Martial Arts and DB

Started by cdtatro, August 20, 2007, 07:15:31 PM

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Hey. Long time player/first time poster here. Starting up a RM2/RMC game after my wife (also an RM junkie) got me the RMC books for my bday. I played RM2 for about 7 years in college/grad school but haven't picked it up in 10 years, so I have a bunch of stupid questions. I ask your forgiveness in advance :)

Anyway, this is a question about the character sheet in RMC Character Law. I don't get the Martial Arts section. There's a space for DB there but I don't find reference anywhere in CL or AL about Martial Arts adding to DB. It's there under the DB section too. Am I just dumb and missing something? I checked in my old beloved Companion II also, under the MA skill description, but nothing.

Also in the MA section of the sheet there's a column for "Sw/Th",which seems a little out of place (because wouldn't you mark whether it was Strikes or Sweeps/Throws on the first line of the row?).




The Martial Arts in general do not add to your DB, but Martial Artists can purchase ranks in Adrenal Defense, which does work to boost their DB.

Not positive (i.e. my memory is faulty here) about the DB column or the Sw/Th column in the MA section of the sheet, but I would think that the Sw/Th column is there for making a check mark to indicate whether is is a Strikes or a Sweeps style of martial arts.

ictus created the sheet, and if I had to guess (since I cannot seem to remember at this point - hey! I have slept since then), I would think that those lines were basically added in regards to specific styles (i.e. Shaolin Tiger style versus Judo, if you wanted to get into that sort of detail (besides which the Combat Companion I am working on will actually include style creation rules for both MA and normal weapon styles.


Quote from: cdtatro on August 20, 2007, 07:15:31 PMHey. Long time player/first time poster here. Starting up a RM2/RMC game after my wife (also an RM junkie) got me the RMC books for my bday.

Your wife not only bought the books for you, but she *plays* with you?!? I'm lucky if I can get her to play a game of Settlers of Catan, she won't come near my RPGs...



Quote from: Rasyr on August 20, 2007, 08:14:12 PM
besides which the Combat Companion I am working on will actually include style creation rules for both MA and normal weapon styles.

:o Best....News.....Ever!!!
"Cthulhu is the bacon of gaming." -John Kovalic, author of "Dork Tower"


Quote from: shnar on August 22, 2007, 03:32:12 PM

Your wife not only bought the books for you, but she *plays* with you?!? I'm lucky if I can get her to play a game of Settlers of Catan, she won't come near my RPGs...

Back in college when we started dating, she wanted to know where I was vanishing to (with her car) for hours and hours every week, so she came along and made up a character. We then played in the same game together for the next 7 years until our GM moved to Texas.  She got me the books on the condition that I would run a game, and I start that game tonight.  I'm a lucky man indeed. :)


Michael Petrea

QuoteI'm lucky if I can get her to play a game of Settlers of Catan, she won't come near my RPGs...

Have you considered putting on pants when people come over?  I started doing it and it worked wonders for my social life.  :o ;D

Welcome back to the game cd.


Pants?  PANTS?!!!

:-\ Hmm, why didn't I think of that?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.


Your lucky :)
My girlfriend think that Roleplaying is very strange and dont really want to hear about it.
I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)