Why buy RM Classic?

Started by gonther, May 15, 2007, 08:19:58 AM

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SOLD to the man with the shiney piece of plastic! PDF's to be downloaded shortly.
LM, thanks again.
I'll post reviews after the weekend. Making a road trip with a long time d20 gamer who has no experience with RM. I'll be spending half my time reading and so will he. I'll include his comments, will try and get him to post the same.
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


Just be aware that over the course of the companions there is a gradual, but definite power creep, and you need to be aware of that so that if it causes issues with your use of the RMC core rules, you know why.

However, having said that, you should have absolutely no problems integrating those products with RMC.

2 specific points though....

1) Power Point Development is a skill that changes the focus of the game in a large manner, making spel users much more powerful....

2) In RMC, there are some options for giving additional DPs to players  when you add more skills. I would recommend being VERY careful how many skills you add.  One suggestion that is not in the RMC book would be to add 1 DP for every 2 skills added (up to 25% of their normal amount of DPs) - there is also an Option for static (non-stat based) DPs each level, and more...

As I have said before, just be aware of what you are adding, option-wise, as the options you select can have a great impact upon the system.

Marc R

I concur big time with the above on options.

On PPD. . .it offers Pure spell users a potential doubling in power for a moderate cost in DP.

For Semis and Pures it's a spanking, they get a mid to high cost skill that gives them what they would have gotten for free without the option active.

I find that with PPD active, semis get pushed very close to the edge of the cliff in terms of having not enough DP to cover their needs.. . .your nons tend to develop fewer if any spells, and the pures flourish. (It leads to a higher overall magic, but more black and white world of pure arms/pure casters with less crossing over the thematic lines.)
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Good thread :)
It have really cleared up a lot of the questions I had about RMC.
I use RM2 and most of the companions, but I will buy RMC and since I'm starting a new game with a new group (who have never played RM before) I will recommend the players to buy it too.
Last time I started players new to RM, I spend an awfull lot of time on Ebay trying to find the books that they needed, without going broke.  ;D
I might not use all of it (The new round activety system ect), but at least my players can buy the books without problems.

As I told one of the new players the other day:
You know that a system is really, REALLY good, when you can make a few changes without changing the core of the system and then reprint it again 20 years later!  :)
I'm new here, but have played RM2 on and off for 20 years. :)


I use RM2 as well, but I bought all the RMC books so far to see what they cleared up and get rid of all the flipping back and forth in RM2 Spell Law ;)

Maybe I will do a full on conversion, but not sure yet. From what I have read in the books so far, it isnt as cryptic anymore as it used to be, so that is a major improvement. Anyways I will properly continue to buy everything they release in this line to support the existance of RM and ICE
PiXeL01 - RM2/RMC Fanboy

I think violence in games only causes violence in real life if the person in question has an insufficient mental capacity to deal with the real world in the first place. But, that's more the fault of poor genetics and poorer parenting than it is the fault of a videogame


June 28, 2007, 01:03:16 PM #65 Last Edit: June 28, 2007, 03:34:57 PM by Allen
Ok fellow RM2 groupies... (let's face it, RM2 is THE Rock Star of FRPG universe  ;D)

got the PDF's yesterday after being extremely paranoid that I was gonna be let down.
Now less than 24 hours later I am quite please with RMC.
I'm not ready to give a full review, which goes in another thread, but I give it 2 thumbs up as it delivers a massive spinning back fist to the 'other' systems... scoring a 66 (of course) on the E Crit Krush table. (ya gotta look it up!)


eh hrmm...

as I was saying, kudos to the RMC team. ya'll made done good.

Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland

Marc R

The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Quote from: Allen on June 28, 2007, 01:03:16 PM
suck it d20! muhahahahahah

Just a friendly warning since you are new here. You will want to read the Rules of Conduct to your left.

One of the things that I personally interpret from it is that here on the ICE forums we do not allow the bashing/insulting/etc of others, and that includes other games, systems, companies, etc...

If you dislike d20, you may say so, and you may explain why if you so like. What you may not do is post things along the lines of the quoted bit above.

Please keep this in mind in the future...


Appologies all around, last thing I want is to create problems for ICE so...
Ooo, that's gonna leave a mark...


"Laugh it up shorty... you've been using my loin cloth for a blanket." -Bruce to Inky from the web comic Atland


Quote from: Allen on June 28, 2007, 03:37:48 PM
Appologies all around, last thing I want is to create problems for ICE so...

no problems, that is why the gentle warning.....

I do take length of time on these forums into account...

And it was a completely unofficial warning as well.

If it were official, it would have been inbetween the following:

Official Moderation

End Official Moderation


Quote from: Mungo on May 15, 2007, 09:05:29 AM
And the covers are great!

What's wrong with the Angus McBride overs? (god rest his soul)



Quote from: Rasyr on May 24, 2007, 04:30:19 PMTactical/Initiative System replaced - Instead of the multi-phase system from RM2, there is now a single system that uses activity percentages to determine things (when coupled with a simplified init roll -- 2d10 + mods -- this makes faster characters go first, and the mods are based on d100 scale, so that the 2d10 reflects a bit of luck, but it is not overwhelming).

I have to admit, the init system of AL always felt clunky and we ended up never using it, rather opting for the simplier/quicker MERP way of handling it (whomever had the higher MM went first, unless of course a previous Crit caused person to lose init).

I'm curious to see how this AL works now.


Marc R

The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com