XP Rules -> slow level progression?

Started by Ecthelion, August 28, 2007, 11:23:31 AM

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For our group it's the GM's decision. We never felt the XP system would do the adventures and pc's justice. To much focus on hack'n slay, but to each his own I guess. Of course you can balance it out any which way you like it, just increase the focus on play and ideas. A great idea, 1000Xp...


The reason I've always liked the 'go up a level when i say' method is that I far prefer to have PC's be at certain levels during certain parts of the story.  Say if  you are running a long term campaign and you want them at a certain level 3 years from (due to world events that would happen at that time), you actually have control.    Using XP's it is really hard to fully understand or know what level they will be XX months from now, or at a specific point in the story.

Marc R

I found the old XP method kind of irritating, especially in the way it both encouraged and enabled the "Oooh look, experience, I attack it!" mentality. . . .to the point where one player got sick of us mocking him with the phrase "I long for experience" (Said in the voice of a protos zealot). . . or worse, when taking a low end survivable E crit exclaiming "Oooh, feel the experience!" (Taking Nietche to a new level)

The whole "Kill it, bag it, count it, and level up" method encourages the lowest common denominator of combat monstering, kill stealing, treasure hording sociopathy. . . .Which is amusing in it's place, but core loading it into the game seems to be begging trouble.
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Agreed. I also think that the method of goal-based XP is superior to the old RM method of awarding XP for every critical, every maneuver, every kill etc. I guess that is what most here in the forums could agree on.


I prefer exp systems that focus on Role-playing the charcater more with goals being a second consern.  I still use 1 exp for each hit given taken & and power points used.  I am planning on using a system based on the above with my new RMC game and will post it in time as I tweak it during play. 
Rev. Scott

It all started with two men vs. three-hundred thousand orcs.


How about the 1xp/gold coin pillaged/stolen/earned...
That'll get the pc's looting in no time  ;D