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RMSS/FRP / Re: Stun Removal at -50?
« Last post by Micael on July 22, 2024, 08:34:36 AM »
I think the -50/-75 to movement was added because originally (RM2), movement was the only action (other than parrying at half OB) allowed when stunned. All other actions were forbidden.

It might also be helpful to note that the original description of the Stunned Maneuvering skill in RM Companion 2 specified a -10 penalty to the skill roll per cumulative round of stun. Companion 2 also (confusingly) had its own Static Action table which noted both the -10/round penalty and gave additional difficulty penalties for number of rounds of stun accrued. E.g. 2 rounds of stun made the base Static Action manuever a Hard (-10) check. I say this his confusing because these difficulty levels don't line up with the simple -10/round that is mentioned both in the verbal description of the skill and in this very chart I am referencing on p. 92 of Companion 2.
By the way in the german FRPG version, the newest and slighly changed edition, there is explicitely stated, that thr stunned maneuvering skill is very usefull for stunned removal skill.
Rolemaster / Re: Is the Lesser Phantom spell affected by critical effects?
« Last post by Spectre771 on July 22, 2024, 07:21:20 AM »
As this question is posed in the general Rolemaster thread, I can offer some info from RM2. 

For situations like this, we always referred to the info C&T provided.  Chances are extremely high that the stats for "Phantom, Lesser" are in C&T as it was published well before C&T2 and C&T3.  Possibly RMC-I would have stats, but I've done a lot of reading of C&T.

Most undead are immune to bleeding and stun.  Chances are even higher that they are only injured by magic weapons or higher quality weapons (silver, mithril, eog)  There are no bones to break, so limb incapacitation is not an issue, and it probably doesn't even have legs if it's a phantom, not a walking undead type creature.
Rolemaster / Is the Lesser Phantom spell affected by critical effects?
« Last post by pearto on July 22, 2024, 06:07:00 AM »
Lesser phantom spell (level 5), from Mind Illusions, Of Mentalism, p.66.
The target is attacked by a creature of shadow. The creature is actually a mental illusion and only the target sees the creature. The creature will immediately attack the target (in melee). The creature has an AT of 1, but has the same DB, OB and Hits as the target. The creature is immune to spell attacks. If the creature is slain (by killing or incapacitating it), the spell is cancelled. Duration 1 min/10 fail.

What damage does the Phantom take from crits done to it by the target?
It would take hits (once at zero the spell would end)
If the effect of a crit is that 'foe' is incapacitated the spell ends
If the effect of the crit is death/slain, the spell ends

What about hits per round?
Negative to activity?
Broken limbs?

Any thoughts or insights are appreciated.
Shadow World / Epic tales of Gryphonburg
« Last post by Micael on July 21, 2024, 06:01:05 PM »
Hi guys, it's a long time ago since we got new official shadowworld material. In my homecampaign my players got their first epic battle (for lvl 5) and we decided to give the community a little back from our fun. So I published the tales in form of short stories in both ICE  discord forums. Have fun:                             Best regards                    Micael
I don't know if anyone would be interested in this, but I threw together a little docker container to host the Linux version of the ERA. The container name is blackfireweb/rolemaster-era-server. There's not much in it, and it's open source but I'm using it to throw my copy of the ERA onto a server of mine.
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Alternative spellcasting
« Last post by MisterK on July 21, 2024, 01:00:35 AM »
It sounds to me like the stated goals from MisterK align much better with HARP than RM. Why go with the game that is deliberately made to be archetype-strong if your desire is to not have such strong archetypes?
I use RM mostly because I started playing and GMing in Shadow World with that system back in '86 (when it was still called "World of the Loremasters"), and my regular players have told me that changing the magic list-based system would feel really weird (I'm still GMing Shadow World, and the setting has been the same throughout the years - different time points, different locations, different characters, but same world). So I'm tweaking and hacking the various systems but I keep basically keep the Spell Law :P I don't use RM out of that specific context.
As I said elsewhere, I'm slowly moving away from an archetype based system, bit by little bit (I'm also moving away from the combat system as it is in the RAW, among other things). It's a back-and-forth process, that will probably never end because my tastes evolve over the years as well and because I like to experiment and hack mechanisms.
Ideally, if I could hack the RM spell lists subsystem with an occupation-based subsystem along the lines of what WHFRP or IK propose and with a combat subsystem close to what I currently have (which is a hack of HarnMaster, with a wound effect variability inspired from RM) and a completely different initiative system, this would probably be a good starting point. But given that I have other hobbies besides TTRPGs, it will probably have to wait until I'm retired, in a few years - and my tastes will likely have evolved again in the meantime :P
 What have been the most intense repercussions for characters who have "murder hobo-ed"/killed innocents in a TTRPG you have seen?

Check out our new Rolemaster Actual play episode; (E120a: Side Quest) Ain’t no place for a Hero “Murder in the alleys”

#rolemaster #twilightoftheoldorder #rolemasteractualplay
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Alternative spellcasting
« Last post by pastaav on July 20, 2024, 02:33:16 PM »
Ironcrown has two major games. RM allows you to take any skill but is designed as an archetype heavy so that costs will enforce the stereotype strongly. HARP, on the other hand, has archetypes in some sense, but the limited differences in costs and spell selection associated with profession choice mean the enforcement of the archetype is much weaker. From another perspective, HARP is designed so you can do a professional switch at level up, while such does not make sense at all with RM.

It sounds to me like the stated goals from MisterK align much better with HARP than RM. Why go with the game that is deliberately made to be archetype-strong if your desire is to not have such strong archetypes?
The trick with the Wayback Machine is to find the closest URL you can (i.e., one that is as few clicks away from the target as possible) and then redo the search. So for example you can start by looking for and get to the archives; if you can't get to the issue you want, you can copy the link, remove the part so you just have the original http URL, and then do a brand new search. Try multiple snapshots.

That said, the formatting of the examples seems like it got messed up.

And really, if you are looking for tables that resolve the issues mentioned there, I think you are better off looking at RMU which started from scratch and created full tables.
The Guild Companion e-zine / Are there ways to get older Guild Companion Issues?
« Last post by greville on July 19, 2024, 05:59:54 PM »
I was looking for some house rules for Rolemaster and one of the links that looked interesting was for the May 2002 Issue of the Guild Companion . The link of course is dead as the site no longer exists, and the issues accessible here go back to 2007.

I tried the Wayback Machine, but it was no good. Do you know of any way I can get the May 2002 Issue?
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