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Offline mistrornge

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Forgotten Realms
« on: February 05, 2011, 01:02:20 PM »
So I've done some work transforming most of the Forgotten Realms races into RMFRP stats (total of around 35 pages of details).  Was wondering if there was a good site where I could get assistance in final recommendations for edits.  Not sure if there is a good FR > RM community somewhere.
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2011, 01:10:42 PM »
You're more likely to get responses from people down here.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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Offline mistrornge

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2011, 01:13:41 PM »
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2011, 01:15:18 PM »
You might want to check out the other threads in this board.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2011, 04:42:20 PM »
You might want to contact Elton Rob as he has done some stuff for FR. And I think Old Man has done some stuff for Grayhawk. IIRC

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #5 on: February 06, 2011, 05:48:04 AM »
I run a  couple of GH games and would love to see what you got!
I'm always looking to steal some good ideas. :)
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Offline mistrornge

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #6 on: February 06, 2011, 07:44:45 PM »

Dwarf, Gold
   Renowned not only for their smithwork and craftsmanship but also for their military prowess and legendary wealth, gold dwarves have maintained their empire for millennia, unbowed by the passage of time. 
Physical character
Build:  Weighing as much as an adult human, gold dwarves are stocky and muscular. 
Coloring:  The skin of a gold dwarf is light brown or deeply tanned, and her eyes are usually brown or hazel.  Both genders wear their hair long, and males (and some females) have long, carefully groomed beards and mustaches.  Hair color ranges from black to gray or brown, with all shades fading to light gray as time progresses. 
Height/Weight:  Male 3’9” or Female 3’7” +2d4”.  Take the random roll from height and multiply that number by 2d6 and add (130 for males and 100 for females) to determine the character’s weight in pounds.
Lifespan:  Adulthood 40 years, Middle Age 125 years
Special Abilities:  Darkvision; up to 60 feet.
+5 to DB and to all attack rolls against aberrations. 
+25 to Awareness: Searching (Detect Traps) skill checks when the trap in question is worked in stone. 
+20 to Awareness: Senses (Direction Sense) skills.  This includes depth and angle of slope while underground.
Clothing & Decoration: 
Fears & Inabilities:  Fear of water
Lifestyle:  Life their northern kin, gold dwarves harbor a great deal of pride, both in their own accomplishments and those of their ancestors.  They also share the philosophy that anything worth doing is worth doing well, and that the natural world is but raw material to be worked into objects of great beauty. 
Religion:  Moradin and Berronar primarily 
Other Factors
Demeanor:  arrogant, proud
Language:  Starting languages:  Appropriate Regional Language (S5/W5).  Allowed Adolescence Development:  Appropriate Regional Language (S8/W8). 
Prejudices:  Deep and abiding hatred of all aberrations.
Professions:  fighter, rogue, cleric, paladin, ranger with rare sorcerers and magicians.
Alignment:  LG or LN typically. 
Special Skills:  Everyman:  Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Mining, Stone-crafts, Survival (underground); Restricted:  Swimming.
Standard Hobby Ranks:  any Armor skills, Body Development, Brawling, Caving, any Crafts skill, Culture Lore [own], Engineering, Evaluate Armor, Evaluate Metal, Evaluate Stone, Evaluate Weapon, First Aid, Heraldry, History [Dwarven], Leadership, Locate Hidden, Metal Lore, Military Organization, Mining, Observation, Public Speaking, Region Lore [own], Stone Lore, Survival [underground], Tactics [small unit], any Weapon skill.
Outfitting Options
Weapons:  Any possible.
Armor:  Any possible. 
Background Options
Background Options:  Four.
Extra Money: 
Special Items: 
Talents:  All available at the GM’s discretion.

Stat Bonuses:
Ag:  -4
Co:  +6
Me:  +0
Re:  +0
SD:  +4
Em:  -2
In:  +0
Pr:  +2
Qu:  -4
St:  +4

RR Mods:
Ess:  +10
Chan:  +0
Ment:  +0
Poison:  +30
Disease:  +30

Body Dev. Progression:

Channeling PP Dev. Progression:

Essence PP Dev. Progression:

Mentalism PP Dev. Progression:
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris

Offline mistrornge

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #7 on: February 06, 2011, 07:45:40 PM »

