Hi, If like me you started to play the ICE Middle Earth Roleplaying game way back in the days of your youth and still have fond memories of Orc and Troll bashing you`ll probably still love the Game Module books. If so, it may be for nothing more than the artwork, maps and general info on each of the different locations and areas within the world of Middle Earth. You may, like me be looking to purchase the old retro module books again, but have found the prices online silly many being £30-£50 each !! personally, this is something I can't really afford...... so I was wondering if enough of us got together and scanned any book modules we owned and posted links to make them available to other die-hard MERP fans, so if they wished you could download for free, not as good as owning the original but still nice to revisit !! (I don't know if this breaches any copyright etc, so maybe if it for personal use it would be ok to do?) feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. Bottom line is, if we are genuine fans why should we be making money from each other when we got into MERP in the first place to find like-minded individuals who had a Love of all that is and was MERP. If anybody is interested feel free to email me and I'll be more than happy to share any Modules that I get my hands on ..... Cheers guys.