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Rolemaster / Re: RMU - Parry Question
« Last post by Hurin on July 08, 2024, 03:21:46 PM »
That's how we've been doing it and it works well.
Rolemaster Software / Re: Combat Minion and HTTPS
« Last post by jdale on July 08, 2024, 09:51:04 AM »
If it's in Chrome, these might help:
The Guild Companion e-zine / Re: Guild Companion Site Is Down
« Last post by jdale on July 08, 2024, 09:47:31 AM »
RPG Geek has the tables of contents and can be searched, so I was able to get a list of all the articles with the issue dates.

If you want help finding specific articles in the internet archive, let me know which ones you still need.
Rolemaster / Re: RMU - Parry Question
« Last post by jdale on July 08, 2024, 09:34:39 AM »
>Basically, they have to declare how they want to do it once it becomes relevant.

Exactly. I say "you're being attacked, what do you want for your defense?" That's the point they need to tell me about parry, dodge, defensive instant spells, etc. If they don't get attacked prior to their own action, they would only declare those things on their own turn.
Rolemaster / Re: RMU - Parry Question
« Last post by Thot on July 08, 2024, 06:46:15 AM »
Thank you jdale and Thot. Yep, that clears it up. So Thot is just allowing them to decide they are going to continue their melee with any amount of AP when the attack is declared against them and parry with whatever amount of that they please.

Basically, they have to declare how they want to do it once it becomes relevant.

I'm leaning towards going the 4AP/single phase way myself.

I can recommend that. I tested both options, and seriously, 4AP at once is just faster and more fun for everyone.

[...]What platform did you write that on just of out interest?

I just use ERA for RMU, available on I just wish that program allows to change the involved Sizes.
Rolemaster Software / Re: Combat Minion and HTTPS
« Last post by C.Tozer on July 08, 2024, 04:08:58 AM »
Hi HawksNut - not a great answer for you but maybe a simple work around ... I found the same thing using Chrome (my go to browser) however switching to either Firefox or Brave and I haven't got the https issue.

Pardon me if this is blindingly obvious and you have already tried it. Just a thought.

Good luck and I hope you get it working. I now don't think could run an RM fight "the old fashioned way" anymore.

I cannot seem to stop my PC from redirecting me to https and then getting an error 404 message. I have used Combat Minion for many years. When will the owners put this software on a secure server? I am getting tired of having to run my games the old fashioned way when I have been a subscriber of Combat Minion for years.
The Guild Companion e-zine / Re: Guild Companion Site Is Down
« Last post by C.Tozer on July 08, 2024, 04:04:59 AM »
Hi there Colin - Sorry to pester but any update on this (no doubt massive) project?

Personally I am trying to track down a complete copy of all of the "The Social Implications of Magic" articles. I've been able to find some on the waybackmachine archive but not all.

Any chance I could get a copy please or know where else I may be able to find these articles?

Thank you

Sure. I've gone about this entirely the wrong way and it is taking much longer than it should. If there's something specific you want, let me know and I'll dig it out for you. I'm now looking at ways of getting bits up as I finish them rather than wait until everything is done (which was my original plan).

Sorry for the delay.
Rolemaster / Re: RMU - Parry Question
« Last post by jdale on July 07, 2024, 07:45:30 PM »
I wrote mine in VB.Net for Windows. The reason being that's what I know.
Rolemaster / Re: RMU - Parry Question
« Last post by awesomesauce on July 07, 2024, 07:38:06 PM »
Thank you jdale and Thot. Yep, that clears it up. So Thot is just allowing them to decide they are going to continue their melee with any amount of AP when the attack is declared against them and parry with whatever amount of that they please. While jdale is forcing them to declare their attack in full at the get go and lock it in - but they can declare their parry amount at the point they are attacked.

jdale: I hear what you are saying about the faster round thing (I think I read in a different thread you use the 4AP/single phase option). That makes a lot of sense that way.

I'm leaning towards going the 4AP/single phase way myself. I like the dynamic nature of 1AP per phase, but I feel it will slow combat to a crawl. I'm already pretty sick of the snap/normal/deliberate of RMFRP and would like to speed things up from that if possible. Two 2AP phases might be a compromise. Still weighing up the pros and cons of that. I'll have to do some test combats.

On another note, jdale, you said you use your own software to run games. What platform did you write that on just of out interest?

Edit: spelling
Rolemaster / Re: RMU - Parry Question
« Last post by jdale on July 07, 2024, 06:29:01 PM »
I let players use their OB for parry based on how they expect to attack. So if they plan a 4 AP attack, there's no penalty to their OB. Of course that means they can't change their mind and attack with less later, they are locking themself in. And maybe they get injured and have a penalty, but that's something we just accept.

Of course we also use the faster rounds option rather than playing phase by phase, so that's part of it.
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