Dwarf, Gray
   Dwelling in great subterranean cities of the Underdark, the gray dwarves are deep-dwelling cousins of shield dwarves, known for their cruelty and bitterness.  Gray dwarves are famed for their smithwork and craftsmanship, but unlike their brethren the gray dwarves are grim and cheerless, living lives of endless toil. 
Physical character
Build:  Gray dwarves weigh as much as an adult human.  Duergar are wide of shoulder but wiry and lean, their limbs corded with tough muscle. 
Coloring:  the skin of a gray dwarf is light or dark gray, and his eyes are dull black.  Both genders are usually bald, with males having long gray beards and mustaches. 
Height/Weight:  Male 3’9” or Female 3’7” +2d4”.  Take the random roll from height and multiply that number by 2d4 and add (110 for males and 80 for females) to determine the character’s weight in pounds.
Lifespan:  Adulthood 40 years, Middle Age 125 years
Special Abilities:  Darkvision up to 120 feet.
Immune to paralysis
+20 to Subterfuge: Stealth (Hiding) and (Stalking) skill checks. 
+5 to Awareness: Perceptions (Alertness) skill checks. 
Clothing & Decoration:  Dark colored to assist in hiding.
Fears & Inabilities:  Fear of water
-10 to all skill or attack rolls while in direct sunlight or other magical sunlight-type spell. 
Lifestyle:  Gray dwarves are consumed with bitterness, feeling their race has forever been denied what was rightfully theirs.  The duergar expect and live lives of never-ending drudgery.  While their work rivals that of other dwarves, they are relentless perfectionists who take no pleasure in their craftsmanship.  Only cruel jokes and petty torments bring a moment’s smile to most gray dwarves, and they delight in tormenting the weak and the helpless. 
Religion:  ??
Other Factors
Demeanor:  grim, humorless, distrusting, bitter, tormented, greedy
Language:  Starting languages:  Appropriate Regional Language (S8/W6).  Allowed Adolescence Development:  Appropriate Regional Language (S4/W4).
Prejudices:  Duergar are suspicious of outsiders and have distaste in particular for shield dwarves for slights in the past.  Harbor a longstanding hatred of their rivals, the drow and svirfneblin though they regularly trade with both.
Professions:  fighter, rogue, thief, cleric, magent, sorcerer, magician, mentalist. 
Alignment:  Mostly Evil (CN, LE, NE or CE). 
Special Skills:  Everyman:  Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Mining, Stone-crafts, and Survival (underground).  Restricted:  Swimming.
Standard Hobby Ranks:  Ambush, any Armor skills, Body Development, Brawling, Camouflage, Caving, any Crafts skill, Culture Lore [own], Engineering, Evaluate Armor, Evaluate Metal, Evaluate Stone, Evaluate Weapon, First Aid, Heraldry, History [Dwarven], Leadership, Locate Hidden, Metal Lore, Military Organization, Mining, Observation, Public Speaking, Region Lore [own], Stone Lore, Survival (underground), Tactics [small unit], any Weapon skill.
Outfitting Options
Weapons:  Any blade or axe, hammer, or mace.
Armor:  Breastplate or chainmail are common.
Background Options
Background Options:  Two.
Extra Money: 
Special Items: 
Talents:  All available at the GM’s discretion.

Stat Bonuses:
Ag:  -2
Co:  +6
Me:  +0
Re:  +0
SD:  +4
Em:  -2
In:  +0
Pr:  -6
Qu:  -2
St:  +2

RR Mods:
Ess:  +10
Chan:  +0
Ment:  +0
Poison:  +30
Disease:  +30

Body Dev. Progression:

Channeling PP Dev. Progression:

Essence PP Dev. Progression:

Mentalism PP Dev. Progression:
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris

Offline mistrornge

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #8 on: February 06, 2011, 07:46:25 PM »

