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RMU Treasure Law- Help Please!

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Alright, so for an Iron Mail Full Suit, the cost comes in at PC Weight (405lbs) * Mail Full Suit Weight (21%) * Cost of Iron (0.01 sp per lb) = 85.05 lbs * 0.01 sp = 0.85 sp.

It would take 58 days so the workshop hire cost would be 15.47sp

That would give a total cost of 16.32sp

That obviously compares very favourably to the regular purchase price of 60sp.

That also results in the blacksmith earning 43.68sp in 58 days (0.75sp per day) if they are making it for sale, rather than earning ~0.08sp per day, so I think the cost needs to be higher. To match the earning of a blacksmith, one way or another you should be spending closer to 55sp. Of course if you can get out of some of those costs, for example by getting use of the forge for free, or not paying for fuel, then the costs would be lower.

I don't know about the RMU prices and standards of living, but an armourer was not a simple blacksmith - they were a specialised craftsman with fairly high wages, and were usually very specialised (several people with different specialties worked on a single suit of armour, each doing a few - or even a single - pieces).
Armourers were high earners among the craftsmen (in other words, after expenses, taxes, guild and church tithes and maintenance of tools and workplace, they still had a fairly comfortable standard of living. Of course, journeymen (which had not reached the degree of expertise required to be part of the guild and earn the title of 'master') earned much less, scarcely more than an apprentice.

I don't know how it translates in the RMU economy, but Harn (which is kind of my game reference of silver-based economies in medieval-like game settings) quotes a weaponcrafter (the armourer above) as earning ~108d per month in wages (i.e., being bonded masters, they do not have to pay for room, board and supplies, but they have to pay for their own tools. This was the most favourable position). By way of comparison, a suit of mail costs more than 1500d.

If mail costs 1500d and yields an income of 108d per month, in RMU mail costs 60sp so 108d would translate as 4.3sp. That's daily earnings of 0.144sp. It's twice as high as RMU's generic "skilled labor journeyman". That could be reasonable for an occupation with a higher level of prestige and probably fewer practitioners. But the above was 10 times as high.


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