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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #220 on: July 24, 2015, 02:59:08 PM »
I had an issue with my Browser and lost all the Minions Data and the install.

Is there a way to back up my Data so I don't lose it again?
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Offline Merkir

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #221 on: July 25, 2015, 07:35:12 AM »
Yes, use the Backup/Restore function from the Settings menu to backup your PCs & NPCs/creatures. I recommend you backup after each session. Note that the weapon/crit data is not backed up, but you just need to enter your license key again to install that data.

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - Spacemaster????
« Reply #222 on: September 23, 2015, 01:27:39 PM »
Good afternoon:

This may have been asked before, and I know that there was some discussion some time ago, but I was curious if a Spacemaster iteration of the downloadable (full version) tables were available? I presently have both of the currently provided RMFRP and RMSS tables, but we are starting a Spacemaster campaign and it would be wonderful to use this automated system to that end.

Second Question: If a table is not currently available, it says in the Getting Started portion of the Rolemaster Combat Minion that you can "Install your own weapon / critical tables (use options menu)". I am unsure how this is done - can anyone provide an explanation in regards to this?

Thank you for your time in reviewing/commenting to this posting.


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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - Spacemaster????
« Reply #223 on: September 23, 2015, 07:25:35 PM »
This may have been asked before, and I know that there was some discussion some time ago, but I was curious if a Spacemaster iteration of the downloadable (full version) tables were available? I presently have both of the currently provided RMFRP and RMSS tables, but we are starting a Spacemaster campaign and it would be wonderful to use this automated system to that end.

Sorry, but no, and there are no plans to support SM tables.

Second Question: If a table is not currently available, it says in the Getting Started portion of the Rolemaster Combat Minion that you can "Install your own weapon / critical tables (use options menu)". I am unsure how this is done - can anyone provide an explanation in regards to this?

Thanks for pointing that out. Point 2 should be removed. I hadn't realised it is still there. There were plans to provide this functionality at one point but the number of people who say they would use it is too small, for the investment in time required to make it happen.

Offline twrharri

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #224 on: January 03, 2016, 08:55:45 PM »

First of all. I just today found this app and it sure looks superb. Great job! I bought the official RMSS tables right away and I've been simulating some combats with a promising results. We've been playing RMSS for almost 30 years making us RM veterans as well, so it looks this is going to be very refreshing addition for my gaming toolbox as a GM.

I was immediately able to spot a couple of annoying bugs, so I wonder where I could report them and does someone (the author maybe) knows when the next version will be released?

The bugs I stumbled across couple of times:
- Initiative list does not seem always to refresh when new combatants are added. The only way to make the new combatants to appear was to hit enter to reload the page using browser location url (Latest Chrome on OSX)
- Keeping record on parrying and spent OB per round per opponent and counting percentages of OB does not show correctly (50% parry just shows -50 or +50 and not 50% of OB). Not to mention there should appear an extra +5 for full parrying with a weapon.

The calculating should work like: Let's say there are 3 opponents, An Elf armed with a broadsword and a shield (OB 80) facing two orcs, one with a short bow and another with a scimitar.
On the first round the Elf decides she uses half of her OB to parry evenly for both of the attackers (making 25% of her OB per orc). Then she should have her DB+20 for parrying melee and her DB+20+shield bonus for missile - leaving her +40 OB in her own melee attack.
On the second round she decides to us the whole OB on parry, making DB+40+shield bonus for parrying missile and for melee DB+40+5(extra for using weapon as a shield). Then she still should have to make a roll with OB 0 for not fumbling. The app does not seem correctly to remember what percentage of parry was used between different combatants.

And then mandatory barrel of wishes:
- Combat round sequence should be visible and possibility to step trough (ie. Missile is before melee)
- Missile reloading time tracking would be very nice (it's tough for GM to keep track on the missile reloading rounds for number of NPC's)
- Armor / weapon breakage rules and keeping track of breakage factors
- Choosing between critical tables (ie. thrusting with a sword makes puncture crits etc)
- Healing counter (based on healing rates)

I did not read the whole thread and I bet the obvious has been asked many times, but why not open source licence so all the volunteers would be able to add the features and fix the bugs? I'm a professional programmer, so pulling the code down from github and commiting patches would be easy.

Thanks & cheers,

Offline Merkir

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #225 on: January 04, 2016, 01:14:24 AM »
First of all. I just today found this app and it sure looks superb. Great job! I bought the official RMSS tables right away and I've been simulating some combats with a promising results. We've been playing RMSS for almost 30 years making us RM veterans as well, so it looks this is going to be very refreshing addition for my gaming toolbox as a GM.

Thanks for the kind words and feedback. I'll try to address each point in turn.

