Forum > Order of the Iron Crown

When do i pull my sword??

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I am somewhat addicted to backing things but having been in numerous discussions with the team here at ICE, it is VERY different on the other side of the table.


--- Quote from: Colin-ICE on October 24, 2014, 08:58:18 AM ---I am somewhat addicted to backing things but having been in numerous discussions with the team here at ICE, it is VERY different on the other side of the table.
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Yup.  A lot of planning and needing to pull together pricing and setting rewards such that they are reasonable enough to attract contributions, but yet also to more than cover the costs involved (and it is difficult to include and account for all the costs that will occur).  With a business background and helping some friends get a company set up to publish some games that they have ideas for.  The first one is a card-game that we are working on and that we plan to launch through Kickstarter, I'm seeing first hand what is involved, especially since I'm handling the business end of things due to my business background (have owned/operated/managed several small businesses on the side in addition to my "day job", due to having both a business and engineering education).  Plus all the risks and legal requirements that go along with such a project.  It can certainly be a lot of work getting something organized on Kickstarter.  I had hoped to attend one of several Kickstarter presentations at GenCon last year, but wasn't able to make it to any of them.  If I'm able to go to GenCon2015 I'm definitely planing to attend a couple of them. 


--- Quote from: John @ ICE on October 24, 2014, 08:04:08 AM ---Jaeru:

I'm actually quite angry with you know as you have opened up a Pandora's box we thought we had closed!  ;)

So lots of emails of debate going around exploring the idea again.  No conclusions yet...

--- End quote ---

Well I aim to please  ;)

In any case I can imagine that the biggest argument against is the amount of planning and work involved such as Wolfhound indicates and on top of that actual delivery of the end product, which will at least entail hiring and managing freelancers and third parties, etc. That with everyone at ICE working part time (if I'm not mistaken) is quite a challenge.

Well in any case I'm interested in the outcome of your internal discussions.

If you guys need help and its opportune feel free to drop me a line.

Cory Magel:
I've seen some of the budgeting plans on Kickstarters that tell you where all the money is going to and it looks like Kickstarter fees and taxes eat up almost 25%... which seems really high to me.

Their fees are something like 10% if I remember correctly, and it has to count as "income" from a tax standpoint for anything that is more than the expenses that are being covered by the funding, thus the higher the amount raised, the higher the portion that needs to go to cover those "income taxes" is.  So it could easily be a much higher percentage if the funding is overwhelmingly successful.  At least that is the case here in the U.S., but with Guild Companion Publishing being based out of the U.K., I'm not sure how that will affect the tax status of those funds for them, or what can be included as an "expense" from a cost basis standpoint. 

update/correction: their fees are 5% and then there is a 3-5% fee for payment processing via Amazon Payments, so it does work out to about 10% before taxes are figured in.  Then income taxes, which will greatly depend on the country (and possibly state and local income taxes or similar locality taxes in other countries) could eat up anywhere from 15% to 40% here in the U.S.  but not sure what they are in the U.K., but I would assume they are similar since they also have a very large and bureaucratic government (may be even worse there, I'm not sure).


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