The most 'dense' methods of energy production (by many orders of magnitude) thus far discovered are fission and fusion. 'Magneto-gravitic' energy production, while perhaps possible, could not reasonably be expected to be independent of the shape of local space in which it operates. Therefore the same methods of producing energy by magneto-gravitic means could not be expected to yield the same benefits for the same risks from planet to planet or from star to star, much less in open space far from external gravitational influences. In short, you couldn't expect the consistency you would from fission and/or fusion. As well, magneto-gravitic energy production would presumably derive its output from the shape of space, and the Law of Conservation of Energy suggests that a large enough energy production (such as needed by, say, a densely populated advanced culture) would, over time, result in some form of 'gravitational erosion' to the very shape of local space itself.
Fusion is the transformation of light elements into heavier ones, at or below the atomic weight of iron. Fission is the transformation of heavier elements into lighter ones, at or above the atomic weight of iron. While it is possible to extend fusion to heavier elements than iron, and fission into lighter ones than iron, the resulting reaction is endothermic, meaning it requires more energy input to cause the reaction than the reaction itself produces. While possibly being useful as a heat sink for a civilization needing to deal with mass amounts of waste heat, such reactions are worse than useless for purposes of energy production.
Combine the above with the fact that elements lighter than iron appear to be much more common than elements heavier than iron, and it suggests that the clearest indicator of a system's value to an interstellar culture would be the metallicity of the parent star(s). A reasonable balance of light and heavy elements would allow both “laddering down†fission of heavy elements and “laddering up†of light ones, until the common waste product of almost any energy production would (eventually) be iron. In a practical sense, the higher a system's metallicity, the more access the controlling civilization has to the “other side†of the energy production equation.
While various stellar/planetary systems may be considered valuable for an abundance of unusual and/or complex chemical combinations of elements (such as RNA/DNA), nonetheless once fission and fusion are fully mature technologies there really is no such thing as “Unobtainiumâ€. There can't be, the civilization is capable of producing any element in existence, it's only a question of whether it's worth the trouble.
Caveat: Taking note of the waste heat issue above, very old civilizations might not value high metallicity systems to the degree younger ones do, as the heat sinking possibilities of endothermic fusion reactions may become a major factor in perceived value in and of themselves.
Thoughts, comments?