Before I do that, I will just advise that this software does NOT enforce any rules. That is not its intended use. It is a play aid which helps do away with pen and paper (to a large extent) and the necessity for the hundreds of hardcopy tables. I'll allude to this in some of the answers below.

- Initiative list does not seem always to refresh when new combatants are added. The only way to make the new combatants to appear was to hit enter to reload the page using browser location url (Latest Chrome on OSX)

At the start of each encounter you should add all combatants that are likely to take part, even if some will only join part way through. Simply skip their initiative (which is not seen by players anyway) until they enter. Alternatively if you forget, simply add the new combatants after the end of a round and start a new encounter. It's only an extra click and the state of all combatants will remain as they were at the end of the previous round. Note that initiative only changes at the whim of the GM, since different play groups will enact initiative differently.

- Keeping record on parrying and spent OB per round per opponent and counting percentages of OB does not show correctly (50% parry just shows -50 or +50 and not 50% of OB).

I agree this is a little ambiguous. It is not a % of OB. It is an absolute amount. So for example if you have OB=140, you can enter a parry of 140. I agree I should remove the % to avoid ambiguity, leaving only the (absolute) value shown within the brackets. And as always with this app, you can override or choose a different value by simply typing in the amount of parry instead.

Not to mention there should appear an extra +5 for full parrying with a weapon.

I'm not aware of that rule. Is that a RMSS-specific rule?

The calculating should work like: Let's say there are 3 opponents, An Elf armed with a broadsword and a shield (OB 80) facing two orcs, one with a short bow and another with a scimitar.
On the first round the Elf decides she uses half of her OB to parry evenly for both of the attackers (making 25% of her OB per orc). Then she should have her DB+20 for parrying melee and her DB+20+shield bonus for missile - leaving her +40 OB in her own melee attack.
On the second round she decides to us the whole OB on parry, making DB+40+shield bonus for parrying missile and for melee DB+40+5(extra for using weapon as a shield). Then she still should have to make a roll with OB 0 for not fumbling. The app does not seem correctly to remember what percentage of parry was used between different combatants.

I'm glad you added this example because it shows how difficult it would be to implement this as a rule (which I would not want to do anyway). In fact you've only shown a simple example. What about PCs with 2 weapons? What about monsters with 4 (or more?) arms each wielding a weapon? What about rules where you can only parry combatants you are actively attacking? You can see that parry soon gets completely out of hand.

Add to this that many play groups house-rule the way they like to do parry (as evidence see the myriad of forum threads here on the topic) and it soon becomes an exercise in futility trying to write software to handle it.

So I defer to my original excuse (which it is) that this software does not try to enforce rules. However you were tracking parry using pen and paper you will need to continue to do, and enter the appropriate parry amounts where appropriate.

Having said that, one thing I could have added to the software is a simple record of how much OB each combatant has "expended" and/or "pre-declared" each round as a visual reminder to the GM as to how much they have left. This would still have the complexity of requiring multiple stats for multiple weapons (perhaps as many as 8 for exotic monsters???). You can probably see why I kept away from parry record-keeping and left it to how the gaming group does it manually.

And then mandatory barrel of wishes:
- Combat round sequence should be visible and possibility to step trough (ie. Missile is before melee)

This is ruleset-specific. There is no such thing in RM Classic for example. And again many play groups will have round sequences with different phases. I have provided a very generic initiative system which should be usable in any ruleset where a particular phase requires combatants to be ordered by initiative. You can scroll through the initiative sequence as many times as you want, for each phase within your round.

- Missile reloading time tracking would be very nice (it's tough for GM to keep track on the missile reloading rounds for number of NPC's)

Agree. There is no inventory within the app. It's a combat/encounter aid.

- Choosing between critical tables (ie. thrusting with a sword makes puncture crits etc)

Just change it! If the app gives 12BS, simply change it to 12BP. That's why every result in the app is shown within a text field you can edit. You can change almost every value the app provides - every bonus, penalty, attack result, crit result, etc. IMO this is absolutely necessary and why I say the app does not enforce any rules, nor should it.

I did not read the whole thread and I bet the obvious has been asked many times, but why not open source licence so all the volunteers would be able to add the features and fix the bugs? I'm a professional programmer, so pulling the code down from github and commiting patches would be easy.

That makes a number of assumptions, like the fact that someone (me) is willing to take the time to merge/commit the 3rd party patches and re-release the software. As much as I'd like to, I have been very up-front about my position. This is purely hobby software, written one weekend, for private use. Only when I saw that it was good enough for others did I release it to the RM community for free use, but with very clear disclaimers that I make no guarantees that I will be able to support the software. Having said that I always try to answer questions here, especially when raised as well as you have done.

I'd be very happy to discuss the possibility of handing over the software for others to manage. I'd need to think about that somewhat, and prefer to wait until the release of RMU to see where Combat Minion fits in.

Again, thanks for the feedback. Cheers.

Offline twrharri

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #226 on: January 04, 2016, 06:12:11 PM »


Thanks for replying so quickly. I spent quite many hours of testing the app and then wrote my reply. I today realised that gave wrong information about the ruleset we're using. I meant to state we're using the grand old RM2 rules and not RMSS. Sorry about confusion.

Thanks for the kind words and feedback. I'll try to address each point in turn.

This is just great. I'm amazed how much effort again you gave to my humble post.

It's only an extra click and the state of all combatants will remain as they were at the end of the previous round. Note that initiative only changes at the whim of the GM, since different play groups will enact initiative differently.

I agree and see your point. One thing - could it be possible to pick the combatants from the "Initiative" line as well? I found it slightly frustrating to pick "Orc fighter 13" from the NPC list when of the name of combatant is already next to as "Initiative: Orc fighter 13". It would be so nice to be able to just click there to get it to "Attacker:" or "Defender:".

I agree this is a little ambiguous. It is not a % of OB. It is an absolute amount.
So for example if you have OB=140, you can enter a parry of 140. I agree I should remove the % to avoid ambiguity, leaving only the (absolute) value shown within the brackets.

This makes sense as well. It might make sense to let the % go.

Not to mention there should appear an extra +5 for full parrying with a weapon.

I'm not aware of that rule. Is that a RMSS-specific rule?

As said, I got initially the ruleset wrong. That's at least in RM2. There, in the Arms Law, table 8.2.5, "One-Handed arms" shield bonus is 5 and footnote which states: "Can only be used if weapon not used to attack with or if 100% of OB us used to parry (see section 4.3)". Under 4.3 - Parrying melee attacks the last bullet states: "If a combatant elects to parry with a weapon with his entire OB, he receives the 'shield' bonus for his weapon".

You can see that parry soon gets completely out of hand.

Indeed. I started to form the whole logic as well in my mind and got pretty much exhausted on the complexity what modelling that would bring. I take my words back about this.  ;)

Having said that, one thing I could have added to the software is a simple record of how much OB each combatant has "expended" and/or "pre-declared" each round as a visual reminder to the GM as to how much they have left.

Something like this might been easing up the whole complexity of how much OB was used by who (especially with NPC's). Thumbs up for this possible route of development.

You can scroll through the initiative sequence as many times as you want, for each phase within your round.

Yes. This is what I figured I have to do. Check.

Just change it! If the app gives 12BS, simply change it to 12BP. That's why every result in the app is shown within a text field you can edit. You can change almost every value the app provides - every bonus, penalty, attack result, crit result, etc. IMO this is absolutely necessary and why I say the app does not enforce any rules, nor should it.

Perfect! Thanks for the hint!

That makes a number of assumptions, like the fact that someone (me) is willing to take the time to merge/commit the 3rd party patches and re-release the software. As much as I'd like to, I have been very up-front about my position. This is purely hobby software, written one weekend, for private use.

You've already done magnificent job in releasing this app and providing much help you already have.

I'd be very happy to discuss the possibility of handing over the software for others to manage. I'd need to think about that somewhat, and prefer to wait until the release of RMU to see where Combat Minion fits in.

Exciting times we're living with RMU, indeed. I'll continue keeping eye on this thread for news about possible future releases and/or your other announcements.

Again, thanks for the feedback. Cheers.

You're welcome and thanks again for taking time to answer to me.

Best wishes,

Offline Merkir

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #227 on: January 06, 2016, 06:35:24 PM »
Rolemaster Combat Minion - NEW RELEASE

v1.4.2 (6 Jan 2016)
   - modified attacker parry text on combat panel to remove % ambiguity
   - made Actor clickable to select as current Attacker/Defender
   - updated FAQ
   - updated Getting Started

This version removed the ambiguity regarding the way Attacker Parry works. It also makes the Actor clickable to select it as the Attacker (or Defender)

A reminder, the free web app can be found at

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #228 on: January 15, 2016, 04:28:11 PM »
I need to update my combat minion to the new version, How i can do it?

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #229 on: January 15, 2016, 07:22:41 PM »
The new version of the software is auto-detected and auto-downloaded/updated. A little pop-up window tells you the download/update is in progress. Since the file size is so small, that pop-up may be very quick and easily missed.

That's what should happen, but I can't guarantee it for every browser/platform. For those that didn't auto-update, please do the following:

1. Ensure you still have your Minion License Key info
2. Back up your Minion DB from the settings menu
3. Clear your browser cache (all items except passwords will work). It will wipe the old version of Minion.
4. Close/shut down the browser entirely, then reopen it to
5. From the settings menu, install licensed tables and restore your Minion DB

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #230 on: January 16, 2016, 05:37:47 AM »

 ok updated following your instructions

 I was using google chrome VersiĆ³n 47.0.2526.111 m


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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #231 on: March 03, 2016, 10:17:39 PM »
So.. I've played with it a little (bought the RM2 licensing).

