Author Topic: [CONAN RPG to RMSS/FRP] Codes of Honor, Allegiances and Reputation for Rolemaste  (Read 2082 times)

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Offline ToM

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Made a little rule conversion from Mongoose now defunct d20 Conan RPG to RMSS/FRP ruleset to use in my Hyborian Age campaign.
Quite satisfied how it turned out so I'd post it here for you to judge.
Please note the text in the rules has changed slightly from Conan Atlantean Edition Rulebook and other Sourcebooks I used (Aquilonia: Flower of the West). What has changed the more are the tables and the mechanics Reputation rules works with.

Waiting forward to hear feedback from you guys  8)
"For no one in this world can you trust, my son. Not men, not women, not beasts. But steel... THIS, you can trust!"

Offline intothatdarkness

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Pretty interesting! I remember some of this from the original TSR Conan rules. Nice conversion.
Darn that salt pork!