Revised Eberron Conversion

Started by Elton Robb, June 13, 2009, 10:20:44 AM

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Elton Robb


The Talents are the next module to take under consideration.  Since Character Law, and the expanding companions, is/are full of talents and flaws already that can be used, a few can be added in order to keep Eberron's flavor.  These are, of course, the Dragonmarks: both non- and aberrant.

The Dragonmark talents fall under Mystical, of course.

New Talents
Dragonmarked (Major) -- You were born with a Dragonmark and it manifested early in your life. This means you have a spell ability you may use from time to time. The dragonmark you have is the least dragonmark; so you have the lesser of the ability.  Never the less, your father assured you that you can increase your dragonmark's powers.
[Major, 20]

Heir of Siberys (Greater) -- You manifested, or will manifest, a Siberys mark.  The magic of a Siberys mark is undeniably powerful.  You turn heads everywhere you walk and gain attention.
[Greater, 35]

Special Status talent
Dragonmarked Heir (minor) -- you are treated as a minor noble in a Dragonmarked house.  You were either awarded such an honor, or inherited from your parents. [minor, 10]

New Flaw
Aberrant Mark (Greater) -- Somehow you gained an Aberrant Mark.  Either your parents belonged to two different houses, and you were born, or you gained as a "gift."  This pretty much means that people fear you and your power all your life.  Because of your mark, people think you are dangerous.  And within reason.  People in the past with Aberrant marks could cause massive destruction on a powerful scale.
[Greater, -20]

Optional Rule: Increasing the Power of the Mark

Increasing the power of your mark, whether normal or Aberrant, requires a Magic Ritual static maneuver.   You can increase a Dragonmark from least to lesser, to minor, to major, and then to Siberys.  You can increase an Aberrant Dragonmark from least to lesser, to minor, and to major.  Presently in Eberron there are no Marks of Khyber.  The modifiers to increase your mark are related below:

Lesser . . . . . -50
Minor . . . . .  -75
Major . . . . .  -100
Siberys  . . .  -125
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Elton Robb


Boomerang, Talenta:   Use the Boomerang table in the Armory to resolve a boomerang throw.
Boomerang, Xen'drik: Boomerang, Armor Modifications: AT 20 - 1 = -5.
Scimitar, Valanar Double: 2H, Weight: 10-15; Length: 4.5-6; Fumble Range: 5; Breakage Factor: 7; Range mod.: none; Table used: Scimitar; Armor Modifications: 20-17: -5; 16-13: -5; 12-9: +0; 8-5: +5; 4-1: +5; Special Rules: exotic weapon, normally trained to be used with two-weapon combo skill.
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Elton Robb


Boomerang, Talenta:   Use the Boomerang table in the Armory to resolve a boomerang throw.

Boomerang, Xen'drik: Boomerang, Armor Modifications: AT 20 - 1 = -5.

Scimitar, Valanar Double: 2H, Weight: 10-15; Length: 4.5-6; Fumble Range: 5; Breakage Factor: 7; Range mod.: none; Table used: Scimitar; Armor Modifications: 20-17: -5; 16-13: -5; 12-9: +0; 8-5: +5; 4-1: +5; Special Rules: exotic weapon, normally trained to be used with two-weapon combo skill.

Sharrash, Talenta: 2H, Wieght: 8.5-10.4; Length: 4; Fumble Range: 4; Breakage Factor: 6; Range Mod.: none; Table Used: Glaive; Armor Modifications: 20-17: +5, 16-13: +5; 12-9: +5; 8-5: +5; 4-1: +5; Special rules: You can use Unbalancing criticals as an alternate critical at -10.

Tangat, Talenta: 1H, Weight: 7.1-8.6; Length: 3; Fumble Range: 3; Breakage Factor: 4; Range Mod.: none; Table used: Short Sword; Armor modifications: 20-17: +0; 16-13: +5; 12-9: +5; 8-5: +5; 4-1: +5; Special Rules: Looks like a short scimitar.


Darkleaf Armor: A Darkleaf breastplate provides the same protection as a Leather Breastplate (AT 9) but a -5 penalty to DB; max mod -20, Missile attack penalty 5.  Similarly, Darkleaf banded mail provides the same protection as a plate breastplate (AT 17) but at a -5 penalty to DB.  Darkleaf weighs less than a metal suit, so Min Mod. -5, Max mod -40, Missile attack penalty 15, Armor Quickness Penalty: 15.