Dwarf, Shield
   Renowned for their smithwork and craftsmanship, shield dwarves have endured a century’s long decline in the face of never-ending wars with orcs, goblins, giants and trolls. 
Physical character
Build:  Weighing as much as an adult human, shield dwarves are stocky and muscular. 
Coloring:  The skin of a shield dwarf is fair or lightly tanned, and her eyes are usually green or silvered blue.  Both genders where their hair long, and males (and a very few females) have long, carefully groomed beards and mustaches.  Hair color ranges from light brown to red, with all shades fading to silver or white as time progresses.   
Height/Weight:  Male 4’2” or Female 4’0” +2d4”.  Take the random roll from height and multiply that number by 2d6 and add (145 for males and 110 for females) to determine the character’s weight in pounds.
Lifespan:  Adulthood 40 years, Middle Age 125 years
Special Abilities:  Darkvision; up to 60 feet.
+20 to DB against giants (generally large size humanoids). 
+25 to Awareness: Searching (Detect Traps) skill checks when the trap in question is worked in stone. 
+20 to Awareness: Senses (Direction Sense) skills. 
Clothing & Decoration: 
Fears & Inabilities:  Fear of water
Lifestyle:  Shield dwarves keep to their word, whatever the cost, and are incredibly stubborn, unwilling to concede an inch unless there is absolutely no alternative.  Shield dwarves love worked beauty, seeing the world as raw material to be forged and shaped into something more than the original. 
Religion:  Dumathoin, Moradin and Berronar primarily though other dwarven deities are seen.
Other Factors
Demeanor:  dour, cynical,
Language:  Starting languages:  Appropriate Regional Language (S6/W6).  Allowed Adolescence Development:  Appropriate Regional Language (S6/W6).
Prejudices:  Will attack duergar on sight typically.  Deep and abiding hatred of all goblin and giant races.  Squabble with elven races but can put aside differences if the situation demands it.  Get along well with gnomes (both types) and humans, but find halflings unreliable.  Dislike half-orcs until they are proven trustworthy and are suspicious of tieflings.
Professions:  fighter, rogue, cleric, paladin, with rare sorcerers and magicians.
Alignment:  LG or LN typically. 
Special Skills:  Everyman:  Caving, Leather-crafts, Metal-crafts, Mining, Stone-crafts, and Survival (underground).  Restricted:  Swimming.
Standard Hobby Ranks:  any Armor skills, Body Development, Brawling, Caving, any Crafts skill, Culture Lore [own], Engineering, Evaluate Armor, Evaluate Metal, Evaluate Stone, Evaluate Weapon, First Aid, Heraldry, History [Dwarven], Leadership, Locate Hidden, Metal Lore, Military Organization, Mining, Observation, Public Speaking, Region Lore [own], Stone Lore, Survival (underground), Tactics [small unit], any Weapon skill.
Outfitting Options
Weapons:  Battle axes, crossbows, hand axes, heavy picks, light hammers, light picks, long swords, half spears, short swords, mauls, throwing axes and war hammers.
Armor:  Breastplates, chain mail, half-plate, full plate, large and small steel shields. 
Background Options
Background Options:  Four.
Extra Money: 
Special Items: 
Talents:  All available at the GM’s discretion.

Stat Bonuses:
Ag:  -2
Co:  +6
Me:  +0
Re:  +0
SD:  +4
Em:  -4
In:  +0
Pr:  -4
Qu:  -2
St:  +4

RR Mods:
Ess:  +10
Chan:  +0
Ment:  +0
Poison:  +30
Disease:  +30

Body Dev. Progression:

Channeling PP Dev. Progression:

Essence PP Dev. Progression:

Mentalism PP Dev. Progression:
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris

Offline mistrornge

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #9 on: February 06, 2011, 08:01:27 PM »
I found the document difficult to create because the 3e books are much better in quality than the 4e books.  So I did the best I could by cross-referencing 3e books and 4e history.  The changes in deities and destruction of various regions complicates many things.

I also have charts which break down areas each sub-race comes from, possible languages for purchase during adolescence according to where the PC is from and favored deities (including adolescent skill ranks by race).  Each is broken down by region.

So the breakdown is:
Region/sub-races/races that are covered in this document that can be from this region/language choices/deity choices
An example for the dwarves:
The Great Glacier/Arctic Dwarf, Shield Dwarf/Shield Dwarf/Dwarven, Uluik, Aquan, Auran, Damaran, Draconic, Giant   /Talos (Gruumsh), Ulutiu

Covered races:
dragonborn, dwarves (shield, gold, gray), elves (dark, moon, sun, wood), genasi (earth, fire, water, wind), gnome (deep and rock), halfling, half-elf, half-orc, human (barbarian, rural, mariner, nomad, urban, woodsman) and tieflings

I had to make some choices about which races to cover as FR has many seemingly pointless races.  3 races of halfling?  wild vs. wood elf?  some of the races seem over reaching.
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris

Offline mistrornge

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Re: Forgotten Realms
« Reply #10 on: February 06, 2011, 08:42:53 PM »
Uploaded the file here:;dl=cat28

It said it will require an administrator to allow it to be downloaded. 
Please take a look.  I put it up there to improve the file.  Please help by making suggestions here or by emailing me at mistrornge at 
Had to upload it as a .doc instead of a .docx so there may be some problems with the formatting. 
So please help!
GMing RMFRP in Forgotten Realms
Charles Morris