I don't think realism appeals to mmo players, at least not the majority.
Talking to a programmer/play tester for WoW just last month, and his complaint was that players are less willing to suffer inconvienence. Story archs have to be brazenly declared and not discovered with difficulty and long archs are not appreciated by what he described as the "typical player." Comments were also shared about how often it was to kill players, respawning, difficulty of monsters, etc. All in all, his gripe was they were forced to make the game easier.
It is my experience that many, many players are very happy to kick in the door, kill everything and never truely be challenged. In fact, "truely challenged" means taking about half your hits, or one really good blow, before dismissing the bad guy with sword and spell. This is why DnD is so very popular. The later editions in particular are hopelessly stacked in favor of the PC's, and players, hell, EVERYBODY, prefers to win.