help needed in creating a new game world...

Started by Allen, August 06, 2007, 12:04:14 PM

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hey, I'm just starting the devleopment if a new game world that I'll start runinng whenever I get it done. I've got a couple of ideas that I'll be putting into the game & could use a little help with. Really what I need are names for three of them and would really appreciate any assistance, I just want something that will be unique.
From Iron Kingdoms I'm taking the idea of Trains. Now in my world they're a Gnomish contraption that only Gnomes have any idea of who they work, what's inside, how to build... they have a monopoly on it really. There are only 4 'lines' that are in operation, they form a clover leaf around the contienent, so not every place is touched by them. from a central city there's a loop that goes up and to the NE, NW, SW and SE. They provide a means of crossing from one side of the contienent to the other in a couple/few weeks instead of a year+, not to mention moving mass ammounts of goods from place to place, the down side is they're very expensive to get a seat on.
So then... what to call a Gnomish locomotive?
What to call the lines?

the next is also a Gnomish contraption (in my world)... a zepplin like airship. In my world they're only used to ship goods and people from a coastal location/port out to islands and back, ferrying goods/supplies and people. These are only used in areas where piracy is a major convern and/or sea conditions prevent normal shipping. Now it's been pointed out that Dragon are REALLY not gonna like these things, so they have some defenses to help protect themselves.
Again, what to call these lightly armored, lighter than air ships so finely craft by the gnomes?

The thrid thingy is, well basically it's a gun. In my world a caster, of any kind, can only learn a new spell by going to the guild, testing with them to prove he's obtained the next level of discipline, knowledge, etc. Then she can pay for the right to copy the spell from the a master spell book into her own. Likewise, there are only two ways a PC is going to get a wand, rod or staff of any kind of magical ability; either buy it from the Wizarding Guilds (oh, they only let other casters in, did I mention that?) or find it in some monsters loot.
So once upon a time some renegade alcehmists, wizards and mages got together with, you got it, some very crafty gnomes and developed the only thing that's going to even be close to a gun. It's a single shot, breach loading pistol. It can only 'fire' special charges, brass cases that have all the spell componets and other mojo inside and sealed up. Upon cocking the hammer back, taking aim and pulling the trigger, the spell is released. These are very rare items and the Wizarding Guild really hates them, they have forbidden they're members from having anything to do with them, thier creation or creation of the spell-charges. Anyone caught doing so will be brought before the Guild's high council and severly punished.
Now what I'm picturing in my head are rather large single shot handguns. It would be hard to, but possible, conceal them on your person (depending on race and build, etc)...
anyways... what to call a gnomish breach loading hand gun that fires water/fire/lightening/etc. bolts?

I appreciate the help and ideas everyone. :)

Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


Hmm No offence, but to methat sound more like a D&D world than Rolemaster, but then again.. to each their own :)
Just one question: Why Gnomes and how common is Magic? :)

1: I assume that the train runs on Stream? Coz if so just call it a Streamer (At least by the general public. The Gnomes might have a different word depending on what language they speak in your world :) )

3: A Boltthrower. :)

I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)

Cormac Doyle

Iron horse ?
Tethered Dragon ?
Demon Carriage ?

(Different cultures may use different terms)

Skyship or Airship is good

The gun could be a "Death-Hurler" or "Far-Slayer"; "Demon-Staff" or "Doom-Wand"


A fellow gamer here at work suggested "Steam Powered Mega Wagon" which I think sounds Gnomish, but... I dunno.
The idea I'm working with right now is that somehow they've got both a fire and a water elemental trapped inside the 'engine'. still working it out tho so it will probably become something else.

I'm trying to create a world that's not really "light" on magic, but not readily common either. if that makes any sense.
It's Monday so...


PS- thanks for the ideas so far, they're greatly appreciated.
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


For the train how about steam or rail tram. The lines themselves could simply be know as the metal paths. Air ship, sky ship, balloon boat.

