
Started by Nejira, October 01, 2007, 10:14:14 AM

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Just got my copy of Spell Law which makes my collection nearly complete (Arms, Character and Spell). But I cant seem to find paladin. Will paladin come later?
"I'd Rather Be a Rising Ape Than a Fallen Angel"

Marc R

There's a Channeling Semi in the soon to be released "Combat Companion", tentatively named the "Champion". It should serve the same role as the paladin, mostly.

The re-release of Rolemaster Companion 1 from The Guild Companion will have the Paladin in it.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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RMC core rules do not include a Paladin. It was a profession that was added in RoCo I (which The Guild Companion is working on and will be releasing as a PDF sometime in the near future).

ICE has no intentions, at this time, of doing an official Paladin. However, the Combat Companion book that I am working on does have a religious warrior called the Champion. Personally, I would consider the Paladin, to be a sub-type of Champion - built to fit a very exacting definition.


I see, would I be able to take the paladin from RMFRP and use it for RMC*? It has always been a favorite of mine :)

*Thinking of the paladin?s skills and spell lists here. Not sure how close the two versions of RM is, which is why I ask.
"I'd Rather Be a Rising Ape Than a Fallen Angel"

Marc R

The RMFRP to RMC profession conversion kit uses the Paladin as one of the example professions. You could use those costs, and the FRP lists pretty much as is (Possibly exactly as is, I'd need to look them over before definitively saying so.)

Brent's conversion is here:;dl=cat156

The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


"I'd Rather Be a Rising Ape Than a Fallen Angel"


I'll be interested to see how the Champion works out, I know I'm eager to get the Rolemaster Companion when the Guild Companion is finished with it.

What about the Warrior Mage? will that see some form of treatment in the Combat Companion as well? I have one player that wants to play that type of a character for my upcoming Rolemaster campaign and figure its really a straight translation of stats and lists from RM2 to RMC.

Marc R

You can straight use any RM2 profession with RMC, just keep in mind that they're not subject to the same balance factors, so they may throw your game out of whack.

I personally find the Semi costs for spells and PPD to be steep enough that unless you're fudging SLA it's rather hard to develop loads of spells and enough PP to power them. (Semis all pretty much suffer from a generally slow progression due to straddling the middle.)

Played to core, generally none of the RM2 semis will be game breaking. . .start adding in options, like "10% Activity Instant Spells" from Spell Law, and some of them, like the Warrior Mage and Witch Hunter start to get signifigantly more powerful (enough to unbalance a game if you're not paying enough attention.).

There is an Essence based semi in the Combat companion also. . .Tim did one semi for each realm in that book. . . .The Essence one could be used in place of the Warrior Mage.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


You might want to take a look at the Combat Companion thread which gives an overview of the book's content. Among this is the list of new professions.


ah ha well the Magister will fit what the player wants to do mostly.

You know the more and more I look at the RM2 material only a few of the professions jumped out as must haves, the rest seem like they would be better offered as just alternate spell lists like for instance the Druid just seems like its like an Animist.

I looked though the old RM Companions and only found about 6 that would be interesting and I could even narrow that list down further.

So Combat Companion? Probably won't see it until early next year? I know you can't give an exact date.


Actually, the Magistar got renamed to "Elemental Warrior" and the description states that they often give themselves names based on their element (i.e. Firebarnd, etc..)

Hey, who knows, you could see it as early as late this year...   ;D


Hmm now if only get an idea about Creatures & Treasure now  ;D


C&T is out as soon as we finish getting the artwork in house. Should be this month if there are no problems.


Have been curious what you guys will do for the cover for C&T, I've loved the Classic covers so far. Simple, elegant and strangly the lettering used seems retro to me somehow, but in a fantasy way.


Still in the process of acquiring the cover art. We found a piece we like a lot, but have to see if we can get it. The basic overall look/feel of the cover will likely be like the other RMC covers to some degree.