Leafweave: A leafweave jerkin provides as much protection as a reinforced leather coat (AT 7) but weighs considerably less.  Max mod. +0.

Special Substances and Items
Acidic Fire causes an A heat critical.
Alchemist's frost causes an A cold critical.
Alchemist's Spark causes an A electricity critical.
Noxious Smokestick causes nausea on a failed RR (use poison RR).

Use as written.  They are included in the following spell lists below:
-- Work Bronzewood (level 5, organic skills) Allows the caster to work Bronzewood.
-- Work Byeshk (Level 9, Inorganic Skills) allows the caster to work Byeshk.
-- Work Densewood (Level 10, Organic Skills) allows the caster to work Densewood.
-- Work Dragonshard (level 12, Inorganic Skills) allows the caster to work with Dragonshards.
-- Work Flametouched Iron (Level 14, Inorganic Skills) allows the caster to work with Flametouched Iron.
-- Work Soarwood (Level 15, Organic Skills) Allows the caster to work Soarwood.
-- Work Riedran Crysteel (Level 20, Inorganic Skills) allows the caster to work with Crysteel.
-- Work Livewood (Level 20, Organic Skills) allows the caster to work with Livewood.
-- Work Targath (level 13, Inorganic Skills) allows the caster to work with Targath.


All can be used as written.  Creating them can be done per the rules for Item Creation in Spell Law (RMSS or Of Essence).  Elemental binding is done according to the rules in Fire and Ice.
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Elton Robb


Ascendant Councilor
Level: 20G; Base Rate: 40; Max Pace/MM Bonus: FSpt/20; Speed (MS/AQ): SL/VF; Size/Crit: M/LA#; Hits: 200H; AT (DB) 1(75); Attacks: 70we/25 SBa/Spells/Special; # Enc. 1-2; Treasure: i; Bonus EP: I; Outlook (IQ): Altruistic (EX)

Picture of an Ascendant Councilor.  Use the Combat section as written except: Purification does an "A" electrical critical to neutral and evil creatures.
Spells: Can use spells from the Light's Way and Astrologer Base Lists to 20th level and has 40 pp.

Carcass Crab
Level: 9C; Base Rate: 110; Max Pace/MM Bonus: Run/+10; Speed (MS/AQ): VS/SL; Size: H/LA; Hits: 110A; AT(DB) 12(50); Attacks: +10LPi80/+20 Lbi10/+20 LGra/+10 Tiny Barb (sling)10/Poison/special; # Enc. 1; Treasure: c; Bonus EP: E; Outlook (IQ): Aggressive

Picture of a carcass crab.  Use the combat section as written.  Additional rules: The poison is a mild reduction poison.

Type VI demon
Level: 20H; Base Rate: 60; Max Pace/MM Bonus: Run/10; Speed (MS/AQ): MD/MF; Size/Crit: M/II; Hits: 200F; AT(DB): 16(20); Attacks: 100We (x2)/20 MBa/Special/Spells; # Enc. 1; Treasure: p; Bonus EP: I; Outlook (IQ): Cruel (EX)

Picture of a Daelkyr.  Combat: use as written.  The poison on the tentacle whip is a moderate conversion poison.  All Daelkyr know Mind Destruction to 30th level and has 20 PP.


Clawfoot (Velociraptor)
Level: 2B; Base Rate: 110; Max Pace/MM Bonus: Dash/+40; Speed (MS/AQ): VF/FA; Size/Crit: S/-; Hits 45D; AT (DB): 3(40); Attack 90SCla70/80SBi30; # Enc. 2-10; Treasure: --; Bonus XP: C; Outlook (IQ): aggressive (HI)

Transport information: Cost -- 4 gp; Ft/rnd 100, mi/hr 7, Man. +40, Ht. 1.6 ft, Weight: 33 lbs, Cap. 50 lbs., OB +5

Picture of a Clawfoot on Deviant Art.  Really a turkey sized animal, the Clawfoot (Velociraptor) can be used as a mount by Halflings.  Although art of the Game World assumes the velociraptor to be unfeathered (and I agree), is a genus of dromaeosaurid theropod dinosaur that existed approximately 75 to 71 mya (million years ago) during the later part of the Cretaceous Period.  Smaller than other dromaeosaurids like Deinonychus and Achillobator, the turkey-sized Velociraptor nevertheless shared many of the same anatomical features. It was a bipedal, feathered carnivore with a long, stiffened tail and an enlarged sickle-shaped claw on each hindfoot, which is thought to have been used to kill its prey. Velociraptor can be distinguished from other dromaeosaurids by its long and low skull, with an upturned snout. (from Wikipedia)

Fastieth (Gallimimus)
The Adapter feels that Laeellynasaura is too small for Halflings to ride.

