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RMC/RM2 / Percentage Action
« Last post by Bigstef1975 on May 10, 2024, 01:26:08 PM »
 I just wanted to ask you how you manage the percentages of actions that players must spend per round? Have you tried the technique of aligning the percentages continuously? Example: In the first round my character decides to charge his longbow 80%. He has 20% left and must wait for the GM to come back to him for his remaining 20%... given to him with 20% he decides to shoot (50%) but does not have enough percentage so it is postponed until 2nd round where he fires and he has 70% left in the second round considering the 20% remaining from the first... When the GM comes to him , he has 70% left. He decides to recharge his longbow 80%. Which pushes him back to the 3rd round and he remains 90% action in the 3rd round given the 10% difference. He decides in the 3rd round to draw his charged longbow but at -10. Etc Etc... With this system a player can only say one action at a time... Hope i am clear

RMSS/FRP / Re: Stun Removal at -50?
« Last post by Micael on May 09, 2024, 07:32:33 PM »
I think the -50/-75 to movement was added because originally (RM2), movement was the only action (other than parrying at half OB) allowed when stunned. All other actions were forbidden.

It might also be helpful to note that the original description of the Stunned Maneuvering skill in RM Companion 2 specified a -10 penalty to the skill roll per cumulative round of stun. Companion 2 also (confusingly) had its ...
I understand the historical reference but in fact many skills and rules were changed from RM2 to FRPG because of balance reasons or design or whatever. A good example are the warriormage. So of course the -50 are not only to movement, but because most other actions are not possible it's mostly irrelevant (Casting spells for example ). Thanks Micael
Rolemaster / Re: Rules Questions-Spells, Facing and Ranged Attacks
« Last post by jdale on May 07, 2024, 11:05:25 PM »
Welcome, glad you like it!

1. Not inherently, but a spellcaster might want to partial dodge or take other defensive action. Partial dodge is a concentration action, so you could only dedicate 2 AP to spellcasting, resulting in -50.

2. In general, when you are trying to outmaneuver a foe to get in their flank, I handle that as conflicting skills (usually Running vs Running, with success giving flank and absolute success giving rear). In a one-on-one situation it's really hard to get flank (maybe sheer folly), but if you have allies or special abilities (like flip), it will bring the difficulty down. When you have an ally, I would generally treat it as a medium conflicting maneuver for one of you to get flank (again, absolute success gets rear). For Flip, maybe... +50 on that maneuver?

3. "Attacker in melee" is -20, on table 9-5.
ERA has been updated

  • New features
    • Added support for maneuver tables related to skills.
    • Added random roller in Character Status module. Number rolled will be added to the character saved rolls.
    • Redesigned saved rolls dialog to allow random and manual selection.
    • Added Vocabulary.XML to allow configuration of words used in certain parts of the application.
    • Added spell failures and fumbles as random tables to the Treasure module.
    • Added role check (GM / Player) in the online server.
  • Improvements/corrections
    • The filter in the Treasure module will now search in any part of the table name.
    • Added carrier filter to party inventory module.
    • Added support for multiple file uploading in the Customization Module.
    • Skill glossary files that mention ignored skills will no longer be skipped.
    • Added option to filter beginning of skill name, using the caret ^ as separator.
    • Removed failure button from spell casting dialog, will now be automatically opened when the casting fails.
    • RuleSettings.XML is no longer part of the default installation, so that changes are not lost when updating.
  • Package updates
Rolemaster / Rules Questions-Spells, Facing and Ranged Attacks
« Last post by Lawdog1700 on May 07, 2024, 06:25:00 PM »

Hi all,

New to the forum.  Old school RM player and new player of RMU.  I really like the new Rolemaster.  We have been looking for a crunchier rule set for an RPG, and RMU definitely fits the bill.

Anyway, I have a few rules questions.  I apologize if these are very obvious:

1. Is there a penalty applied to cast a spell if the spellcaster is engaged in combat with an enemy?

2. On the Monk spell list “Evasions”, there is a spell called flip.  I know that generally if a character moves and is engaged with an enemy, the enemy is allowed to freely rotate to keep facing against the target. That prevents one character from running around behind the other character to gain advantage every single round. However, flip allows you to jump 10 feet. If a monk were to flip over an enemy, would they be allowed to automatically rotate to face the monk after, the monk lands? Or, would they be able to change when their initiative came up?

3. Is there a penalty to use a ranged weapon when engaged with an enemy?

Thanks for any answers you provide. I appreciate it.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by Hurin on May 07, 2024, 09:23:32 AM »
Having had time to live with it for a while now, I also like almost all of the RMU art. Unfortunately, I really dislike the covers and that first impression influenced my judgement of all of the art for a while.

I wish the covers were done in the same style as the images at the start of most chapters. Those feel like Rolemaster to me and the covers simply don't.

Interestingly I frequently had the opposite problem with earlier editions. The cover art was great and some of the interior images were lacking. But for me the absolute worse art problem was the attempt to create a new design aesthetic for Shadow World with the Master Atlas 4 and Powers of Light & Darkness. My dislike of the RMU covers is nothing compared to my loathing for those because it extended to replacing the white space on each page with that hideous dark frame.

I am mostly the same. One of the strengths of Rolemaster is its grittiness and granularity -- call it realism if you want, or at least an attempt at being more realistic than D&D, which was in fact the original impetus for Rolemaster -- and the covers do not convey that at all. They are more cartoony. I wasn't expecting another Angus McBride, but there is interior art that is considerably better than the covers.
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by 5th Knight of Xar on May 07, 2024, 03:13:49 AM »
Having had time to live with it for a while now, I also like almost all of the RMU art. Unfortunately, I really dislike the covers and that first impression influenced my judgement of all of the art for a while.

I wish the covers were done in the same style as the images at the start of most chapters. Those feel like Rolemaster to me and the covers simply don't.

Products not meeting expectations is something I know all about, recent years Star Wars content VS the older trilogy, new Motu content vs the older etc.
The first 5 core Rolemaster Unified books (Core, Spell, Treasure, Creature 1 and 2) are more than likely to be made by the same individual. There's a chance you might see something you like beyond those though  :)
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by cdcooley on May 07, 2024, 02:28:46 AM »
Having had time to live with it for a while now, I also like almost all of the RMU art. Unfortunately, I really dislike the covers and that first impression influenced my judgement of all of the art for a while.

I wish the covers were done in the same style as the images at the start of most chapters. Those feel like Rolemaster to me and the covers simply don't.

Interestingly I frequently had the opposite problem with earlier editions. The cover art was great and some of the interior images were lacking. But for me the absolute worse art problem was the attempt to create a new design aesthetic for Shadow World with the Master Atlas 4 and Powers of Light & Darkness. My dislike of the RMU covers is nothing compared to my loathing for those because it extended to replacing the white space on each page with that hideous dark frame.
Rolemaster / Re: [RMU] Creating a Lightsaber with Treasure Law
« Last post by EvilWilliam on May 06, 2024, 05:23:28 PM »
Actually, striking is a ranged attack, so:

illusion light mirage (lvl 1)
Weapon I (lvl 4)
Additional critical I (lvl 7)
Use on a dagger
Rolemaster / Re: Rolemaster Unified art: what happened?
« Last post by EvilWilliam on May 06, 2024, 04:00:58 PM »
Can I whisper it, but I actually like the art in RMU, yes, it's slightly naive, but it has charm.
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