Problems addressed by RMC (was Re: Where do i begin)

Started by shnar, August 26, 2007, 10:11:17 PM

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That's beside the point, you still have to make 2 rolls, and you still have 2 chances of failures, and you still have a mechanics that is foreign to the rest of the system. Again, I award you no points.


Marc R

Combat is generally an attack roll and a critical roll.

Spells are usually either a casting roll and a RR or a casting attack and a critical roll. (A few spells like "Vacuum" are Spell Casting roll, RR then a critical Roll)

Picking a lock isn't actually the best comparrison, better would be two characters on either side of a door, one pushing it open, while the other is pushing it closed. . .opposed activity.

Likely the main reason most games include a RR type mechanic is that players are less surly when they fail an RR and go down, than they are when the NPC casts successfully and as a result they are dead.

I suppose, if you wanted to consolidate, you could transpose the RR table to a bonus value for level difference, then apply the RR bonuses of the target as penalties to the base casting roll
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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That's how the One-Roll-Resolution worked in RMCIV, the resistance roll was a modifier to the spell casting roll, kind of like a Defensive Bonus in a combat attack...


Marc R

Need to change all those "F" results to UM though. . .otherwise casters will be SF combusting all the time. (Bad enough that target armor can already do that).
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


I think that's how RMCIV's one roll resolution was as well, similar again to combat. You only fumbled on an UM 1-8 (depending on weapon), and fumbling here was the same (I could be wrong, a little rusty on my RM rules, haven't played in years, though gearing up to start again).
