RMC Creatures and Treasures

Started by dutch206, June 08, 2007, 06:49:37 PM

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There's one thing that Classic RM was never very good at, IMHO; pricing magic items.  From the preview of the upcoming C & T that I just saw, it doesn't look like things have improved any.  Is it so wrong of me to want someone else to do all the math, so I don't have to calculate item values every time my players want to go shopping?

That's why, for the time being, I will stick with the RMSS Alchemy Companion.  Nice, simple, easy to read price charts, TYVM. ::)
"Cthulhu is the bacon of gaming." -John Kovalic, author of "Dork Tower"

Marc R

I was never really big on buying magic items in games really. If you arbitrarily set an hourly wage to an alchemist, it's easy enough to calculate a materials+labor cost for it, but the twin factors of scarcity and danger make it tough to establish an actual price mark. . . .

If a +5 Broadsword is the best magic item the party has up to 10th level, then, it's actually priceless. (Or at least, irreplacable.). . .If you can buy 10 at Ye Magic Smithy and get one free. . . .well then perhaps it's worth 5% more than a normal sword. (Well, it does magic crits vs L and SL, so call it 10% more than a normal sword.) Most games fit somewhere between those extremes. . .but exactly where?

On the slip side, the risk of Spell Failure combustion is pretty high for an alchemist. . .they pay people who work with explosives an awful lot due to the inherant danger of the work. . .what's the markup for that?

The issue of pricing and scarcity for non magical bonus items is addressed in CT, at least there you can extrapolate a normal curve of more experienced craftsmen, then curve the pricing accordingly, no effort was made to replicate the rules in the Alchemy Companion in CT.
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Quote from: dutch206 on June 08, 2007, 06:49:37 PM
There's one thing that Classic RM was never very good at, IMHO; pricing magic items.  From the preview of the upcoming C & T that I just saw, it doesn't look like things have improved any.  Is it so wrong of me to want someone else to do all the math, so I don't have to calculate item values every time my players want to go shopping?

That's why, for the time being, I will stick with the RMSS Alchemy Companion.  Nice, simple, easy to read price charts, TYVM. ::)

Thats because you can run RM in all worlds.. Low Magic and High Magic alike. In Low Magic Worlds magical items tend to be extremely expensive, while they are relatively cheap in High Magic Worlds (Spirit Runes ect.)

In my world Magical Items tend to be very expensive, because of the time and materials it takes to make them.

Oh and when calculating prices for magical Items that your players want to buy, remember that most kingdoms will place a sales tax on magical items ;D

I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)

Pit Ote

I'd like to see for C&T pictures of the creatures/monsters, especially those less known and a better description (properties) of innate material which could be used as magic objects or to create magic objects: horn of unicorn, ent's wood/root, undead skulls, dragonskin/blood/teeth/nails/...
.....unbalanced ......overpowered ......chaotic ......