Wishful Thinking: Customizable RMC

Started by shnar, July 30, 2007, 05:03:18 PM

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July 30, 2007, 05:03:18 PM Last Edit: July 30, 2007, 05:07:45 PM by shnar
I know this was tried with RMSS, but is RMC going to be a "customizable" book? But better, of course.

With how much I "configured" RM2, with the tons of optional rules that the various companions brought to the game, I'd wanted to be able to create my own version of the rulebook for decades. When RMSS came out with the perforated pages and holes already punched, I felt it was a step in the right direction. Ideally I could strip out the pages that I actually used and then create a book that was *my* version of RMSS. However, I don't think they went far enough. First off, there was never any official RM Folder that I put these pages into, so I never actually did it (I also have a hard time defacing my books, call me crazy). Secondly, sometimes the pages didn't print well, if half of one rule was on the front page, but the back page was a new section, it made it difficult to really customize your book. And lastly, later modules dropped the idea (mainly RMFRP), so it became pointless to do it.

What are the current thoughts about this kind of book-configuration from the current writers? Good/Bad idea? Too much of a logistic nightmare?



perforations and hole punches are a logistical nightmare for the publisher, plain and simple.

Don't expect ICe to go down that path

You would do better buying the PDF, and printing out the pages you want (and using white out on the sections you do NOT want), and then using a notebook and sheet protectors to build your perfect version of RMC.


Yeah, I suppose the PDFs make it a little easier to do that (better than just photocopying the pages), but it seems so... well... lame? An "official" solution seems so much more elegant, but as I said in the post topic: wishful thinking.



In order to make it possible, it would require a major reworking of the rules in such a way that you could pick and choose what elements you wanted more easily, but that would also take up a lot of resources that ICE doesn't have.

Marc R

The closest I can see to making something like that possible would be to turn the "Index of options" into a checklist form.

Check the boxes of the ones you have active.

Then have the PDF mask/unmask text based on the option choices.

Of course, that means you'd need to go through the entire document doing so. (For example, some options would change loads of examples.)

That's possible, but it would require someone with serious PDF skills, a bunch of minor re-writes, and loads of logical testing. (Since many of the options affect each other.)

In the end, though it seems simple, that's a lot of work. . . we may need to depend on our brains a little while longer.

On the flip side, with a full Adobe set up, couldn't you just edit your personal copy as you see fit, then print it?
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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Yeah, I guess that would be the best solution, since you wouldn't have weird gaps in the printing, but still feels "home-grown" since it's not an official solution. Oh well, like I said, wishful thinking...



You know you can copy pdf pages (assuming the option is not disabled) as graphics, remove the section you don't like and type in or paste in a replacement section and then print the page as a graphic. I have used an old copy of Corel Photopaint for this. You could also print out additional sections for your own campaign rules relatively simply.
And when one dreams dark dreams dark days shall follow


Oh I have a full version of Acrobat, so I'll be able to edit what I want in the rulebooks, I'm just whining that printing things off of my printer looks, well, lame. It's just cooler to have something more official from the production company itself, but I understand how not-doable the idea is. Like I said, wishful thinking.



Quote from: shnar on July 31, 2007, 12:26:05 PM
Oh I have a full version of Acrobat, so I'll be able to edit what I want in the rulebooks, I'm just whining that printing things off of my printer looks, well, lame. It's just cooler to have something more official from the production company itself, but I understand how not-doable the idea is. Like I said, wishful thinking.


You could always buy a better printer  :D

The laser color printer I use have an exellent quality.
I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)


one idea that ICE has discussed, and that is MANY MANY years in the future, is the ability for you to purchase a customizable game.

In such a scenerio, ICE would publish (for game stores and such) a default game. However, customers would be able to go online, and select which options and rules that they want to include. The final selection would then be compiled into a PDF and if the customer wanted, a print version would/could be run off and shipped to him.

The basic technologies are there (the build your own PDF and the nearly instant print tech), but it hasn't been put together in such a way to make it feasible, and it would require massive reworking of the core rules to allow such a piece-meal construction.

Once ICE is able to recapture the old RM2 customer base, we can then look into revising RM (and as I have said before, doing it in such a manner that allowed for different levels of detail), and into setting the revision up in such a manner that would allow for this level of customization.

Perforations and hole punch pages are too problematic. Loose pages are often too problematic. However, if/when we could get this idea working, then we could end up with a system where you DO basically get to create your own version of Rolemaster.

Again -- this idea is quite a few years down the road!!!


Quote from: Rasyr on August 01, 2007, 11:00:18 AMIn such a scenerio, ICE would publish (for game stores and such) a default game. However, customers would be able to go online, and select which options and rules that they want to include. The final selection would then be compiled into a PDF and if the customer wanted, a print version would/could be run off and shipped to him.

That's EXACTLY what I was thinking about, and even wondered if it was at all possible (well, not possible but feasible). I don't care about preforations and holepunches if I can have a book that has MY options already set. Nice to hear it's at least something ICE is working towards, even if it's in the distant future. But as long as the seed is planted, then the designers will be thinking about it while they design RM-X.

Once ICE is able to recapture the old RM2 customer base, we can then look into revising RM (and as I have said before, doing it in such a manner that allowed for different levels of detail), and into setting the revision up in such a manner that would allow for this level of customization.

I was thinking about that, rather then buying RMC online, should I pester my local gaming store to order it and even stock some on shelf?
