Filling in the blanks? (Spell lists...)

Started by thrud, August 23, 2007, 09:19:53 AM

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Would you allow players devoting enough time to research to fill empty slots in the spell lists?

Where can I find a how much time it takes to research a spell? I know I've seen it somewhere...

Marc R

Spell research section in SL.

Be careful about it, as you can signifigantly jack up power by filling in the empties.

OTOH you could purchase RMFRP SL, and it already fills in most of the blanks.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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There is a table in Companion V in the first pages, it's what we use with the Spell Research skill in the same book.

We don't use too much, but we allow it. Specially to fill some spell list with a lot of blanks, or spell between 20th and 25th level.

Order of the Iron Crown

(RM2+ Shadow World+ GM)


Actually,  RMC SL is very clear I think. No need to get creative, it's all there.


RMC I, thats RM Companion One, has a lot of spells that can be inserted.  Some of my all time favs are in that book, such as Chains of Binding (light law), or the ultimate heal spell, Body Wish (Body Renewal).

Be creative.  It is more fun.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.


In my opinion there should be multiple spells on same level. On default PC wuold learn one but using e.g.  1DP she could learn another on thge same level...

I've used this with RMC1 with not at all unbalancing results.


We have allowed spells to be added to a few lists in the past, one notable was the addition of a spell at 9th lvl on the Wind Law list called Fill Sail.  I don't remember if we got this one from somewhere else or not, but basically it takes a week per level of spell, specifically researching, can't be doing anything else at all.


I use comp 5 and yes I do allow players to research spells. However (which is quite importent) the GM have to approve the spell AND the level :)

Reseaching spells can often be an adventure all by it self and can be quite fun.
I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)


One must be careful though.  The game can turn into an Ars Magica with everyone just studying and creating spells.  I try to players need special ingredients for spell reasarch as well as time.  The higher the level of the spell the rarer the ingredients. This can inspire quests and the like.  It also adds cost.   

Yes, I allow it but regulate it closely. 

Oh, and spell research is on pages 52 - 53 Spell Law Classic.
Rev. Scott

It all started with two men vs. three-hundred thousand orcs.


The time factor should eliminate that risk.
I'm having a hard time seeing the fighter sitting still for a couple of months just so the magician can reserch a spell. Well, maybe once or twice but not all the time.
The alternative is for the rest of the group to go on an adventure while the magician studies. No Exp for the magician...
No playing for the magician...