Level: 4C; Base Rate: 120; Max Pace/MM Bonus: Dash/+20; Speed (MS/AQ): FA/FA; Size: M/--;  Hits 40F; AT (DB): 1(30); Attacks: 60LCl70/50MBa30; # Enc. 2-100; Treasure ---; Bonus XP ---; Outlook: Normal

Transport information: Cost â€" 7 gp.; Ft/rnd 120; mi/hr 8, Man +20, Ht. 6 ft.; Weight: 970 lb; Cap. 300 lbs, OB +5

A picture of a flock of Gallimimi from Jurrassic Park.  The Fastieth is a genus of ornithomimosaurid dinosaur from the late Cretaceous period (Maastrichtian stage) Nemegt Formation of Mongolia. With a maximum length of around 4 metres (13 ft)[1] and weighing as much as 440 kilograms (970 lb), it was one of the largest ornithomimosaurs. Gallimimus is known from multiple individuals, ranging from juvenile (about 0.5 metres tall at the hip) to adult (about 2 metres tall at the hip).

Gallimimus was rather ostrich-like, with a small head, large eyes, a long neck, short arms, long legs, and a long tail. A diagnostic character of Gallimimus is a distinctly short 'hand' relative to the humerus length, when compared to other ornithomimids. The tail was used as a counter-balance. The eyes were located on the sides of its head, meaning that it did not possess binocular vision. Like most modern birds, it had hollow bones. Gallimimus had a number of adaptations which suggest good running ability, such as long limbs, a long tibia and metatarsus and short toes, but it is unknown how fast it could run. (from Wikipedia)

Carver (Deinonychus)

Level: 5C; Base Rate: 90; Max Pace/MM Bonus: FSprnt/+20; Speed (MS/AQ): FA/FA; Size/Crit: M/--; Hits 55D; AT (DB): 3(30); Attack 90MCla70/80MBi30; # Enc. 2-10; Treasure: --; Bonus XP: C; Outlook (IQ): aggressive (HI)

Transport information: Cost -- 7 gp; Ft/rnd 100, mi/hr 6.7, Man. +20, Ht. 3 ft., Weight: 161 lbs, Cap. 200 lbs., OB +5

A picture of a Deinonychus by Vladimir "T-PEKC" Nikolov for Jurassic Park Legacy. Deinonychus was a genus of carnivorous dromaeosaurid dinosaur. Paleontologist John Ostrom's study of Deinonychus in the late 1960s revolutionized the way scientists thought about dinosaurs, leading to the "Dinosaur renaissance" and igniting the debate on whether or not dinosaurs were warm-blooded. Before this, the popular conception of dinosaurs had been one of plodding, reptilian giants. Ostrom noted the small body, sleek, horizontal, posture, ratite-like spine, and - especially - the enlarged raptorial claws on the feet, which suggested an active, agile predator. (from Wikipedia)

Glidewing (Pteranodon)
Use Large Pterosaur stats in Creatures and Monsters for the Glidewing.


Level 3C; Base Rate: 50; Max Pace/MM Bonus: Spt/+0; Speed (MS/AQ): SL/MD; Size/Crit: M/---; Hits: 60E;  AT(DB): 1(25); Attacks: 50 Melee/30 Missile/30 MgGra/Special; # Enc. 1-12; Treasure: *; Bonus XP C; Outlook (IQ): Hostile (MD)

Special: use as written.


Level 2B; Base Rate: 45; Max Pace: FSpt/+0; Speed (MS/AQ): SL/MD; Size/Crit: M/--; Hits: 40D; AT (DB): 1(30); Attacks: 40 melee/20 missile; # Enc. 1-12; Treasure *; Bonus XP: C; Outlook (IQ): Hostile (LO)

Special: Use as written in the ECS.

Dusk Hag

Level 6C; Base Rate: 40; Max Pace: FSpt/+0; Speed (MS/AQ): SL/MD;  Size/Crit: M/I; Hits: 40C; AT(DB): 3(20); Attacks 20SCla/spells; # Enc. 1-3; Treasure: c; Bonus XP: D; Outlook  (IQ): Neutral (HI)

A Dusk Hag uses all Astrologer Base Lists to the tenth level and has 2x PP.  So, use all other information about the Dusk Hag in the ECS as written.

Homunculi from the ECS can be best converted using the Construct Companion.

Creating Horrid Animals.

Increase levels by 2,  Hits by 20, and OB by +10.


All Inspired use the High Men information on page 61 of Races and Cultures. Except a possessed Inspired knows the Evil Mentalist spell-lists its Quori spirit knows, and an Empty Vessel knows Mentalist spell lists to his or her level.

Level: 3H; Base Rate: 80, Max Pace/MM Bonus: Spt/+10; Speed (MS/AQ): MD/MF; Size/Crit: M/I# Hits: 55E; AT 16(10)*; Attacks 40we/50Mba; # Enc. 2-20; Treasure: c; Bonus EP B; Outlook (IQ): Cruel (AV)

Here is a picture of a Karrnathi skeleton.

Karrnathi Zombie
Level: 3B; Base Rate: 60; Max Pace/MM bonus: Spt/+10; Speed (MS/AQ): MD/MF; Size/Crit: M/I#; Hits 60F; AT(DB): 17(10); Attacks: 30 we/30MBa/Special; # Enc. 2-20; Treasure: c; Bonus EP C; Outlook (IQ) Cruel (AV)

Here is a picture of a Karrnathi zombie.

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Wōdwulf Seaxaning

Cool stuff Elton.. any chance of doing a similar job on your RM2/C Eberron convertion ? I'm working on my own but you have more books than I do.Hopefully I'll get more soon but I'll have to most likely wait till after X-mas. I've been real busy with my own setting to work on my convertion.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax

Elton Robb

Quote from: Lucifer_Draconus on August 23, 2009, 12:40:34 AM
Cool stuff Elton.. any chance of doing a similar job on your RM2/C Eberron convertion ? I'm working on my own but you have more books than I do.Hopefully I'll get more soon but I'll have to most likely wait till after X-mas. I've been real busy with my own setting to work on my convertion.

I think I have enough time to do an RM2 or RMC conversion.  It will give me something to do since I quit WoW until next month. :)
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Wōdwulf Seaxaning

Sweeeeeeeeet! It means I might have to finish my own stalled conversion of Eberron LOL I'll just use yours , if I may ?
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax

Elton Robb

That's what it's for.  To be used by the community.
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Wōdwulf Seaxaning

Any idea when the RMC version will be done ?
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax

Elton Robb

Well, since this is only the second topic in the group.

Because of school, I've turned my attention to other matters.

I'll see what I can do.  I think it's just a matter of changing the races.  The talents have to be used as written, and the rest can be used as is.  Except for the Gods.  since I have access to the RMCs I-IV, replacement professions can be used for certain professions.

I'll do this up. :)
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Elton Robb

Since getting the Eberron Player's Guide for fourth edition, there's three more races that can be added.  Eladrin, the Dragonborn, and the Tieflings.  I'll have to redo this up and make some interesting changes to each of the races.

* Tieflings are demons of man.  The Dragonborn are humanoid dragons, and the Eladrin are just high elves with a fancy name.  Everything has to be redone, so expect a revision for Eberron (both RMFRP and RMC).
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How about to use control lycanthropy for the shifters.

So a Routine check lets you shift for 1 round per 5 ranks

a very hard check would give you another shifter trait without the attribute bonus only use if you got 5 ranks

a hard check would let you heal 1d10 HP only use if you have 5 ranks

I have something similar in mind with the dragonmarks would be a new power manipulation skill.

Elton Robb

Those are great ideas, Orcish Bard.
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I have the talent for mindlink:

For one PP you can forge a telepathic bond between you and a willing subject in sight, after that you can communicate over any distance. This will last 10 minutes per level.

For every additional PP you choos one additional willing subject in sight. All can speak telepathically to each other.