Translation for German Rolemaster pages

Started by ob1knorrb, September 30, 2007, 04:40:18 PM

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Could one of the German speaking members give me a hand sorting out what the items listed on this page:
translate to in English?
It looks like the first item is an adventure module, second item is Arms Law and the third item is the Rules book. 

Brent Knorr...
Ringmaster:ICE Roleplaying Webring -

Raf Blutaxt

Yeah, the first one is an adventure and the last one is the main rulebook (a translation of the 5800 RM FRP). The Arms Law seems to be a bit tricky though. It hasn't been released so I cant tell you all about it but they put some of the professions and TP's from Character Law into it as well. It sais there'll be 4 new professions like warrior monk, 11 new TP's like Assassin,  new skills like unarmed combat and so on..
We will have to wait unti the mid of october to see what they put into it though
Before the gods of hell sentence you to die
remember well my friend a warlord never cries.


Do you want a translation of the descriptions?
Could do that on Wednesday as that is a free day over here.
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Be Sharp, Play HARP!


Brent Knorr...
Ringmaster:ICE Roleplaying Webring -


Will send you an email von Wednesday then.
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Be Sharp, Play HARP!