponderance of gods was for the cleric class.  The notes I have for this pantheon also included domains and favored weapons.

Having said that, I never used the gods as active players in the games I ran.  Alaric was the most likely to be directly encountered, and even then it was more like after-battle BSing. 

"Dude! I saw Alaric on the field today!"
"No way!"

The most important are Nixus and Mithrallon, Feadre, and Gwynn.  Terion was next, but only because of the Council of Dragons (which were never encountered anyway).  Other than that, we just made stuff up so no two clerics would be alike, and to give at least token representation to the demihumans.
I'm in Southern Illinois.
No, further than that...
Try South of Mt. Vernon, where Southern Illinois really begins.