can Power Projection be used to soak up PP of spells and thus Cancel them???

Started by PiXeL01, September 19, 2007, 12:21:27 PM

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PiXeL01 - RM2/RMC Fanboy

I think violence in games only causes violence in real life if the person in question has an insufficient mental capacity to deal with the real world in the first place. But, that's more the fault of poor genetics and poorer parenting than it is the fault of a videogame



Well, I have gone through all RoCo I â€" VII and reviewed SUC.  I find nothing to imply that one could use power projection to drain power from a spell.

When I played RM2 (we are now playing RMC with just what has been released â€" I am using old Creatures & Treasures though), we had created a skill based on Power Projection that allowed power points to be drained from items, persons (contested and very dangerous to both parties), and the land itself.  I did this because I had created a spell shaping skill that allowed the casting of spells without list or learned spells and it required very large amounts of power points and was extremely dangerous.  I did this to represent how magic started (spell shaping), grew (Arcane) and evolved (Realms). 
I said all of that to say that you might be able to create a skill based on power projection that might be able to drain power from a spell, but it should be hard, contested and very dangerous.

If you want the rules to the other skills that I created, let me know. 
And, lastly, no, as the rules are in RM2, you cannot drain power points from spell using Power Projection. 
Rev. Scott

It all started with two men vs. three-hundred thousand orcs.


I would like them :)
Its the same way that I explain the development of magic.
I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)


PiXeL01 - RM2/RMC Fanboy

I think violence in games only causes violence in real life if the person in question has an insufficient mental capacity to deal with the real world in the first place. But, that's more the fault of poor genetics and poorer parenting than it is the fault of a videogame


Balhirath, & PiXeL01,

I need to copy them from my hard copy and rework them a little could you send me a PM with your emails?
Rev. Scott

It all started with two men vs. three-hundred thousand orcs.