Virtual Tabletops

Started by Intrepidations, March 16, 2020, 03:09:26 PM

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The HARP Fantasy character sheet is now available on Roll20 for all subscription levels.


And so is Rm2 sheet. (    We are still working to improve it with input from RM2 experts :)    )
Sir Elor Blacke knight of Helyssa, Kytari Fighter lvl 25 (RM2)
Malim Naruum, Yinka Lord Bashkor lvl 28  (RM2)


My first post in a few years was back in March and I finally came back to continue the thread, which is now 3 pages (and stale).

I ended up sticking with Fantasy Grounds for now, trying the new version (Unity) but is very buggy and does not run well on Linux under wine.  Works ok on MacOS, but still lots of features missing over classic FG. Might switch to Roll20.

However I've also since discovered Kanka for campaign management...very cool!
Great as a general campaign wiki, new maps features with pan/zoom, and also handles calender's (set up SW calendar) with journals, notes, quests, etc.   Also open-source code base and available API for building tools on top of it.   


Quote from: ImaginosMusic on July 14, 2020, 04:32:38 PM
The HARP Fantasy character sheet is now available on Roll20 for all subscription levels.

I cannot locate this on the Roll20 site...
Knowledge is unimagined Power


Hi Matt!

I'm still using Obsidian Portal myself. It doesn't do maps very well though (or calendars at all). Kanka weirdly does not want to give any screenshots without you making an account, but wandering through some example campaigns it seems like it has a good foundation but could maybe still use some UI work.
System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Quote from: tbigness on September 14, 2020, 04:42:58 PM
Quote from: ImaginosMusic on July 14, 2020, 04:32:38 PM
The HARP Fantasy character sheet is now available on Roll20 for all subscription levels.

I cannot locate this on the Roll20 site...
In the Game Settings, go down to the Character Sheet Template and scroll until you find it. It's listed under "High Adventure Roleplaying Fantasy." (I mistakenly thought it would be under "HARP" at first, but just keep scrolling past "HA."
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

Rules should not replace the brain and thinking.


Still cannot find it. Roll20 search does not come up with anything Harp or High Adventure Roleplaying Fantasy. If you can post a link it would be great.
Knowledge is unimagined Power


If you create a new game, in the dropdown list under "Optional: Choose a Character Sheet", it's there. You have to scroll down to "High Adventure Roleplaying Fantasy" (in bold) and pick HARP indented underneath it. Or just type "HARP" in the box.

Alternatively, if you go to the Settings and then Game Settings for an existing game, Character Sheet Template is at the bottom.

System and Line Editor for Rolemaster


Yes, you have to have a campaign created. Click on the campaign name (do not "Launch" the campaign) and the far right button below the campaign title will be "Settings" - it has gear icon and a drop down arrow. Hit the drop down arrow and choose the first option, "Game Setting." Once that page is loaded, you will have to scroll down until you see "Character Sheet Template." (Conveniently, it is the last thing on the page.  ;D) It has a drop down arrow, too. Hit that and scroll down until you get to "High Adventure Roleplaying Fantasy." Hit that and wait until it is loaded - you will see an example of the character sheet when done. Then scroll down some more until you see the "Save Changes" button. Hit it and you are golden. Once it is done, should only take a few seconds, you can Launch the game and go to the journal and begin making Harp characters.

Something to look out for: if you have previously, in the same Campaign, used other character sheets some of their data (under the "Attributes & Abilities" tab) will linger in already created PCs. To get rid of it you need to make the characters from scratch.

PS: Let me know if you want to learn how to make Token Actions the fast way - provided you don't already. It is a neat trick.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

Rules should not replace the brain and thinking.


Quote from: RandalThor on September 15, 2020, 08:31:56 PM
PS: Let me know if you want to learn how to make Token Actions the fast way - provided you don't already. It is a neat trick.

I do! Please explain this wizardry to me!
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle


Quote from: Hurin on September 15, 2020, 08:58:33 PMI do! Please explain this wizardry to me!
Using the button to roll the [skill/save or rr/attribute/ect...] do so. If it is one of those that has a dialog box pop up for extra mods, don't put anything there and just do the roll. Now, in the chat window (the blank box just below where your roll showed up) click in there like you are going to type a message. Now, hit the up arrow on your keyboard. A big equation should magically appear. (If it doesn't, go back through the steps and try again.) Now, highlight the full equation and either copy or cut* it. Next, go to the Attributes & Ability tab of the charsheet. On the right hand/Abilities side is where you put the macros. Hit the button marked +Add and a "New Ability" will appear below. If you hover your mouse pointer over it 3 icons will appear, the pencil one is the one for editing the macro, so click it to open the macro box. Paste your copied/cut formula into the box, type in the name of the [skill/save or rr/attribute/ect...] and hit the check mark (which is where the pencil icon was, and will be again). You will see an option called "Show as Token Action" click that. You are done. Once you do it a few times, it will become quick and natural - I was able to add >10 token actions to my MERP character in a couple of minutes (tops).

The actions will naturally be listed in alphabetical order, so figure out how you want them listed and number them, like so: 01, 02, 03, etc... because it will put 11 between 1 and 2, 22 between 2 and 3, etc... otherwise. Of course, you should probably have a maximum of 10-15 token actions because they will begin to take over the screen - though they are still better than having your character sheet open and blocking the whole screen.

*I use Cut because you should make sure that the dialog box is empty before doing it again. You don't want to mix the macros.

Let me know if you have other questions, if I can answer them I will - it helps me remember it better too, so I like doing it.
Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Scratch that. Power attracts the corruptible.

Rules should not replace the brain and thinking.


Awesome, thanks so much! That sounds really useful.
'Last of all, Húrin stood alone. Then he cast aside his shield, and wielded an axe two-handed'. --J.R.R. Tolkien

'Every party needs at least one insane person.'  --Aspen of the Jade Isle


I agree Virtual tabletop play is not optimal but I've begun playing RPG through Fantasy Ground Unity.  Over the course of my time using the FGU I've found they experience increasingly improved.  No doubt the COVID 19 has created a necessity to seek out ways to play our cherished games.  The necessity of virtual play is the mother of invention and refinement.  I've played Rolemaster many years ago but when I saw there was a virtual version it sparked my interest and here I am looking to beta test.  If anyone is interested in playing virtually let me know and share your experience.

Quote from: Majyk on March 19, 2020, 06:23:24 PM
Yup Fantasy Grounds Classic for the win.

GM pays $90 vs $140+ish for an Ultimate license, and anyone can join the game for free.

Otherwise, everyone - players and GM alike - pays $10(reg. $40!) for a Standard license and you can join any other Standard GMd game after that.

Later, when FGU(FGIII) completes its Beta, you can upgrade($) to the newer build and have lots of wicked kewl features that FGClassic(FGII) doesn't possess.

As above, I prefer FG vs Roll20.
R20 is free, but does cost $ if wanting all the bells and whistles, too, and just doesn't have the rules support that FG does.

Everything is kludgey, I found, with it and I never felt I was playing RM using it, if that makes sense.

Much success whatever you choose, but try the free versions out and see what you like.
Join the Forums of each, and check out the LFG Topics that are rare but there.


There is also a gamers seeking gamers section on the ICE Forums that you may want to post in as well as going to the platform's site and posting for a game.
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.


I'm surprised no one's mentioned Tabletop Simulator.

It has the most tactile feel of any virtual tabletop I've used.
Just a devops type who sometimes writes RPGs.