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If you email me at with the dates and rough ideas of the articles you want I can dig them out for you.

I am (painfully slowly) working on trying to get it all on the ICE website.

What is the best way you have experience a GM/DM handle a "lore dump" in a TTRPG?
Check our new Rolemaster Actual Play episode: (E120) Ain’t no place for a Hero “The calm before the Storm”

May the dice roll in your favor!

#rolemaster #twilightoftheoldorder #rolemasteractualplay
Rolemaster / Re: In Search of Andraax. Episode 3
« Last post by B Hanson on July 24, 2024, 05:59:35 PM »
HARP SF / Re: HARP SF PDF character sheet
« Last post by Teemmiiuurr on July 24, 2024, 11:49:02 AM »

i can't find it ...
i searched everywhere
Shadow World / Re: Community research project: (AI) pictures of shadowworld
« Last post by Hurin on July 22, 2024, 01:31:50 PM »
Added to my Discord lineup. This is such a fun project!
What is the biggest "I didn't see that coming!" moment you have experienced mid combat in a TTRPG?
To see one such moment check our new Rolemaster Actual Play episode: (E143) Twilight of the Old Order “The dice rolled in our favour”

Key moments in the Episode:
   - Server Elemental - 1:09:54
   - Spine severing - 1:18:11
   - A wee surprise - 2:02:00

May the dice roll in your favor!

#rolemaster #twilightoftheoldorder #rolemasteractualplay
Rolemaster / Re: Is the Lesser Phantom spell affected by critical effects?
« Last post by jdale on July 22, 2024, 10:38:15 AM »
The spell explicitly calls out immunity to spells but not to anything else, so I would assume the phantom is affected by everything else normally. It's an imaginary creature, it doesn't have any real nature but will respond as the combatant expects, i.e. like a regular creature. In general if things aren't specified, assume they are normal, extra powers are not normally present only via vague implication.

Given the stats, it's least effective against a heavily armored fighter...  but I cast it on the party's monk resulting in a virtual TPK. (Two PCs fled, the rest were captured.) The worst part was one PC spent three rounds climbing up to the walkway where the caster was... then jumped back down before attacking them because it didn't look like they were doing anything important!
Rolemaster / Re: Is the Lesser Phantom spell affected by critical effects?
« Last post by MisterK on July 22, 2024, 10:17:51 AM »
Nope, nothing, misread the initial post.
Shadow World / Community research project: (AI) pictures of shadowworld
« Last post by Micael on July 22, 2024, 08:43:55 AM »
Hi to all interested Shadowworld fans,

we opened a google drive and a chat to pool, discuss and create new shadowworld art (mostly by KI) free to use by anybody for there home campaigns or whatever else. We would be happy, if you would also share a few pictures from your version of shadowworld - places, NPCs, items, spell effects or whatever else is welcome:
discord chat:
google drive:

Thanks for your help
Micael Elandi
Hello, if you dont find players.... you can join in my campaign on middleearth with fantasygrounds. Discord contact: Widukind#6384
Thanks, but I had already find enough german players for my shadowworld campaign. But I would glady join as a player any german shadowworld campaign, that uses the full  FRPG/RMSS rules. Micael
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