Why buy RM Classic?

Started by gonther, May 15, 2007, 08:19:58 AM

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Quote from: sunwolf on May 24, 2007, 04:28:12 PM
Spell lists are they done the original RM2 way spend DP's to have a chance to know an entire list or are they done the optional method of buying a spell out of the list at a time.

HP's & PP's RM2 original method or one of the alternative methods?

Spell lists -- the core RM2 method is still core. However, Options were added to allow for other acquisition methods of learning the lists. There is no individual spell development in the sense that you can purchase Fire Bolt without buying the rest of the spell list before that spell.

HPs use the core rules. I don't think that any options were included for it.

Power Points - There are a number of PP options, including a PP Development skill, and the Base PP option which allows a character to start off with about 10 more PP than normal (making level 1 caster a bit more viable).

Marc R

CL, the choice was made to unify to 2 stats on all but combat skills, so Perception is In/Re, not In/In/Re. . . .

We added 7 secondary skills, 4 lores, streetwise, lancing, and subduing.

Beyond that, it's lots and lots of new stuff in options, and the old stuff described in a more clearcut, organized manner.

Questions on the options, please ask away, on those three seperate threads if possible.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

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oh heck, i guess I'll buy it too!
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.


Hmm, starting to sound like there is enough stuff in there to interest me.  Will have to take a close look at the combat round mechanics to decide if I like it or not, it might be more complex then I want, but has to be an improvement on the way things used to work.
Quote from: LordMiller on December 04, 2005, 10:39:31 AM
Anything that makes the GMs life easier without messing the game up will always get a vote from me.


Feeling like sunwolf here. However, buying it should wait until I can part with the money (we partnered with my group for the HARP stuff, I need to give them a break before I propose another buy  ;D)

Even then, just for the cleaned-up thing it might be worth is (byte)size in gold.
"The victorious has many friends; the defeated, good friends." -Mongol saying

Marc R

The RMC Lite doc should give you a taste for free, once we get it done.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Is there a Lite Download coming? 
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.


Yes, eventually. However, it has been slightly delayed because of work on other projects...

The RMC Lite Download will even include a small starter adventure originally authored by Allen Maher (for HARP), and adapted to RMC Lite.


Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.


I never owned RM2, so this talk of getting a cleaner, more updated version piques my interest.  I had the RMSS, but as a young kid we butchered the rules (mainly because we didn't read through them all, hehe).

I think I'm a Harper through and through, but I think buying some PDFs could be in order.    ;D

Marc R

If any of y'all do end up buying the PDFs or books, give us some feedback once you do.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Ok, I'll give ye some feedback...
The books look great but there is on thing that's very annoying.
It's hard to find the right tables. You should have included a tables index.
It's like... I want to get the stats for a race. Where did they put it... hmmm
Or the skill costs and so on.

Everything looks great but it can be frustrating when you're looking for something. Eventually everyone will learn where to look so it won't be a problem for very long.

I have all the pdf's (the books havn't arrived yet) and they all share this.

Marc R

I do know what you mean, and a choice was made to save space by not indexing the tables twice (There are a LOT of tables in these books, so it would have added another few pages.). OTOH they are indexed in the index, like that table is listed as being on page 46, which it is.

The existance of a functional index at the back (Which none of these books really had before) was deemed sufficiant. There were some that liked the redundancy of a TOC and TOC Tables like in the old book, but instead we added a TOC Options in it's place, and added all tables to the main index.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


I really like the layout of Character Law. To me it is pretty easy to navigate. I know that most of the people here have been playing Rolemaster for a very long time, but I mostly started with HARP. I know that there have been complaints that RMC has too much of a HARP feel to it, but for me and maybe others new to ICE products that could be a good thing. I think the new versions of these books are a good move for ICE. I personally would recommend RMC to any HARP player who is searching for something a bit more in-depth and complex. I am still waiting on the other two books to be shipped, so I can't really give much of an explanation of my feelings about those.  ;)
My wizards are many, but their essence is mine. Forever they are in the hills in their stone homes of grief. Because I am the spirit of their existence. I am them.


May 27, 2007, 04:38:29 PM #34 Last Edit: May 27, 2007, 09:09:57 PM by SamwiseSeven
I like the look and layout of the Rolemaster Classic Character Law PDF.  I spread the news about it on my gaming club's forum.  (Try to help you guys out a little with some free publicity).  ;)

It was neat to see some familiar names in the introduction, I am sure it is cool for those people to see their names in the front of a RPG book.  I might get that chance if Barbarians of Lemuria gets a new edition, but I'm not holding my breath, hehe.

Anyway, thanks for reintroducing me to a version of Rolemaster that I think is more towards what I am looking for in a RPG.


Lord Miller, why not make a free download of either the tables or the index available with proof of purchase?
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.


PS, just replaced the tires on my car.  Not able to purchase the books for a while now...........bummer.....
Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.

Marc R

May 28, 2007, 11:57:24 AM #37 Last Edit: May 29, 2007, 08:28:09 AM by LordMiller
Wouldn't be all that hard for someone to create a TOC of Tables. (Any voulenteers?) ::)
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


I GUESS I can do that ... when do you want it?

And in what format?
PiXeL01 - RM2/RMC Fanboy

I think violence in games only causes violence in real life if the person in question has an insufficient mental capacity to deal with the real world in the first place. But, that's more the fault of poor genetics and poorer parenting than it is the fault of a videogame

Marc R

It's a labor of love, so if you want to do it, get it done when you get it done. . . . .same idea on format.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com