converting critters/monsters/creatures to RMc / RM2?

Started by Allen, August 16, 2007, 04:40:55 PM

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I'm sure there is another thread somewhere that will explain to me how to do this, but...

I've got a long list of critters that I'd like to convert from d20 3.x rules to RMC/RM2.
Now I have, somewhere, an OLD C&T that has rules for converting from the old AD&D, but not sure to be honest if that's still applicable. I doubt it is so.... here's where I come to ask. :)

Thanks in advance,

Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland

Rasyr-Mjolnir is the place to be asking...