Death stick, boom rod, spell blasher ...
PiXeL01 - RM2/RMC Fanboy

I think violence in games only causes violence in real life if the person in question has an insufficient mental capacity to deal with the real world in the first place. But, that's more the fault of poor genetics and poorer parenting than it is the fault of a videogame


"Cthulhu is the bacon of gaming." -John Kovalic, author of "Dork Tower"


Cloudships for the zepplin like airships, and for the trains, how about Gnome-motives :D, or Iron wagons.  I do like the idea of Iron Horse though.

As for the "guns", I think BOOM sticks (as Ash would call them) would fit the bill for a nick-name.   ;D
Alwyn Erendil
Warden of the High Forest
"NEMO ME IMPUNE LACESSIT - At least not in Yu Gi Oh"

Don't worry, be HARPy!


I object - oh, not really, but "Iron Horse" remind me to much of Wild West.
Since this is fantasy you should better go with another animal.
Elephant, so "Ironphant" would go.

If Constructs are common, a name with that might be also good: "Running Construct".

But we are still in fantasy.
I do not know, if there is a "Lindwurm" (original "Landwurm" ?) in English -
a kind of sea serpent on land. And on land the train cruises ...
So my choice would be "Iron Worm" ("Running Worm" as backup, seldom used).

Then the lines may be called "Worm Ways".

If you give the train an animal derivated name, why not "Air Fish" or "Air Whale" for
the "Ballon Boat" (although I like this one).

All suggestions for the pistol are good. Use them all !
This weapon is prohibit, so it is called different from many, many persons.
"Puffer" - could be another harmless sounding nichname ;D


I'd give them difficult-to-pronounce names that the Gnomes use, then a very common name that everyone else uses. For example:

Train:  Moragravdore / Railer
Zepplin: Hovadram / Float or Drifter
Gun : Svenztiragrod / Caster or Rod



WOW! I hadn't checked out the thread in a few days, been busy in the real world and... these kick a$$! Thank you all!
What I'm thinking right now is to use many of these ingame. Different regions will use differing language and I think this fits the bill nicely.
Thank you tahnk you thank you! :)
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


Quote from: Balhirath on August 06, 2007, 02:26:04 PM
Hmm No offence, but to methat sound more like a D&D world than Rolemaster, but then again.. to each their own :)
Just one question: Why Gnomes and how common is Magic? :)

1: I assume that the train runs on Stream? Coz if so just call it a Streamer (At least by the general public. The Gnomes might have a different word depending on what language they speak in your world :) )

3: A Boltthrower. :)

I forgot to answer this (I think)...

Gnomes just cuz that's a recurring theme in my worlds. That being that Gnomes are the great tinkerers of the world. They are rather magically inclined, almost on par with Elves.

Over all, about 15- 20% of the worlds population is magically inclined.
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


I guess it depends on what Earth-equivalent culture you want to make your Gnomes.

I picture Gnomes like Swiss clock-makers. Besides, making references to "the Gnomes of Zurich" is all too easy.

So "iron horse" is out, because, well, horses aren't really a main means of transport. "Dragon" is cool and evocative... But even more so - given their length - is wyrm. How about "iron wyrm"?
RPG Review. Free 'zine. Worth reading.
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Wōdwulf Seaxaning

Sounds like a Eberron inspired world to me.Not that it's a bad thing,just mentioning it.I like both Eberron & the Iron Kingdoms.As such,element's from both are influencing my own homebrewed setting I'm creating. Not sure what system I'll ultimately use,it'll either be HARP, RMC,D&D 4e or a Castle & Crusades variation. I'll have conversions for all 4 systems,so it won't really matter beyond player preferance.
R.I.P. Frank Frazetta
R.I.P. Barry Blair
R.I.P. Drew Hayes
R.I.P. Gary Gygax


Sorry for not replying sooner, I've been slammed at work and really long days...

IK is a little bit of an inspiration, but there are the only real 'tech' things in the world that I'll be having or allowing.
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland