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Offline ToM

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Gamma World RMSS
« on: February 15, 2011, 11:09:36 AM »
G'day everyone.

I'm about to start a new RMSS campaign based on the famous Gamma World setting (forget that 4th edition crap!  I'm sticking to previous editions of the game, particularly 3rd and 4th edition for adventures and mood, and 5th edition - Alternity rules - and 6th edition - d20 rules). Don't know if it may be of help to someone, but I'd like to share with you some ideas I had on this.
Also, it would be very helpful and appreciated to have feedback on those rules and ideas from all of you folks!

Originally, when I first thought about the project,  I felt about using a hybrid RMSS/SM:P ruleset.
Then, I opted to customize RMSS only. The reason is, we don't need cumbersome Sci-fi rules to introduce that little science-fantasy element into RMSS. After all, there are only a very few Sci-fi elements, mostly viewed through the eyes of characters living in a new dark age. After all, Shadow Age technology and artifacts are nothing more than myths or legends, regarded as "magic" or "mystic" by the large part of the society.
So, I only added some skills here and there, such as a "Shadow Age Lore" skill in the Lore-Obscure group, and some technical skills in the Technical-Trade category.
Then, I cut in half the cost of both Crafts and Technical-Trade General groups, to reflect a more "scientific" approach to the world. After all, I always felt those skills were extremely overpriced to buy, but, while it can be acceptable in a classic fantasy milieu, I felt it would fit better in a post-apocalyptic environment. Also, I thrown away many useless skills and introduced a new Weapon Category: Firearms. Only 3 skills in there: Handguns, Rifles, and Heavy Weapons, for sake of simplicity.
Finally, I multiplied Development Points for ALL characters by 1.2, to make development easier and have more well-rounded characters, given the most of them will be (see after) non-spell users.

As for the professions: firstly, I decided there will be no magic in the setting, except for Mentalism (see after).
The only playable professions are Pure Arms (including SOHK ones, but no Warrior Monks) and Mentalism users.
I customized the excellent JD's spreadsheet with the new races and cultures needed for the setting. Now the are the demi-humans (or mutated animals) such as the Sleeth and the Dabber, the Androids (artificial life forms, very tough indeed) the Mutated Humans (based on Common Men, but with a  twist - see above) and Pure Strain Humans (based on Mixed Men - for a reason).
Of all these, only Mutated Humans can acquire mutations. The other races are ALREADY mutated to some extent, and their DNA does not accept new mutations.
To reflect mutations, I used Talent Law as a sourcebook, trying to find correspondence between various Physical/Mental/Special flaws and mutations in Gamma World d20 rules. Trying to be inventive rather than simulate everything.
Some particularly powerful talents (actually, most of those found in the Mystical, Mental, Physical and Special sections) are available as "mutations" to Mutated Humans only. They also spend only 1/2 the original point cost for such talents.
The other races can freely choose their talents between Special Training and Status/Wealth/Items.
Pure Strain Humans get a bonus on RRs against mutagen effects, to reflect their "superior" breed. In fact, they became toughened by natural selection and eugenics, and this is reflected in their Mixed Men stats.

Now for the "magic".
As said, only Mentalism magic is available, to reflect ESP/psion powers. Characters who wants to develop Mentalism powers can't simply pay for them. They have to buy the "Esper" Special talent for 20 points. As said, only Mutated Humans can access this talent, BUT, some other "psionic" races have it for free, such as the Sleeth, or Orlen, or Thought Masters. Once you've got the talent, you can choose the profession. Right now, I only let the players choose the Mentalist, the Magent and the Armsmaster professions. All other doesn't seem to fit the setting very well (I've got some problem with the semis, I admit, and I'm thinking not to allow them at all - maybe semi users should be able to develop as base lists a selection of Open and Closed mentalism lists instead).

The books. I thought about using both AL&CL tables and SM:P tables together, but it would have been a LOT of tables to browse through.
So i decided to adopt instead that excellent system which is 10 Millions ways to Die. It has it all, in one book: condensed weapon tables, critical strikes tables, and the rest. I will integrate as obvious Spell Casting tables, Static Maneuvers tables (also for technical skills from SM:P), equipment use and mishandling tables and construction and research tables.

That's all for now.
I would be very glad to hear from you some feedback on the ideas presented above, and more.
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Offline markc

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2011, 01:59:54 PM »
Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Offline providence13

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2011, 10:43:48 PM »
That is really cool, ToM!
I always thought Talents would work well as Mutations. I've only played GW 1 and a bit of GW 2nd ed, but it sounds like you've captured the spirit of the game.

About the not using Magic...
On one hand, I'm with you all the way. Magic has no use in the original system. Of course, a primitive tribe of mutated badger people with mental powers could appear magical to others who didn't know better. Mad Max, Island of Dr Moreau, Twilight 2000 and a little bit of Scanners/Firestarter thrown in for good measure.

On the other hand..
Orbiting AI constructs with a Gaia complex could attempt influencing it's pets/parishioners/people on Earth. Pray for a weather influencing spell and Gaia fires a mazer to alter weather patterns influencing a local thunderstorm.
Her people would have to believe and follow tenants laid down in the Book of Gaia to receive the secret femtotech that allows their holy connection (or whatever.. :))

For Essence magic, it could be casters trying to subtly influence invisible femtotech dust left over from who knows what. If you can influence the 'Dust, then you produce the Essence Magic like effects.
Those of greatest power, have influenced the 'Dust enough to actually build up in their bodies. This is how they can manipulate power to produce walls of stone, fireballs, teleportation, etc.

Nothing in the rules of RM would have to change at all. The only difference would be the real reasons behind how/why characters can accomplish their incredible feats.  Or the characters don't have to learn the real history at all.
"Ariel, Ookla, Ride!"

"The Lore spell assaults your senses- Roll on the spontaneous human combustion table; twice!"

Offline markc

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2011, 10:38:07 AM »
  I like the way you handled mutations and the fact you give a huge RR bonus for PSH for radiation. I think if I were to do it I would work in psionics from SM:P thought as they are very different from magic in RMSS. I would also like you require some talent point or DP expenditure to use them or activate the powers the first time. In fact I might require a DP expenditure for each spell list or psi power learned or activated.
 More later.

Bacon Law: A book so good all PC's need to be recreated.
Rule #0: A GM has the right to change any rule in a book to fit their game.
Role Play not Roll Play.
Use a System to tell the story do not let the system play you.

Offline yammahoper

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2011, 03:57:10 PM »
I'd set DP at 100 a level, just for equality.

It looks great.  I wanna play.  How about a mutant human, with greyskin.  His abilities are the HUES spell from ranger base list (ala predator), traceless passing and plant facade (though I would like if he actually took on plant characteristics rather than it being just illusion, perhaps even able to perform small/medium grapples, horns, etc attacks).  Prof: outrider (Barbarian if available!).

Flaw: requires 3 lbs of raw meat/protien daily.  suffers a -5 to all activities per day without protien.  Is able to ignore penalty by Cox3.  after penalty passes this level, will behave irrationally/instintively to acquire meat.
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.

Offline ToM

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #5 on: February 17, 2011, 03:50:57 AM »
Orbiting AI constructs with a Gaia complex could attempt influencing it's pets/parishioners/people on Earth. Pray for a weather influencing spell and Gaia fires a mazer to alter weather patterns influencing a local thunderstorm.
Her people would have to believe and follow tenants laid down in the Book of Gaia to receive the secret femtotech that allows their holy connection (or whatever.. :))
Nice advice.
Speaking of which, I actually thought about using some Magic-Users NPCs. As a general rule "true magic" would not be available, nor even heard of, by playing characters. But, it could actually be used by NPC or AI's.
For Essence magic, it could be casters trying to subtly influence invisible femtotech dust left over from who knows what. If you can influence the 'Dust, then you produce the Essence Magic like effects.
Those of greatest power, have influenced the 'Dust enough to actually build up in their bodies. This is how they can manipulate power to produce walls of stone, fireballs, teleportation, etc.
Again, agreed.
The fact is: I only converted the bit of rules I needed to allow playing characters to actually play. Other aspects of the rules are, for now, left unexplored. The good is: I can always add them for flavor and use these rules when really needed.
Nothing in the rules of RM would have to change at all. The only difference would be the real reasons behind how/why characters can accomplish their incredible feats.  Or the characters don't have to learn the real history at all.
What spell using professions/lists would you make available? I'm certainly thinking of the Animist, Sorcerer, Astrologer, Magician. Of the semi-spell users, probably only the Ranger may fit...
"Ariel, Ookla, Ride!"
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Offline ToM

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #6 on: February 17, 2011, 05:16:34 AM »
  I like the way you handled mutations and the fact you give a huge RR bonus for PSH for radiation. I think if I were to do it I would work in psionics from SM:P thought as they are very different from magic in RMSS. I would also like you require some talent point or DP expenditure to use them or activate the powers the first time. In fact I might require a DP expenditure for each spell list or psi power learned or activated
Seems nice. To be true, I never really looked in depht at those psionic rules in SM:P, since I only used the "tech" aspects of the game.
I was accustomed to older SM2 psion rules which were merely a porting of RM2 spell lists mechanics.
I'd take a look.
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Offline ToM

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Re: Gamma World RMSS
« Reply #7 on: February 17, 2011, 05:23:06 AM »
I'd set DP at 100 a level, just for equality.
That seems reasonable. Also encourages characters not to minmaxing their ME or RE without any good reason.

It looks great.  I wanna play.  How about a mutant human, with greyskin.  His abilities are the HUES spell from ranger base list (ala predator), traceless passing and plant facade (though I would like if he actually took on plant characteristics rather than it being just illusion, perhaps even able to perform small/medium grapples, horns, etc attacks).  Prof: outrider (Barbarian if available!).
Nice ideas for a kickass NPC!
BTW: one of the PCs is a barbarian. Named... ehrrr... Thundarr, anyone?  ;D
I also slightly modified the barbarian profession. Gave them the same DP cost for Special Defenses as the Swashbuckler to let them gain an edge over armored characters. Raised the profession bonus to Weapon Group to +20 to have them on par with the Fighter. Gave them a Situational Awareness-Combat and a choice from either Frenzy, Adrenal Strenght, Adrenal Speed and Adrenal Toughness as an everyman development. Yes, I like barbarians a lot.

Flaw: requires 3 lbs of raw meat/protien daily.  suffers a -5 to all activities per day without protien.  Is able to ignore penalty by Cox3.  after penalty passes this level, will behave irrationally/instintively to acquire meat.
Hey but that's me! Being a bodybuilder myself, I should probably starve really quick in a low-protein world :D
"For no one in this world can you trust, my son. Not men, not women, not beasts. But steel... THIS, you can trust!"