Why buy RM Classic?

Started by gonther, May 15, 2007, 08:19:58 AM

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I have most of the RM2 books and don't know why I should spend money on the Rolemaster Classic series.
But I like what I have seen so far.

Could someone please convince me to buy them?
Thanks! :)

Marc R

in a rush, will give you three reasons. . .if you need any more info, just ask.

1) My books are in ratty condition
2) The RMC books were re-formatted to be easier to read and use.
3) There are new rules and options in these books.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


And the covers are great!


classic spell law comes with anti-page flipping system
PiXeL01 - RM2/RMC Fanboy

I think violence in games only causes violence in real life if the person in question has an insufficient mental capacity to deal with the real world in the first place. But, that's more the fault of poor genetics and poorer parenting than it is the fault of a videogame


it's simple, it is a current and supported incarnation of the best RM version of all time, yet it is more polished and clearer to the players and GMs.

If you have RM2, you will need RMC simply to replace your books, if you have and other RPG you need it as it's better than what you have (yes really)

maybe something better will be written one day, but this isn't that day.

(perhaps OTT, but from the heart)

You can Vote for rpgRM here: http://www.rpggateway.com/cgi-bin/wyrm/rate.cgi?ID=11535
"White space is to be regarded as an active element, not a passive background" ...Jan Tschichold


I doubt if you need them, but if you are playing RM2, why not update to the most recent version?

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain... Time to die.


I'm also an old RM2 player, and I got the books for the simple reason that RMC will have new product releases.

Cory Magel

I'd love it if an out of print system I used re-printed the books so I could replace old ones. However, I don't use RM2.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss

Marc R

fun stuff in there for you FRP folk too. . .If I can use your channeling companion for RM2, I'm sure you can find fun bits to use in RMC AL or SL. (We did add a bit of new stuff.)
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com

Cory Magel

Oh we've converted a good number of things over. But, really, in the end it's usually just inspiration material. You typically have all the basic stuff already and a lot of the add-on materials like later professions require reworking for balance going from RM2 to RMSS - of course much of that problem comes from NON-core RM2 stuff. Anyhow, once you start getting into reworking stuff it eventually becomes relatively easy to just start making your own material. Well, I should qualify that... it seems easy to me. But I tend to be fairly good and 'seeing' the bigger picture when tinkering with stuff. It can sometimes be hard for people to know how many other things certain modifications can impact when they're making them. Then there's the problem that things I work up will be balanced for our groups style, which I then have to (usually) tone down a bit for published RM works. Like the Elementalist concept in the first two RMQ's. Ok, nevermind. I'm putting the lid back on that can of worms.
- Cory Magel

Game design priority: Fun > Balance > Realism (greater than > less than).
(Channeling Companion, RMQ 1 & 2, and various Guild Companion articles author).

"The only thing I know about adults is that they are obsolete children." - Dr Seuss


In no particular order:

-It keeps the doors open at ICE
-The books have new rule options but still retain their second edition feel
-Because Ondovaal will blow up the world if you don't buy them
"Cthulhu is the bacon of gaming." -John Kovalic, author of "Dork Tower"


Quote from: dutch206 on May 22, 2007, 10:34:55 PM
-Because Ondovaal will blow up the world if you don't buy them

Finally convinced. I got my print copy. Thanks!


New Rule options?
Such as what?
That might get me to give them a look depending on how much new material there is and what kind of material it is.
Quote from: LordMiller on December 04, 2005, 10:39:31 AM
Anything that makes the GMs life easier without messing the game up will always get a vote from me.

Marc R


Those three list all the options. If you're familiar with RM2 the additions should jump out at you. If you have any questions regarding which are new, post a reply on those threads and I'll give you more info.

