Which version of RMC to buy?

Started by shnar, September 05, 2007, 11:33:17 AM

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Marc R

Thanks for the nice comments.

If you're looking for RM PbP, you may want to check out www.RPGRM.Com
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Thanks everyone for the warm welcome!  :)

And special thanks to everyone for the very in-depth, detailed replies which did make it a lot easier to make a decision. It seems the best option will be to save a few bucks with the "SnD" version and then spend those bucks on an RMX & possible expansion, heh.

Also, as Maldroth pointed out, I too was concerned about introducing a set of rules and then asking people to re-learn stuff, but since it seems RMX is far more compatible than I expected, I'll simply add a few things here and there from the get-go. Heck, it can't be more complicated than figuring out what the !*#^$! a sorcerer/monk/paladin/arch mage actually is.  :D

I also want to voice my thanks to ICE & anyone involved in the project for bringing back the best system ever 8)