It works great.. but I still have to keep a seperate track of how much I have parried with, did I use my shield DB etc. And when I'm defending I can't even see my total OB so I have no way of knowing how much I can parry with. In the app I could say I parried with 50 OB.. but if I only have 40 (which I can't see in the defender window).

Another thing I stumbled on is that I can't see why I have the penalties. You're bleeding, stunned for 2 rounds, and have taken 40% of your total hitpoints in damage, but if you are not 100% sure of the rules (or if they are house ruled) you can't see what wound gives what penalty.

I had high hopes for this little tool. It could be great - but unfortunately I don't think we will be using it for the time being.

It doesn't scale well on my tablet as well - very hard to change attack type (Sony Experia Z2 - so decent size).

If you could make it a very lightweight "view" of this so it would be used for crit/hit damage lookup, with ease of use, it would be of much better use to us. Then we wouldn't have to use the books to look up damage, and will continue to use paper to track everything.

Sorry for the harsh review - I really had high hopes for this.
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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #232 on: March 07, 2016, 07:23:51 PM »

Is there Any chance at all the you could add a Button to add and subtract Power points from spells cast without having to actually Open and edit the Full Character?

Also the post previous to mine has some great ideas between the Character sheet and the Combat window.
D Puncture crit 100
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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #233 on: April 04, 2016, 09:34:36 AM »
In our setting I as a player do all the weapon table work and the GM just does Crits and keeps track of the creatures... I by now can almost predict the HP and crit from any weapon on an AT :)
So that can be an idea if you wanna take a load of the GM!
Sir Elor Blacke knight of Helyssa, Kytari Fighter lvl 25 (RM2)
Malim Naruum, Yinka Lord Bashkor lvl 27  (RM2)

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #234 on: April 22, 2016, 08:18:20 PM »
HawksNut has just brought to my attention an error in the RMSS/FRP data file in which the Spear and Javelin tables were mistakenly given the same internal identifier. I have corrected the data file. Please re-install the tables and if any of your characters are using Spear, please choose/save Spear again to fix. Apologies for any inconvenience.

Note that this only affects the RMSS/FRP data file. The RM2/Classic data file uses completely different identifiers and I have checked to ensure the Spear and Javelin are unique.

Thanks for spotting this, HawksNut. Cheers.

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #235 on: June 10, 2016, 03:47:37 PM »
Is there a way to get the app to automatically track the penalties for low Power Points (PP) the same way it does for low HP?

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #236 on: June 10, 2016, 10:12:21 PM »
Is there a way to get the app to automatically track the penalties for low Power Points (PP) the same way it does for low HP?

If you (or anybody else) could help by pointing me to the rule on penalties for low PP, I'll take a look. Cheers.

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #237 on: June 12, 2016, 09:37:49 PM »
It's under the modifiers for spell casting. RMSS core book, pg 106, table T-4.6.

It would only affect a spell casting maneuver, but it is a handy penalty to have the Combat Minion calculate automatically.

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #238 on: June 12, 2016, 09:43:01 PM »
Oh, I almost forgot to add.

Thank you very much for the Combat Minion tool as well as your monitoring of the forums for questions.

Your efforts are greatly appreciated at my table. It has helped IMMENSLY with getting players new to RM to enjoy the game instead of running in fear of math.

While I saw that you were avoiding being paid royalties due to future support qualms, if you have a go fund me site thingy or paypal, I for one would be happy to throw a ducat or two your way in gratitude for your work. Assuming the hosts of this forum do not frown on such mentions.

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Re: Rolemaster Combat Minion - RM combat tracking software
« Reply #239 on: June 14, 2016, 12:22:07 AM »
Thanks for the kind words. I just read the RMSS rules you indicated. It is a lot more involved than RM2/Classic and I see that if a caster has used more than 25% of their PP, they must roll a spell casting static maneuver to successfully cast. I agree that it would be useful to track the PP loss modifier, which is one of four possible values, 0%, -10%, -20% or -30%. I will put it on the To Do list. Note however that Combat Minion will not really be able to apply the modifier in any meaningful way. It would be able to show a visual indicator in some way as to the magnitude of the penalty, but Minion only applies modifiers to actual combat rolls, eg. OB (offensive bonus) or DS (Directed Spell bonus), which this modifier doesn't affect.

Looking at the user interface, I'm wondering if the PP (Power Point) column, which gives the max and remaining PP, could be colour coded to indicate the 4 different levels of PP loss modifier? Eg:
white: no penalty
yellow: -10%
orange: -20%
red: -30%

Thanks for the feedback.