On a seperate note, beyond options, there is a lot of expanded explainations and just new core materials added in to all the books which are not broken out in the "Options" listing.
For instance:

the spell notes in SL are a lot larger and more comprehensive;

AL has a completely new combat round system, it is not the RM2 multi  phased mechanic, nor is it the RMFRP 3 phase mechanic. (So the "Tactical" chapter of AL is completely new material from start to finish.);

The spell types in SL were modified in core, eliminating the "P"assive spell type, adding the "P"hantasm and illusion spell type, and clarifying the rules on illusions and informational spells with more clearcut mechanical sub systems.

That any help, or just raise more questions?
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Quote from: LordMiller on May 24, 2007, 11:05:15 AM

That any help, or just raise more questions?

Yes!   ;D

I'm curious about the new combat rounds since I didn't care for either one of the old ones.  So far none of the stuff from any of the Companions (old or new) is included, correct?  Some of that stuff would be nice if it were redone in a more balanced form than the original.
Quote from: LordMiller on December 04, 2005, 10:39:31 AM
Anything that makes the GMs life easier without messing the game up will always get a vote from me.

Marc R

May 24, 2007, 01:46:18 PM #15 Last Edit: May 24, 2007, 03:34:49 PM by LordMiller
The combat rounds are activity oriented. We did not quite reach the point of roundless timing, though perhaps Tim may go there with his Combat Companion. It's not CEATs, it's a fairly casual activity sequence. I know Vroomfoogle has been using it in play with no issues, he might be the better person to discuss it.
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


I thought RMC was just a "cleaner" version of RM2, and as such it was advertised by ICE. Perhaps it had more "options" labeled as such, but a new combat round is quite a radical thing to assume you just "cleaned up" the old book  :-\

So really, I would like a rundown of what exactly you people have changed here. I've gone to those other threads and they are teasers, not a bad policy in my book but not enough to justify me spending my whole month's salary (yep, living in a third-world country means I get that few for a payment) in a complete set of books!

Especially when my old RM2 books are still in use.
"The victorious has many friends; the defeated, good friends." -Mongol saying

Marc R

Which bok do you want to discuss? (Easier to do it book by book.)
The Artist Formerly Known As LordMiller

Looking for online Role Play? Try WWW.RealRoleplaying.Com


Spell lists are they done the original RM2 way spend DP's to have a chance to know an entire list or are they done the optional method of buying a spell out of the list at a time.

HP's & PP's RM2 original method or one of the alternative methods?
Quote from: LordMiller on December 04, 2005, 10:39:31 AM
Anything that makes the GMs life easier without messing the game up will always get a vote from me.


Quote from: Willen on May 24, 2007, 02:16:11 PM
So really, I would like a rundown of what exactly you people have changed here. I've gone to those other threads and they are teasers, not a bad policy in my book but not enough to justify me spending my whole month's salary (yep, living in a third-world country means I get that few for a payment) in a complete set of books!

Character Law

Campaign Law material was removed to be placed into its own book later this year.

Arms Law

Attack Tables -- during this process, we discovered that many tables often had minor changes made to them between each and every printing (and not always the same tables). We selected one printing and went with it, so the attack tables MAY be different than in your existing copy.

Tactical/Initiative System replaced - Instead of the multi-phase system from RM2, there is now a single system that uses activity percentages to determine things (when coupled with a simplified init roll -- 2d10 + mods -- this makes faster characters go first, and the mods are based on d100 scale, so that the 2d10 reflects a bit of luck, but it is not overwhelming).

Spell Law

Spell Types reworked, getting rid of Passive and adding Phantasm/Illusions as a type. Most of the spells that were Passive became either Informational or Utility. Better guidelines/rules were given for resolving Informational spells.

One spell list (Symbolic Ways) had its spells reworked slightly because of order/power level issues.

Other than that, text was cleaned up and/or expanded to make the intention of the rules clearer overall. A lot of options were added to increase compatibility between RMC and RMFRP.

But that is basically it.....

The original intent was to clean things up and expand the text. However, when we hit Arms Law - that phased system was just too horrendous to be allowed to live on, and the decision was made to euthanize it, for its own good....

The same with spell types, there was a lot of confusion because of Passive spells, the intent was to reduce confusion overall by expanding upon intent....